Organize your outings with Baby

How to prepare well for your walks with Baby?

Your child is finally old enough to enjoy small family outings! Owl, you can already imagine yourself taking long walks or visiting parks and gardens of all kinds … But no rush, an outing with your little one, it’s getting ready. If your child is walking, you will certainly want to share your desires for escape or for a walk in the forest. But beware, choose your destination carefully and do not forget to study the route before leaving. Indeed, it is better to be wary of the distance and not to go too far. Your baby gets tired quickly and does not yet have your stamina! It will therefore be necessary to wait until he grows a little longer to go on an adventure with him.

You must also respect your child’s routine. Clearly, if he is used to taking a nap, let him sleep! They will be more relaxed and more willing to follow you afterwards. And if you live in the city, avoid rush hour to take your baby for a walk.

Outing with Baby: the essentials to take with you

Before putting your baby in his car seat for a little excursion, make sure you don’t forget anything. MEven if the weather forecast announces good weather, take a small blanket and a baby sweater in case the sky is upset! Conversely, do not let yourself be surprised by too strong a sun. Put your child’s sunscreen, hat and sunglasses in your bag, and of course a bottle of water…. In addition, to not be caught off guard, consider taking a snack, in case of a little hunger, and his blanket for a little hug!

Where to go for a walk with Baby?

Despite all your good will, your outings are starting to look the same and lack originality! No need to torture your mind, the simplest destinations are often the most popular. Think of the traditional walks that will allow your little one to take a “big breath of fresh air” while exploring the landscape. There are also the parks, where your baby can take advantage of the large green spaces to stretch his little legs, while enjoying , when the time comes, the slide, the swing or the sandbox. The opportunity also for him to make new friends! For “more exotic” destinations, opt for the botanical gardens or the zoo. You can also introduce your child to the pleasures of the farm. See and talk to animals, toddlers love it! For older children, there is always the option of amusement parks or theme parks.

The whole, is not to forget that for your baby, the important thing is to have fun !

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