To prolong the youthfulness of the skin, you need products that can penetrate into the deep layers, moisturize and fill cells with nutrients. Creams of the new Aqua-Rhythm series have all these advantages. They work through the unique Hydro-Protect ™ complex. It contains two unusual components: algae Furcellaria lumbrikallis and Jericho rose.
Furcellaria red algae grows in the Swedish Baltic Sea on the rocks of the coastal zone. Without moisture, it dries up, changing color to black, but survives during dry periods of low tide until the water returns. The polysaccharide Furcellaran contained in algae prevents moisture loss.
Trehalose – extract of the Jericho rose, also called the “flower of resurrection” – a unique plant found in the desert. It travels through the desert in search of moist soil that can bring dry twisted stems back to life. Its extract (trehalose) protects the plant from heat, cold and death in harsh conditions in the complete absence of moisture.
Steve Barton, Head of Skin Care at Oriflame Research Center: “As we age, the metabolism in skin cells slows down, in order to keep metabolic processes at the same level, preventing dehydration, it is necessary to protect fibroblasts – the cells responsible for the production of connective fibers collagen and elastin and for the integrity of the skin’s supporting matrix. Trehalose protects fibroblasts from damage by trapping moisture in cells and strengthening the natural structure of the skin. Using the Aqua-Rhythm series products every day, you can prolong your youth and beauty. “