Organic chromium – what is its use? Chrome for weight loss

Organic chromium is an element that occurs in the human body in a small amount – on average about 6 mg. However, it is responsible for the proper course of numerous processes, as it contributes to the reduction of the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol and the increase of the level of “good” HDL cholesterol. Organic chromium is also a regulator of blood glucose levels, as it sensitizes cells to insulin. Finally, chromium also contributes to the maintenance of a healthy body weight as it regulates the functions of hunger and satiety. Its supplementation will be recommended to people who want to lose a few kilos. What are the properties of chrome?

Chromium it is one of the micronutrients that – although it occurs in a small amount in the human body – is responsible for the regulation of numerous processes. Both are deficient chromiumand its excess can be harmful. Organic chrome has been used as a component of slimming supplements. This is due to the properties of this element, as it regulates the carbohydrate and fat balance in the body.

Organic chrome – action

Organic chrome it occurs in tissues in various concentrations. It depends on the organ for the greatest amounts chromium are found in the kidneys, testes and spleen. It is assumed that the daily requirement organic chromium for a healthy person it ranges from 50-200 μg. But what action does it show organic chrome? As mentioned, it regulates a number of processes in the body. However, keep in mind that because chrome it occurs in the human body in almost trace amounts, its action is treated as supporting. This means that by acting synergistically with other substances (vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.), it watches over the proper course of many processes. Processes for which proper conduct is necessary, inter alia, organic chrome, it will, for example, maintain carbohydrate homeostasis. There is a small organic compound in our body, abbreviated GTF (derived from the English words Glucose Tolerance Factor), i.e. glucose tolerance factor. Organic chrome is one of the components of this factor, which also includes other important substances, such as amino acids or vitamin PP. This factor is very important for the regulation of blood glucose levels as it accelerates the metabolism of not only simple sugars, but also amino acids and fatty acids, facilitating their entry into cells. In addition, it contributes to the reduction of complications resulting from type 2 diabetes, in particular microangiopathy, i.e. damage to small blood vessels.

Organic chromein addition to regulating blood glucose levels, it also contributes to the reduction of LDL cholesterol. At the same time, it participates in the processes of increasing the concentration of “good” HDL cholesterol. This phenomenon helps to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, i.e. the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the walls of blood vessels. This, in turn, lowers the risk of a heart attack. Additionally organic chrome has a very beneficial effect on the proper functioning of the nervous system. It reduces fatigue, lethargy and fatigue. Its supplementation can support the treatment of headaches, depression or anxiety disorders and alleviate the symptoms of neuroses.

Interestingly, supplementation organic chromium it is indicated for women in the perimenopausal period. Chromium because it contributes to slowing down the processes of bone density reduction and reduces the loss of calcium from the skeleton. It is also recommended for women who struggle with the problem of irregular menstruation and polycystic ovary syndrome. Deficiency organic chromium it is also associated with the incidence of glaucoma. Organic chrome it is used to build muscle mass in the body, as it contributes to the increase in respiratory efficiency.

Organic chrome – the YANGO dietary supplement is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. Order it today. Chromium is also found in the Cardio Multi Viridian supplement, which supports the immune and nervous systems as well as mental health.

Organic chrome – slimming

As mentioned, organic chrome very often it is found in preparations intended for people who are slimming. The composition of preparations of this type in addition to organic chromium There are also other substances whose synergistic action regulates the processes taking place in the body. Therefore, the supplementation itself chromium is not enough to lose weight. Very often organic chrome it is combined with vitamin PP. Supplementation with a preparation composed of these substances leads to an increase in the activity of enzymes that affect the action of carnitine. This compound regulates the transport of fatty acids to the mitochondria, where these acids are converted into energy. Preparations from organic chromium accelerate this process, and at the same time inhibit the hunger center, which allows you to limit caloric consumption. You can now buy a set of dietary supplements for weight loss on Medonet Market.

Organic chromium – side effects

Excessive consumption organic chromium may be associated with the formation of gastric and duodenal ulcers and may also have a laxative effect. Too high doses of chromium reduce the absorption of zinc and iron. Supplementation organic chromium Therefore, it should be carried out wisely, as too high doses may be carcinogenic.

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