Many gardeners grow plum-leaved hawthorn in their plots. This plant is particularly decorative throughout the growing season. In addition to external signs, hawthorn gives a good harvest of edible fruits. The plant is unpretentious, does not require effort in the care.
Description of hawthorn
Гибрид можно выращивать в форме дерева или кустарника. Высота боярышника сорта Сливолистный – от 5 до 7 м. У растения довольно раскидистая асимметричная крона, диаметром около 5 м. Скелетные стебли имеют густое разветвление. На молодых кустах за год побеги вырастают до 25 см, затем величина прироста замедляется.
Mature trees or shrubs are dense and compact. This is achieved with a timely haircut. Hawthorn trunk Plum-leaved brown, smooth bark with a large number of long curved spines (their length is about 5-6 cm).
Hawthorn variety Plum-leaved crataegus prunifolia is distinguished by large leaves in the shape of an ellipse. In spring and summer, the leaf blades are dark green, glossy. The upper part of the leaf is shiny. By autumn, the color changes to a fiery orange or deep red.
The flowering of hawthorn begins in May and continues into June. Inflorescences are whitish-yellow, collected in umbrellas. Fruit ripening occurs at the end of September – beginning of October.
Hawthorn berries are green at the beginning of tying, by the time they are harvested they become blood red. The fruits of the variety are spherical in shape, inside there are drupe seeds. They are large – about 1,5 cm in diameter.
Stone fruits – “apples” of plum-leaved hawthorn are edible, sit firmly on petioles, retain their taste and useful properties until the New Year.
Characteristics of a variety
When choosing a type of tree or shrub for a site, gardeners, in addition to the description, are interested in some characteristics. This concerns the resistance of the plant to drought, frost, diseases and pests. It is equally important to know what advantages and disadvantages a hawthorn variety with plum-like leaves has.
Drought resistance, frost resistance
Слово «боярышник» латинского происхождения, означает «несокрушимый». Растение полностью соответствует названию, так как является засухоустойчивым и морозостойким. Корни Сливолистного боярышника мощные, простираются достаточно глубоко, всегда могут добыть воду и питание.
Только молодые деревья или кустарники нужно укрывать на зиму и своевременно поливать.
Yield and fruiting
Hawthorn variety Plum-leaved fruitful. Fruits are suitable for jam, compotes. Like other species of hawthorn, the berries, leaves, flowers, and bark have beneficial and medicinal properties. The fruiting of the hawthorn variety Plum-leaved begins at 6-7 years.
Disease and pest resistance
Variety Plum-leaved is resistant to many fungal diseases and pests. But don’t forget about prevention. At the slightest suspicion, shrubs are processed.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The Plum Leaf variety has the following advantages:
- decorative;
- berries with useful and medicinal properties;
- versatility of the use of fruits;
- landing can be carried out in any regions;
- Plum-leaved variety is resistant to diseases and pests.
Of the shortcomings, gardeners in the reviews note the presence of large thorns that make it difficult to care for and harvest. In the photo of the plum-leaved hawthorn, these modified leaves are clearly visible.
Features of landing
Planting seedlings of the plum-leaved hawthorn variety will not cause difficulties. Activities are almost similar to those required for any deciduous trees or shrubs.
Recommended dates
Молодые кусты сорта Сливолистный лучше всего высаживать рано весной, пока еще не распустились листья. За вегетативный сезон растение успеет укорениться, даст первый прирост. Такой кустарник успешно перезимует. Хотя и осенние посадки боярышника не возбраняются. Только сажать кустарник нужно после завершения листопада.
Selecting a suitable site and soil preparation
In its natural environment, the shrub grows in sunny open places.
Что касаемо почвы, то она должна быть тяжелой и плодородной. Перед посадкой перекапывают участок, удаляют корни сорняков. После этого копают яму, дно которой устилают дренажем из щебня, битого кирпича, гравия (около 15 см). Для боярышника Сливолистного нужен такой состав почвы:
- sod land;
- humus;
- peat;
- sand.
В пропорции 2:2:1:1.
What crops can and cannot be planted nearby
Боярышник Сливолистный – растение дружелюбное, растет практически со всеми культурами, не угнетает их. Главное, чтобы у кустарника была достаточная площадь питания. Хотя есть ряд плодовых деревьев, соседство которых нежелательно из-за общих вредителей, это;
- apple trees;
- pears;
- cherries.
Selection and preparation of planting material
Selection rules:
- Лучше всего приобретать саженцы в возрасте 2-4 лет, высотой не более 1,5 м, с хорошо развитой корневой системой.
- The trunk should not be damaged, signs of disease with a glossy bark.
- If seedlings of a variety with an open root system, then they are soaked for a day in water with potassium permanganate or in a solution that stimulates root development. If it is not possible to immediately plant the plants, then the roots are wrapped in wet burlap and cellophane.
- Plants in containers also need to be prepared. A clod of earth is cut vertically to stimulate the growth of the root system.
Landing algorithm
When digging holes, they are guided by the root system of the plant: it should be twice as large.
How to plant:
- Саженец сорта Сливолистный при посадке не заглубляют выше корневой шейки.
- Землю вокруг ствола утрамбовывают и обильно поливают.
- Приствольный круг мульчируют для сохранения влаги.
The plant responds well to pruning, especially since it has the ability to form a large number of shoots. Thanks to the haircut, you can get bushes of various shapes. A sanitary and shaping haircut is carried out in the spring, until the movement of juice begins. Before wintering, you also need to cut off damaged shoots.
To feed this variety, boyars use organic and mineral fertilizers.
As for watering, young bushes especially need it. Mature plants are irrigated only if there is a dry summer.
Deep loosening of the trunk circle on the bayonet of a shovel is carried out in spring and autumn. The rest of the time, the procedure is combined with weeding after watering. Loosen the soil to a depth of no more than 10 cm.
Since the Plum-leaved hawthorn is frost-resistant, adult plants do not require shelter for the winter. The trunks of young plantings are protected from frost and pests by wrapping them in burlap.
Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention
Hawthorn variety Plum-leaved, like other representatives of the culture, can be affected by fungal diseases:
- powdery mildew;
- perforated spotting;
- rust.
The main pests of the variety:
- pincers;
- long-nosed;
- sawflies;
- шелкопряд колечник;
- apple and common aphids.
If the plants are low, or grown as a hedge, then they are easy to process with special preparations. Adult hawthorn Plum-leaved is sprayed while standing on the stairs.
Application in landscape design
Landscape designers consider all varieties of boyarka to be convenient for creating original designs for gardens, parks, and summer cottages. Plants can be planted singly, in group compositions. Many hawthorn gardeners create a hedge from hawthorn. To do this, the growth every year needs to be cut by half the length.
Боярышник Сливолистный вырастить несложно. Нужно только подобрать ему правильное место и «надежных соседей». В течение всей вегетации на участке будет декоративный уголок.