Ornamental pumpkin: growing from seeds according to the rules

Most amateur gardeners are accustomed to decorating their plots with a variety of flowers, but it is worth noting that the original vegetables will do just as well. So decorative pumpkin, grown from seeds, is gaining more and more fans among gardeners. Its sprouts quickly enough form living green fences, and fancy bright fruits adorn the site until late autumn.

Choosing a grade

In specialized stores and on the market, decorative pumpkin seeds are sold in the form of “assorted” different varieties, which makes it possible to get many unusual fruits at once. The variety of shapes and colors is limitless. The most common and popular, among this relatively new culture in our area, are the following varieties:

Ornamental pumpkin: growing from seeds according to the rules

  1. pear-shaped. The name speaks for itself – the shape of the fruit is very similar to a pear. The color palette of this species is not uniform – there are both monophonic and two-color. Moreover, the latter have a clearly marked border between different colors;
  2. tangerine. Distinctive features of this group are a very rich orange color, rounded shape, fairly smooth peel, small size of pumpkins;
  3. stellate. The fruits of this variety are similar to starfish and small squash. They have a slightly flattened oblong shape with unimaginable colors – green, white, yellow or a combination of several colors at once. The maximum fruit size is 15 cm;
  4. Warty. Pumpkins of this variety are pear-shaped or rounded. They are covered with many tubercles that resemble warts. And the variety of colors and their combinations can only be envied: yellow, white, fiery orange, green;
  5. turban-shaped pumpkins (popular name – fungus or Turkish turban). The fruits of this variety often have a smooth skin of a bright orange or green-marble color. The coloring of the main part of the gourd and the “turban” is in most cases different;
  6. vicoleaf gourd is a typical ornamental gourd. Its characteristic features are very beautiful lobed leaves and variegated green fruits with a white stripe or speck;
  7. lagenaria (bottle, table gourd, gourd) refers to a decorative species for its unusual shape and green-marble color. This variety is used for decoration, cutting out dishes, original vases, caskets, etc.

Planting from seeds

Ornamental pumpkin: growing from seeds according to the rules

In order for decorative pumpkins to delight others with their beauty, not so much effort is needed. First of all, they should be planted in sunny areas or light shade on fertile soil. Seeds should be germinated immediately before sowing. This is best done in a warm, dark place (wardrobe, pantry, etc.). These ornamental crops can be grown from seedlings, and by sowing seeds immediately in open ground.

For seedlings, seeds are sown in late April or early May. The hatched seeds are planted in deep peat pots and placed in a greenhouse or on a windowsill. Plants can be transferred to open ground in early June, when the likelihood of frost decreases. Sowing seeds directly into open ground is carried out at the end of May. It is also desirable to pre-sprout them. Slightly hatched seeds should be planted in shallow holes at a distance of about 30 cm.

Video “Gathering pumpkin seeds”

Pumpkin. Collecting seeds.

Care and growing

Most varieties of exotic pumpkin are not demanding and do not need special care. It is quite enough to properly prepare the seeds, and then water the plants in time and loosen the soil around the root. Also, fertilizing plants with organic fertilizers will not be superfluous. Usually, the first top dressing is carried out two weeks after germination, and the next – during the formation of the ovary. To stimulate the growth of side shoots and form a more lush “hedge”, you can pinch meter shoots.

Ornamental pumpkin: growing from seeds according to the rules

A strong support should also be provided for a decorative pumpkin, since most of its species are climbing plants, and during the period of active growth, the stems, leaves and fruits are quite heavy. Many gardeners grow this crop near gazebos, porches, fences, and other structures, thus providing natural support without the hassle of creating additional supports.

Protection against pests and diseases

In case of improper care, this magnificent plant can be affected by diseases and pests. The most dangerous for pumpkin plants are slugs, aphids, powdery mildew, white and root rot, bacteriosis. At the first sign of disease, decisive action must be taken to keep pumpkins healthy.

Powdery mildew – white or grayish powdery spots on the leaves and stem, which gradually grow over the entire surface of the affected plant and it dries. The disease actively develops with a lack of sunlight and sudden changes in temperature. To combat this disease, various chemicals are used, and the affected fruits and plants must be destroyed.

White rot is extremely dangerous for both the plant and its fruits. The affected areas become wet, covered with a cotton-like neoplasm. High humidity contributes to the development of this disease. If signs of white rot are found, all affected parts are carefully cut out and processed (sprinkled) with chalk or charcoal.

Ornamental pumpkin: growing from seeds according to the rules

Root rot appears at the base of the stem and root. The disease is caused by soil fungi that attack the plant under poor growing conditions. You can prevent the development of this disease by disinfecting the seeds before planting. To save an already affected plant, and this is possible only in the initial stages of the disease, you need to add new soil, peat and humus.

Bacteriosis most often affects leaves, but is also dangerous for stems and fruits. Appears as angular brown spots. Bacteriosis develops especially actively in a warm and humid environment. In order to prevent and treat the disease, a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid is used. They process the leaves and stems of pumpkins.

Slugs are dangerous for almost all vegetables. Massively they appear in rainy years. Adults attack plants at night. To protect the pumpkin and other plants on the site, you can treat them with a mixture of slaked lime and ash (1: 1).

Video “Growing and caring for pumpkin”

To understand how to care for, grow and harvest pumpkins, we recommend watching the following video clip. The most useful and up-to-date information is collected here.

Grape secateurs grafting

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