Orlik apple tree: variety description, planting and care

The Orlik apple tree is a reliable and proven variety, adapted to the difficult conditions. The grade differs in high productivity and frost resistance. Subject to the rules of planting and care, the life of a tree is up to 50 years.

Variety description

Variety Orlik was obtained at the Oryol Experimental Station in 1959. Its breeding was carried out by domestic scientists T. A. Trofimova and E. N. Sedov. The next 10 years were required to improve the variety, which made it possible to increase the yield and frost resistance.

tree appearance

Orlik refers to varieties of winter ripening. The apple tree grows small, the crown has a rounded shape and is compact. The branches are at right angles to the trunk, their ends are slightly raised.

You can evaluate the appearance of the Orlik variety from the photo:

Orlik apple tree: variety description, planting and care

The bark of the apple tree has a yellowish tint, it is smooth to the touch. Shoots are straight, brown. The kidneys are medium, in the shape of a cone, strongly pressed against the shoots.

The leaves of the Orlik apple tree are distinguished by their rich green color and oval shape. They are quite large and wrinkled. The edges of the leaves are coarsely wavy, and the tips are slightly pointed.

A characteristic feature of the Orlik variety is the rich pink color of the buds, while the blossoming flowers have a pinkish tint.

Features of the fruit

Orlik apples correspond to the following variety description:

  • conical shape;
  • average sizes;
  • weight of apples from 100 to 120 g;
  • wax coating on the peel;
  • when harvested, apples have a greenish-yellow color;
  • the harvested crop gradually changes color to light yellow with a red blush;
  • firm and juicy creamy flesh;
  • sweet and sour harmonious taste.

Orlik apple tree: variety description, planting and care

The chemical composition of the fruit has the following characteristics:

  • sugar content – up to 11%;
  • titratable acid – 0,36%;
  • pectin substances – 12,7%;
  • ascorbic acid – 9 mg for every 100 g;
  • P-active substances – 170 mg for every 100 g.

Productivity of the variety

Orlik apples ripen in the second half of September. When stored in a dry and cool place, the shelf life can be extended until early March.

Fruiting begins in the fourth or fifth year after planting. Harvest depends on the age of the tree:

  • 7-9 years – from 15 to 55 kg of apples;
  • 10-14 years – from 55 to 80 kg;
  • 15-20 years – from 80 to 120 kg.

Gardeners note the excellent dessert properties of the Orlik variety. Apples can be transported over long distances. The fruits are used for the preparation of juices and baby food.

Orlik apple tree: variety description, planting and care

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Orlik apple variety has gained wide popularity due to a number of advantages:

  • fast maturation;
  • resistance to winter frosts;
  • high yield, which increases annually;
  • dessert taste of fruits;
  • good keeping quality of apples;
  • compact trees that can be planted even in a small area;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • unpretentiousness.

Among the shortcomings of the variety, the following should be noted:

  • when ripe, the fruits crumble;
  • apples are small;
  • fruiting may occur irregularly.

Selection of seedlings

You can buy Orlik apple tree seedlings at a garden center or nursery. You can order them in online stores, but there is a high probability of getting low-quality planting material.

When buying, you need to pay attention to several nuances:

  • the root system must be strong and solid, without sagging and damage;
  • no traces of mold and rot;
  • seedling height – 1,5 m;
  • the presence of a healthy root collar;
  • number of branches – 5 or more;
  • no damage to the cortex.
Important! Before transportation, the roots must be wrapped with a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag, the shoots are tied to the trunk.

Landing order

Landing work begins with the preparation of the pit. Fertilizers must be applied at this stage. The seedling is also prepared before planting, after which they begin work.

Seedlings preparation

Apple seedlings are planted in spring or autumn. Previously, the tree is left for a day in a bucket of water. After planting, the Orlik apple tree must be constantly watered.

Orlik apple tree: variety description, planting and care

When planted in the spring, the tree has time to take root, and the roots and branches become stronger. Work is carried out in late April or early May, when the ground is well warmed up.

Autumn planting is carried out in October, so that the root system has time to adapt to new conditions before frost. You need to plant an apple tree at least two weeks before the onset of cold snaps.

