Original London Dry Gin

Original London Dry Gin (Original London Dry Gin) is produced by one of the oldest Dutch companies producing strong alcohol – Wenneker. The company is known for its premium liquors, whiskeys and gins. The drink is in keeping with the classic London style, but with more ingredients than usual. For this reason, the taste is rich in berry and spicy notes that complement juniper tones.

Historical information

The company was founded in 1693. The distillery produced brandy under the state license, two distillation cubes worked in the workshops. In 1812 the factory was taken over by Johannes Wenneker. The company was named after the owner and has been passed down through the generations for nearly a hundred years. In 1903, due to the lack of successors, Francis Wenneker sold the company to the Van der Tuijn family, who still own the company.

The company successfully grew and developed. The Wenneker brand has become known in the national and foreign markets for its wide range of gins and liqueurs. In 1967, production volumes increased so much that an expansion was required, but the company was unable to obtain permission from the authorities of the city of Schiedam to build new workshops. The management decided to move to the city of Rosendal, and a new plant was erected on the site of a former tobacco factory.

The company included several factories for the production of strong alcohol and the Dirk Struys winery. The Wenneker brand is famous primarily for its liqueurs, the recipes of which have not changed since the middle of the XNUMXth century. The rich experience of distillation and a large selection of vegetable raw materials allows the company to produce high-quality gins, which have collected a whole collection of awards at international competitions.

Production features

Original London Dry Gin is a classic London dry gin. The company does not reveal all the secrets of the recipe. It is known that the drink is based on grain alcohol, juniper berries, lemon, orange, coriander, cloves, elderberry and a number of other spices. Herbal ingredients are soaked in 60% alcohol to extract all the essential oils. Part of the herbs are processed by percolation – the alcohol mixture seeps through filters filled with plant mass. Then blends are made from the distillate and left in partially open containers for rest.


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Interesting Facts

Although gin is considered a traditional English drink, its production began in the Netherlands. In Holland, this type of alcohol is called jenever. Gin became popular with English soldiers during the Thirty Years’ War and they brought the recipe to Britain.

Wenneker produces about 40 types of liqueurs with different flavors. Some of them are made on the basis of gin. The sweet drink Sloe Gin with 20% alcohol is created with the addition of blackthorn berries and is distinguished by a bright flavor bouquet.

Characteristic Original London Dry Gin, 40%

Colorless transparent drink with glitter. The aroma is complex – at the start there are alcohol notes, which are replaced by juniper and citrus shades. The taste is typical for this type of gin – alcohol notes are revealed by the nuances of cereals, coriander and elderberry. At the finish, sweetness is added, as well as lemon and juniper tones. Gin is quite soft, which allows it to be used not only with tonic, but also in its pure form.

Original London Dry Gin

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