Orphan disease – causes, symptoms, occurrence. What is it and who does it apply to?

Orphan disease is an unlimited developmental delay syndrome or anaclitic depression. It leads to serious inhibitions in the development of both the child and the adult.

Orphan disease it occurs already in early childhood, even in infancy. Children in this period, suffering from it, have problems with appetite, sleep – often accompanied by anxiety. At a later age, children with orphan disease they are very restless, unable to establish relationships with the environment and with their peers. Unfortunately, this disease echoes throughout their adult lives.

Characteristics of an orphan disease

For the cause of an orphan disease It is given that the child is deprived of contact with the person closest to him – usually the mother. The feeling of being abandoned prevents it from developing properly. Orphan disease is associated with symptoms such as: feeling of severe anxiety, lack of appetite, sleep disturbances, agitation, lack of eye contact, reluctance to touch or, on the contrary, a constant need for it. These states mostly affect infants. In older children, the most recognizable symptom diseases orphan there are rocking, thumb-sucking, excessive tearfulness or an overwhelming appetite. Very often, children affected by this problem try at all costs to attract attention to themselves. Their mood changes quickly, it is difficult for them to communicate with their peers. They have no creative needs, they don’t want to get to know the world, it’s hard to get them interested. In addition to mental ailments, v orphan disease there are physical symptoms – urinary incontinence, growth and weight disorders.

Orphan disease – does it occur in adults?

Sources orphan disease in adults, they have their origins in childhood. The child, acquiring a sense of fear, insecurity, bad reactions and low self-esteem, enters into later life with these experiences. What it looks like orphan disease in an adult human? Most often it manifests itself in the form of recurring anxiety, depression or depression, insensitivity and problems with maintaining attention. It also results in attacks of aggression, lack of interpersonal skills, withdrawal and isolation from society, low self-esteem.

Orphan disease it can be chronic or intermittent, occurring in different situations and at different stages of life.

Orphan disease – description of its stages

Phases orphan disease can be characterized in three stages. The first is the child’s protest against separation from his parents. It is accompanied by aggressive behavior, screaming and crying. In the second phase, that is, in the despair phase, the child realizes that the protest does not change anything. So aggression turns into apathy, depression and despair. The last phase is to displace what happened. The child seems to be reconciled to the situation, but these are only appearances and indifference. It’s good to know that orphan disease it concerns not only abandoned children, but also those coming from complete families with relational problems.

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