Orthopedic roller pillow for sleeping: how to choose? Video

Orthopedic roller pillow for sleeping: how to choose? Video

Lush, bulky pillows stuffed with feather and down are long overdue. Such a pillow can not only cause allergies, but also aggravate diseases of the spine. Modern orthopedic rollers will help you get rid of many back and neck problems.

Benefits of orthopedic roll cushions

Headaches, insomnia, pulling sensations in the neck – all these symptoms can signal a number of diseases. However, do not immediately run to the doctor: perhaps the whole point is in your pillow, which is long overdue to replace it with an orthopedic one. Classic fluffy pillows are a matter of many years of habit, but still it cannot be denied that they negatively affect the condition of the back. Most often, the upper spine in this position is too stretched and tense, and the chin drops to the chest. As a result, in the morning you may feel pulling pains in this area, which will subsequently lead to migraines and osteochondrosis.

Special orthopedic cushion-shaped pillows will ensure the correct position of the body during sleep. You can eliminate flexion in the thoracic spine by giving your neck extra support. This fact is especially important in the long term, since the deformity of the spine occurs gradually, and the orthopedic roller can prevent the problem.

The roller can be placed not only under the neck, but also under the lower back. This will help ease the condition of your lower back.

If we are talking about a classic roller, there can hardly be many variations in the shape. However, the variety of fillers is impressive: manufacturers are in a real marketing race to transform the pillow into a multifunctional remedy. Most often, you can find on sale orthopedic pillows filled with buckwheat husks. It is one of the cheapest, highest quality and most sustainable materials and you can buy one without hesitation.

However, there are many alternatives to this filler: latex, viscolastic, polyurethane foam and many others. Try different pillows for all the benefits.

Often on sale there are memory foam cushions. They adjust to your body contours and provide even more spine support

Women will surely appreciate the roller with cooling elements. According to the assurances of the manufacturers, such a pillow helps to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

How to choose a roller pillow

The roller pillow is recommended for sleeping on the side, so it is very often suggested to choose it by measuring the distance from the base of the neck to the edge of the shoulder.

However, such measurements are far from always correct, since a number of other factors can affect convenience:

  • stuffing pillows
  • softness and other properties of the mattress
  • human weight
  • favorite sleeping positions

Of course, you should be guided by your personal preferences: elasticity, packing density, volume. However, the best option is to just lie on the pillow. You should feel how your shoulders and neck are relaxing, and also understand if your head is thrown back.

The pillow should not be too soft or squeezed too much under your weight

If the roller is selected correctly, you will not feel it at all, as you should be so comfortable. As a result, you will wake up with a feeling of lightness, since your back will be able to completely relax during sleep.

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