Orthopedic crutches – types, strength, weight. How to choose orthopedic crutches?

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Orthopedic crutches are usually recommended by a doctor to people after injuries or surgeries in order to relieve the sick limb and to people with permanent physical disabilities. However, whether we need support while walking for a few weeks or for many years to come, orthopedic crutches should be selected in such a way that they are adjusted in height, have a comfortable grip or adjustment. The choice of orthopedic crutches is wide as there are so many different models available today.

How to choose orthopedic crutches?

It is best if the doctor or the person conducting rehabilitation recommends a specific model of orthopedic crutches. However, orthopedic crutches must be selected according to the type of disease or the condition of the patient who will be using them. Also, the convenience of use and personal preferences are of great importance when choosing orthopedic crutches. For many people, the price or the ability to adjust the crutches is also important if the patient is still at their growing age.

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Orthopedic crutches: elbow or armpit?

The two primary types of orthopedic crutches are elbow crutches and armpit crutches. For most people, elbow crutches will be sufficient, because armpit crutches are recommended for people who do not have functional hands and cannot help themselves with using crutches or safely leaning on them and walking, or when the rehabilitation itself requires complete relief of the limb bottom. In other cases, elbow crutches are chosen, although armpit crutches are better for people with leg amputations.

Many people also believe that elbow crutches are simply more comfortable to usebecause there is pressure in the armpits with the armpits, which can be quite painful or simply tiring.

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One or two orthopedic crutches?

Another problem faced by people buying orthopedic crutches is their quantity. However, taking into account the current rehabilitation standards, it is recommended to use two orthopedic crutches, because it is easier to lean on both orthopedic crutches and to maintain a proper body posture, and thus not overload the spine. However, one orthopedic ball can also be successfully used when the injury is not extensive or the ball is needed for a short period.

It is important that one orthopedic crutch is used in the opposite hand to the injured leg. Therefore, sometimes for the easier use of orthopedic crutches, it may be advisable to simply use two, not one, even though the injury is not extensive.

How to choose the height of the orthopedic crutches?

In addition to whether orthopedic crutches are to be two or elbow crutches or armpit crutches, the size of the crutches is important. The height of orthopedic crutches is important not only for the comfort of their use, but also for rehabilitation reasons. Incorrectly adjusted height of the crutches may cause fatigue of the user or failure to relieve the diseased limb, or even cause mini-injuries of muscles and tendons.

The height of the orthopedic crutches is adjusted to the height of the person using them. The armpit crutches are adjusted by placing them under the armpit and adjusting the height so that the shoulder is slightly elevated. On the other hand, the elbow crutches must be of such a height that the elbow is barely bent.

At this point, it is also worth mentioning the method of height adjustment in orthopedic crutches. There are two ways. The first is to use a plastic clamp with a metal pin. There is the simplest solution, and therefore the safest and the cheapest. The second way is to use a pin inside the tube with a spring mechanism. However, it should be noted that this method uses a movable element that can get lost.

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Strength of orthopedic crutches

As for the strength of orthopedic crutches, it is selected based on the weight of the user. Orthopedic crutches are in most cases designed so that the materials they are made of can withstand loads of up to 130 kilograms, but there are also models aimed at heavier people.

It is worth adding that they are the same orthopedic crutches are usually made of aluminum and weigh between 600 and 800 galthough there are also balls weighing less than 500 g available for sale. Which model to choose depends on the user’s preferences. Some people prefer orthopedic crutches to be heavier because they feel more stable, while other people, e.g. women, prefer lighter crutches.

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Orthopedic crutches and types of grips

When choosing orthopedic crutches, the question of the types of holders that are used in them is also important. The choice is of great importance here, because the comfort of using the orthopedic ball depends on it.

We can choose the so-called anatomical grip, which is adapted to the shape of the hand and we can choose between soft and hard grips. The soft ones are a good choice when you need to use the crutches for more than two months, because your hands will not get tired as much. The hard handles can, in turn, cause abrasions and painful strains in the hand.