Important! Seedlings less than 2 years old should be planted in spring, older apple trees should be planted in autumn.

Selecting a landing site

For an apple tree, choose a well-lit place that has protection from the wind. Groundwater should be located at a depth of 2 m.

The apple tree prefers black earth soil. Do not plant on rocky and wetlands.

The Orlik variety has a small crown, so it can be planted with other trees. Between the apple trees leave 1,5 – 2 m.

Orlik apple tree: variety description, planting and care

Disembarkation order

To plant an apple tree, you need to perform a certain sequence of actions:

  1. A month before the work, a pit is prepared with a depth of 0,7 m and a diameter of 1 m.
  2. A peg is placed in the center of the hole.
  3. Humus, peat and compost are added to the soil, after which the pit is covered with the resulting mixture.
  4. The landing site is covered with a film.
  5. A month later, they proceed directly to planting an apple tree. The seedling is placed in a hole, and the roots are straightened. Root neck (the place where the green color of the bark changes to brown).
  6. The plant must be covered with soil and compacted.
  7. The apple tree is watered and tied to a peg.

Care instructions

Proper care will allow the apple tree to develop and produce a good harvest. The Orlik variety requires standard care: watering, fertilizing and regular pruning.

Orlik apple tree: variety description, planting and care

Watering the apple tree

Apple trees need to be watered regularly. To do this, special channels are made between rows of trees. You can water the tree in a fan way, when the water flows evenly in small drops.

The volume of water depends on the age of the apple tree:

  • 1 year – two buckets per square meter;
  • 2 years – 4 buckets;
  • 3 years – 5 years – 8 buckets;
  • older than 5 years – up to 10 buckets.

In the spring, you need to water the apple tree before bud break. Trees under 5 years old are watered every week. The second watering is done after flowering. In hot weather, apple trees are watered more often.

The last watering is done 2 weeks before picking apples. If the autumn turned out to be dry, then additional moisture is applied.

Application of fertilizers

In the spring, the shoots need top dressing in the form of rotted manure or mineral substances containing nitrogen (nitrophoska or ammonium nitrate).

Orlik apple tree: variety description, planting and care

During the fruiting period, when watering, 150 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium chloride are added. From mid-August, they begin to prepare the apple tree for winter by feeding it with humus. Fertilizers are applied to a depth of 0,5 m.

Trimming an apple tree

Pruning of the Orlik variety is performed in order to eliminate dead and damaged branches. It is necessary to prune the tree in spring to form a crown and in autumn to remove weak branches.

Important! The apple tree is pruned when sap flow stops.

Spring pruning is done in March. In young trees, the top and side branches should be cut off by 0,8 m.

In autumn, work is carried out after the leaves fall. It is best to wait for cold weather and snow. The thickened crown must be thinned out.

Be sure to make sure that the apple tree grows in one trunk. If there are branches, they must be eliminated. Otherwise, splitting will occur and the tree will die.

Orlik apple tree: variety description, planting and care

Reviews of gardeners

Anna, 55 years old, Voronezh
Orlik acquired an apple tree in a nursery several years ago based on numerous reviews on the Internet. The apple tree blooms with beautiful pink flowers, the neighbors even mistook it for ornamental. I practically don’t meet pests on Orlik, but the birds really like its fruits.
Ivan, 30 years old, Leningrad region
I decided to grow a real apple orchard on my personal plot. For seedlings went to the nearest nursery. The choice fell on the variety Orlik. As it turned out, I did not lose. Apple trees withstood frosts down to -45 degrees with a snow thickness of 1 cm. The crop is harvested at the end of September, and I keep it all winter without problems.
Elena, 23 years old, Yekaterinburg
The Orlik apple tree has been growing in the country for several years. Apples ripen at the end of September. You can pick them earlier, but then they will not be as sweet. Part of the apples fell to the ground, the rest had to climb a tree. The apples themselves are juicy and red, do not spoil for a long time.


The apple tree variety Orlik enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners. The plant is resistant to winter frosts and diseases, and its fruits are distinguished by good taste and long-term storage. To obtain a good harvest, regular care is carried out for the apple tree: the introduction of moisture and fertilizers, as well as pruning of branches.

Apple variety Orlik

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