Ornamental elderberry: shrub in landscape design

Ornamental elderberry: shrub in landscape design

Ornamental elderberry is a plant that can be grown in the garden to decorate the site and other purposes. It has many varieties, so every gardener will find a suitable one for himself.

Ornamental elderberry shrub

Elderberries, black, red and Canadian, are suitable for growing in the garden. Black has the most decorative forms. In the summer, during the flowering period, the plant is covered with beautiful inflorescences. Both leaves and flowers can be of different colors. It depends on the type chosen.

Ornamental elderberry loves sunlight

In autumn, fruiting begins, then elderberries appear. The height of the shrub reaches 3,5 m, and the tree grows up to 10 m.

This plant can be grown for different purposes:

  • Use in the garden as a hedge or fence.
  • Grow for beauty from the back of the house.
  • A branchy shrub with large leaves perfectly protects against wind and drafts.
  • It is used as a lush backdrop to create various compositions from other plants or flowers.
  • The smell of some varieties can repel insects and protect garden crops from pests.

Elderberry will find its place on every site. She will become an irreplaceable assistant in the garden.

Elderberry in landscape design

Elderberry can serve as a picturesque decoration, you just have to choose the right variety. Decorative include:

  • Aurea is a variety of black elderberry. The shrub grows up to 3 m in height. Its leaves are golden in color and the fruits are cherry-colored. Flowering begins 6 years after planting.
  • The red elder, Sambukus racemosa, can replace maple if pruned to form the crown of the tree.
  • Pulverulenta grows up to 2 m. This plant has variegated leaves with a marbled pattern.
  • Variegata is covered with dark green leaves with a creamy edging.
  • Black Beauty and Gerda are varieties of black elderberry. These varieties have purple-crimson leaves, and during the flowering period they are covered with pale pink inflorescences.
  • Guincho Purple has deep purple leaves that turn fiery red in autumn.
  • Eva has a pleasant scent, and during the flowering period, light pink flowers appear on the plant.

Elderberry has about 40 species, and only 14 of them are decorative.

Choose the right shrub for your garden. By making the right choice, elderberry will be a great addition to landscape design.

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