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Orthopedic crutches and types of clamps

It should be added that orthopedic crutches differ in the types of forearm clamps. There are closed (built-up) clamps and open clamps. The first type sticks to the forearm, so if the user does not hold the crutch with his hand, it will not fall down. This option is useful for everyday activities or when the user is already quite advanced. However, it should be borne in mind that the built-in cradle of the ball may make it uncomfortable to use it in winter, when we are wearing thick clothing.

The second type of clamps is suitable for younger or more physically efficient people, who will not fall out of the orthopedic crutches (and even if they do, they can easily lift them). Open-clamped balls can be easily placed in your hand and simply start using them and put them aside quickly.

Orthopedic crutches – techniques of movement

In the case of orthopedic crutches, one can speak of techniques for moving with their help. The most important thing is the walking technique was as close as possible to the correct, natural gait. There are three basic techniques:

Two-bar gait – it is divided into an add-on version (the user first moves both balls forward and then simultaneously adds both legs) and an alternating version (the user first moves one leg and the corresponding ball, then the other leg with the ball). This technique is considered to be the most intuitive and therefore most people use it.

Three-bar gait – it consists in moving one ball, then another, and then adding both legs at the same time.

Four-bar gait – this technique is also divided into a stand-alone version and an alternating one. The first is to move both legs first, then both balls. The second, in turn, is to move one leg first, and then the ball opposite it.

Walking on crutches is one thing, but what if we want to sit with them or climb stairs? To sit down, you need to lean on the chair (it is important that it is stable and solid). Then place the affected leg in front of you and hold both crutches in one hand. With the other hand, touch the space behind you to sit on the chair. Then slowly lower yourself in the chair. When we are sitting, we should rest the crutches, for example, against a wall somewhere close to us (crutches tend to fall over when they are resting on the tips). To get up, you must move to the front of the chair. With both crutches on the injured side in your hand, lift yourself up on your healthy leg.

On the other hand, to climb and descend crutches you need to be both strong and flexible. When facing the stairs, hold the railing with one hand and tuck both crutches under the armpit of the arm that is free. When going up, hold on to the railing, first take a step with your healthy leg (which will guide you), keeping the diseased leg behind you. When descending, hold the handrail in the same way and start with a healthy leg, keeping the diseased leg in front of you. If we have elbow crutches, we can use one to help ourselves, supporting ourselves on one side and holding onto the railing from the other.

It may be a good idea to enlist the help of third parties (especially when going up and down stairs).

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Using orthopedic crutches in the ground and in summer

When using orthopedic crutches, another very important thing is the safety of the person using the crutches. Depending on the surface on which the balls are used, you need to choose the right attachments for them. It should be noted here that the caps used in orthopedic crutches, like each element, are subject to wear and need to be replaced from time to time (otherwise it will not have its stabilizing, anti-slip and silencing function). When choosing the overlays, you should also take into account the weather conditions to which the user of the balls will be exposed.

In winter, for example, when walking on a slippery surface covered with ice or snow, it is good to use caps made of metal, which have special spikes, thanks to which the person using the crutches will be stable, and the crutches will stick to the ground well. Interestingly, such spikes can be easily folded back when they are not needed, which will make it possible to enter a room with crutches. In the case of rubber caps, it is good to have a large diameter, so that we avoid slipping.

Orthopedic crutches can also be equipped with reflective elements (if they are not available from the factory). It is important that the person on crutches crossing the pedestrian crossing is visible to the driver from a distance. This can make a difference to a person’s life and health.

The above-mentioned elements are easy to install and fit practically any type of orthopedic crutches.

Orthopedic crutches – tips

Wear low-profile, supportive footwear when using crutches to avoid stumbling. Better not to wear high heels or slippers when using crutches. It is best to use flat shoes or sneakers.

Take small steps when walking on slippery surfaces and walk slowly when passing from one surface to the other (e.g. moving from carpet to tile or wooden floor).

It is recommended that you do not carry anything in your hands when using crutches. Personal belongings should be in a pocket, backpack or sachet.

It is recommended to use the crutches only in well-lit rooms. It is good to place bedside lamps in corridors, bedrooms and bathrooms so that you can safely move around the house at night.

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