Orthopedic collar – indications, types, price. How to wear a neck brace?

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A sedentary lifestyle, long hours of work in the same position, lack of proper exercise or an accident can cause back problems. Many doctors consider problems with posture and vertebrae as a civilization disease. The cervical spine is most often damaged as a result of poor posture or accidents. In order to relieve it, an orthopedic collar is used. But when is it needed? How to choose the best one and how long does it need to be worn?

Orthopedic collar – indications

There are different indications for wearing a brace collar. The main task of the cervical brace is to prevent additional injuries to the cervical spine or even the spinal cord and to stabilize this section. Wearing a brace is recommended mainly for people who have a diseased cervical spineposition their head incorrectly, suffer from degenerative changes in the cervical spine, such as discopathy, scoliosis, or have suffered an accident as a result of an accident, or have had torticollis, contusions and sprains of the intervertebral joints.

It is worth adding here that symptoms such as: neck pain, which often prevents the neck and head from moving freely, headaches and dizziness, and a feeling of spine stiffness, may indicate the need for an orthopedic collar. If we notice such symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

See also: Spine sections. Structure, functions and ailments of the spine

How long should I wear a neck collar?

The orthopedic collar must be worn for the time indicated by the doctor and it depends on the condition of the spine and the reason that made it necessary to put on the cervical brace. However, the average time to wear a brace is 6 weeks. This time also takes into account the breaks that allow the cervical spine to gradually “wean” from the support, which in turn allows the vertebrae and muscles of the neck to work properly and independently.

At this point, it should be added that the brace should not be used for too long, as it may cause muscle weakness.

When it comes to wearing a brace, you do not need to take it off when you go to sleep. However, when sleeping with an orthopedic collar, it is good to think about purchasing a special orthopedic pillow that will ensure optimal positioning of the spine. The orthopedic collar does not need to be removed for bathing, but should be dried when it gets wet.

Worth knowing: The structure of the spine. Everything you need to know about the spine

Types of orthopedic collars

Not every person is advised to wear the same collar as another patient with the same type of injury. The type of collar and the length of time it needs to be worn are determined individually.

The types of orthopedic collar are:

  1. one-piece collarwhich is mainly used for the transport and rehabilitation of patients who have suffered injuries as a result of an accident. The advantage of such a collar is that it adapts to each patient and relieves the cervical spine up to the torso.
  2. two-piece collar it is most often used in patients with a cervical spine injury as a result of a fracture or sprain, as well as after surgery. This type of collar allows you to relieve pain and bring air into the body. Another advantage is that you do not need to remove the collar for tests such as MRI.
  3. soft collar mainly used in the case of discopathy, pain in the cervical spine or injuries around the ligaments and muscles of this section, but also in degenerative changes, neuralgia in the neck and shoulders and rheumatic changes. Such a collar is made of soft foam that adapts to the shape of the patient’s body.
  4. hard collar in turn, it is used to treat diseases of the neck muscles, degenerative changes, and also when there are distortions of the cervical spine. Such a collar inside is filled with soft foam, and only its shell is hard to immobilize this section of the spine.

How to choose the size of the orthopedic collar?

The size of the orthopedic collar must be selected individually. To choose the right size of the brace, it is enough to measure the circumference of the neck and the height of the collar. Based on the circumference, it will be possible to choose a size that will fit well both in width and in height, because the collar cannot lift the chin, but only serves as its support. So it’s worth trying on a few sizes before buying and then deciding to buy a specific model.


It is better not to choose the orthopedic collar yourself, so as not to hurt yourself. When buying, it is best to ask a professional (e.g. a pharmacist) for help, who will help us choose the correct size of the orthopedic collar.

Orthopedic collar – price

The cost of a brace collar depends on its type and manufacturer. In the case of the cheapest models, the price will be a dozen or so zlotys, but for example, stiffened orthopedic collars equipped with an adjustment may already cost PLN 50.

The orthopedic collar can be purchased, for example, in a pharmacy or in a medical supply store.

How to wear a neck brace?

If we are forced to wear a neck brace, the doctor will likely give us detailed instructions on what we should and should not do while wearing it. In general, the following tips are best used when wearing a cervical collar.

  1. Move rather than rest or sit for too long – gentle movements such as walking can help keep the muscles in the neck from stiffening. Stiff muscles can extend our recovery time.
  2. Concentrate on the correct posture – Try not to slouch. The back should be straight, the shoulders tilted slightly back and the head positioned so that the ears are in line with the shoulders.
  3. Avoid sitting on soft, low chairs – it can affect your posture and put extra pressure on your neck.
  4. Avoid lifting or carrying heavy objects – also avoid strenuous activities such as jogging or other activities that require exercise.
  5. Do not remove the brace collar – except when cleaning it or when a doctor requires it.
  6. Make sure the collar is snug but comfortable – if the brace collar does not fit snugly enough, it is unlikely to provide the support we need, which could result in further pain or injury. If it is too loose, it may rub against the skin and cause irritation or blistering.

How to sleep with a brace collar?

Here are some tips for sleeping with a brace:

  1. Make sure the mattress provides good support. A mattress that is too soft may not provide the neck with the support it needs.
  2. Try to keep your neck in a neutral position, not tilting forward, back or to the side.
  3. Don’t sleep in a twisted position. Try to keep your neck in line with your body.
  4. Try to sleep on your back with a thin pillow. Using extra pillows can put additional pressure on the neck.
  5. To get out of bed, first roll gently on your side. Then, drop your legs off the edge of the bed and slowly get up on your shoulders.

How to bathe with an orthopedic collar?

It is usually easier to take a bath than a shower when wearing a neck brace. However, we can bathe as usual, but it is important that the collar is dry when it gets wet. It may be a good idea to wrap the collar with plastic wrap to help keep it dry. If you are taking a shower, using a hand shower will help minimize bending and unnecessary neck movement.

How to clean the neck collar?

It is important to wash the collar daily to prevent the growth of bacteria. Failure to clean the collar frequently can lead to skin irritation if bacteria are allowed to grow.

Most soft collars can be washed in the sink with warm water and mild soap and then spread out to dry. Better not to use strong soaps, detergents or bleaches. They can cause a skin reaction.

Hard orthopedic collars can be cleaned by replacing dirty pads and rinsing the front and back panels.

After putting the brace back on, it is important that it fits snugly. If the collar is not tight enough, it can cause skin friction, which can lead to ulceration and irritation.

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