Ornamental shrub apricot Manchurian

Among the varieties of fruit crops, ornamental shrubs enjoy special attention. For example, Manchurian apricot. An amazingly beautiful plant that will decorate the site and give a decent harvest of fruits of the original taste.

Ornamental shrub apricot Manchurian

History of breeding

The variety was bred in the research center of the Federation, more precisely, in its Chinese branch. The task of breeders was to get an apricot that resembles Japanese sakura. The result obtained fully satisfied the needs of gardeners. The Manchurian variety was included in the State Register of the Federation in 2005.

Description of the culture

Apricot Manchurian belongs to the species of deciduous plants of the Plum genus. It reproduces quite easily, but is still listed in the Red Book as a rare species. The description of the Manchurian apricot should begin with external characteristics. It is the attractive decorative appearance of the bush that is the reason for the popularity of the variety among gardeners.

This rare variety has an openwork spreading, but dense crown, throwing out many shoots. The height of the Manchurian apricot in adulthood reaches 10-15 m. The young tree has a bark of a light brown hue, during the growing period it darkens, and in the old apricot it is covered with wide and deep furrows. The trunk diameter reaches 40 cm.

Important! Breeders recommend tying the branches of the variety.

Filigree leaves reach a size of 12 cm. The shape of the leaf plates resembles a wide oval with a pointed top. The color of the plates changes depending on the season. In summer, the upper part of the leaf is bright green, the lower part is dark green. When autumn comes, the leaves turn yellow-red. They stay on the tree until mid-November, leaf fall begins with the onset of frost. Due to the original color of the leaves, the variety is a popular ornamental plant for decorating the site.

Flowers are located on the branches singly or in groups, kept on short pedicels. During the flowering period, the branches are covered with soft pink buds of large size (more than 2 cm).

Ornamental shrub apricot Manchurian

Buds bloom on branches before leaves, so the bush looks like a huge flower:

The fruits are large, the size of one reaches 2,5 cm in diameter. The color is bright yellow-orange. Skin with slight drooping. The weight of one apricot reaches 15-20 g. The taste is peculiar, sweet and sour, very pleasant. The aroma of fruits resembles honey.

Ornamental shrub apricot Manchurian

The best option, according to the recommendations of breeders, is the cultivation of the Manchurian apricot in Siberia and the Far East.

You can see with your own eyes all the described parameters in the photo of the Manchurian apricot.

Ornamental shrub apricot Manchurian


An important characteristic for gardeners is the long life span of the Manchurian variety. The shrub grows and bears fruit up to 100 years. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose a place for planting a variety so that a beautiful plant fits into the design of the site.

Undemanding to the soil is also considered a feature of the variety.

Strong root system. The branching and size of the roots allows the use of a rare variety to strengthen the slopes and coastline of reservoirs.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

The second positive quality suitable for gardeners is endurance. Apricot of the Manchurian variety has high resistance to temperature changes. Easily tolerates drought and a significant drop in temperature. Shows high winter hardiness, perfectly tolerates the climate of the north of the middle zone. It freezes a little in the St. Petersburg region in very severe winters, although the frost resistance of the Manchurian apricot makes it possible to plant a plant in regions with a cold climate.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

Apricot has an average self-fertility. Variety Manchurian sufficiently provides its own pollination and helps other varieties to increase productivity. To do this, it is necessary to plant 3-4 shrubs on the site. If it was not planned to plant several plants, then other varieties are vaccinated on one Manchurian apricot.

The tree begins to bloom in spring in April-May. The Manchurian apricot variety has an annual abundant flowering for 12 days. The crop ripens in July.

yield, fruiting

The shrub shows good yields even in rocky areas. But if you plant the Manchurian apricot variety on fertile structured land, then the plant will develop much better.

The first fruits appear 5-7 years after planting the seedling. The yield is high, the apricot bears fruit annually, stably, without reducing performance. About 40 kg of ripe fruits are harvested from one tree. Proper observance of agrotechnical measures increases the yield to 45-50 kg from each Manchurian apricot.

Scope of fruits

The specificity of the taste of the fruits of the Manchurian apricot variety is due to its decorative orientation. They have a peculiar sourness and are slightly bitter, but this does not affect the possibility of universal use. Apricots are consumed fresh, cooked – compotes, jams and preserves.

Ornamental shrub apricot Manchurian

Attention! How to cook fragrant apricot jam, you can learn from the article.

Experienced chefs find use for apricot pits. When fried, they successfully replace almonds and are used to make apricot oil. Due to its high fat content, the oil is used in cosmetology.

Disease and pest resistance

The originators noted the weak resistance of the Manchurian apricot variety to aphids, mites, cherry elephants. Appropriate means must be used to prevent the spread of pests.

The most common diseases for the Manchurian variety apricot are spotting and verticillosis.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of an ornamental shrub, gardeners note:

  1. Decent yield. The number of fruits from one tree does not decrease with an increase in the age of the apricot.
  2. High level transportability. Apricot also tolerates handling activities well.
  3. The keeping quality of fruits. The Manchurian apricot is stored for a long time, without losing external and taste parameters.
  4. Resilience to climate change.
  5. Immunity to a significant part of crop diseases and pests.
  6. Decorative bush.

The disadvantages are the peculiar taste of the fruit – bitter-sour.

Important activities for the gardener when breeding a beautiful variety are planting and caring for the Manchurian apricot.

