
Orthodox education has its own characteristics.

Older children help the younger ones, getting used to active love and attention. All children have in common, but envious people, greedy people, sneaks are least of all held in high esteem! Strict upbringing, from self-will (I want, I want, I don’t want! ..) children are weaned:

“If we turn to the outgoing Russian peasant life or to the experience of modern large families (and they, as a rule, are Orthodox), then the matter of education is best placed there. Older children help the younger ones, getting used to active love and attention. All children have in common, but envious people, greedy people, sneaks are least of all held in high esteem! How good it would be if we and our children did not know the words: I want, I want, I don’t want! Do what you are told to do, and you will be fine.» Priest Artemy Vladimirov Textbook of life.

About discipline from the point of view of Orthodox education — see the discussion in the article by N.N. Afanasyev «School discipline».

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