Features of landing

Growing a shrub begins with planting. If the planting of the Manchurian apricot is done correctly, then the plant quickly takes root and develops well.

Ornamental shrub apricot Manchurian

Recommended dates

The optimal time for planting ornamental apricots is the last decade of April. At this time, the soil is already warmed up thanks to sunny spring days.

Important! Planting should not be delayed, it is necessary to have time before the fruit buds swell.

Autumn planting of seedlings is possible, but requires a more careful attitude. Winter frosts can harm fragile seedlings.

Choosing the right place

The planting site must be prepared in a well-lit area with aerated and lime-containing soil. It is worth making sure that there is no stagnation of moisture and strong salinity in the allocated place. The most favorable for the Manchurian variety are areas protected from the north wind. For the same reason, shrubs are not planted in lowlands to avoid cold air running off.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to an apricot

The Manchurian apricot variety does not like close proximity:

  • walnut;
  • plums;
  • pears;
  • apple trees;
  • Cherries
  • red rowan.

It goes well only with apricots of any variety. Refers to plants-individualists.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The seeds of the variety have the ability to be stored for several years without losing the ability to germinate.

Before boarding them:

  1. Check by immersing in water. Floated instances are removed as unusable.
  2. Stratified, in other words, stored at a temperature of 0 ° C in wet sand and with good ventilation. The term of stratification is 3 months.
Important! Seed testing is mandatory to increase the percentage of germination.

Landing algorithm

To plant the seeds, it is necessary to prepare a furrow 1 cm deep, lay the seeds and sprinkle with soil. Be sure to water.

If you want to plant a seedling of Manchurian apricot, then prepare a pit, fertilize with compost. The seedling is immersed to such a depth that the root neck is 2-3 cm above the soil surface.

Culture aftercare

Manchurian apricot care does not cause much trouble.

For the proper development of the plant, it is important to observe:

  1. Watering. It must be timely, especially in the first year after planting. Frequency – 1 time in 5-6 days. When the plant gets stronger, it is enough to water it only when the soil dries. Overflow is dangerous because a large number of shoots will not be able to fully form before the onset of frost and will simply die.
  2. Sanitary pruning. Mandatory annual procedure. It is important to remove dry, damaged and diseased branches, as well as excess growth in time. Do pruning in early spring and autumn. You can learn more about pruning apricots from the article on this issue.
  3. Feed the shrub 2 times a year. In the spring – mineral compositions, in the fall it is good to add organic matter to the soil. In summer, nutrition is introduced only when signs of a deficiency of certain substances appear.
  4. Loosening the circumferential circle and mulching.
  5. Stem whitewashing. Use garden whitewash with the addition of copper sulfate to protect against pests.
  6. To insulate the trunk for the winter period, a thick layer of mulch is laid.

Reproduction of decorative apricot

Reproduction of the Manchurian apricot occurs in 2 ways:

  • seeds (stratified);
  • cuttings (green).


Ornamental shrub apricot Manchurian

Bones are taken from ripe fruits, soaked in water before planting. Drowned ones are selected and stratified for 3 months at a temperature of 0 ° C. Then planted in the ground to a depth of 1 cm. Regularly watered. Seedlings are grown in a mother liquor, after 2-3 years they are transplanted to a permanent place.


Material is harvested in July, planted at the end of September. Cuttings are cut from strong branches, leaving 2-3 internodes and a couple of leaves. It is placed in a vessel with a stimulating solution for 15 hours at an air temperature of 24 ° C. The rootstock for the Manchurian apricot must be reliable. It is selected from varieties adapted to the conditions of the region in order to ensure the longevity of the shrub and good yields.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Diseases to which the variety is susceptible

NamePrevention and control
SpottingThe drug “Hom” according to the instructions.
VerticillosisSoap solution for preventive and therapeutic spraying.


NameControl measures
spider miteInsecticides “Taboo” and “Regent”.
cherry elephantPotassium permanganate solution
aphidPreparations containing copper in their composition.


Apricot Manchurian won appreciation for its unpretentiousness, decorativeness and productivity. Growing a rare variety is not difficult for beginner gardeners who want to decorate the site with beautiful and useful plants.

Ornamental shrub apricot Manchurian


Reviews of the Manchurian apricot prove the originality and usefulness of the variety.

Maria Ivanovna Selezneva, Moscow Region
I have been growing apricots for a long time. I really like the decorativeness of Manchurian, especially in autumn. Started bearing fruit at 6 years old. Productivity is high, annually stable. So that the indicator does not decrease, we plant a variety in a group. Thanks to this, pollination of the Manchurian is easier. I often mix fruits in blanks with other varieties. They give a spicy taste. Be sure to hand over the bones for processing to obtain oil. We fry at home. The variety makes it possible to receive not only aesthetic pleasure, but also profit.
Egor Plotnikov, Amur Region
He planted his first Manchurian apricot seedlings on the site. I really liked the variety for its unpretentiousness and ease of care. Now I grow for the sale of seedlings and the delivery of seeds. Satisfied with the result. The yield of the shrub is regular and high, there are no interruptions. Seedlings almost never fall out if the seeds are properly prepared. The plants are beautiful, many people like the peculiar taste of fruits, so there is no shortage of customers. Gardeners are attracted by the opportunity to grow apricots in a region with a cold climate.

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