Orexyd 0,1%

Orexide 0,1% is a preparation for the prevention of inflammation of the mouth and throat, aphthas, thrush, gingivitis and periodontitis, the formation of plaque and tartar. Recommended for dental care and oral hygiene, before dental procedures, in minor bleeding of the oral mucosa.

Orexyd 0,1% (Polfa Warsaw)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
oral care lotion 0,001 g / g (250 ml) OTC (over-the-counter) chlorheksydyna (chlorhexidine)


Orexide 0,1% is an antibacterial drug

Orexide 0,1% – indications and dosage

Orexide 0,1% is an over-the-counter oral care fluid. It is used to prevent oropharyngeal inflammation, mouth ulcers, thrush, gingivitis and periodontitis, as well as the formation of plaque and tartar. Recommended for dental care and oral hygiene, before dental procedures, in minor bleeding of the oral mucosa.

Dosage: after brushing the teeth, rinse the mouth with 10 ml of solution. for 30 s 2 × / d. Use undiluted, do not swallow.

Orexide 0,1% – warnings

  1. Any discoloration of the teeth and dental restorations can be prevented by cleaning the teeth with a common toothpaste.
  2. Store Orexide 0,1% at room temperature, out of the reach of children, protected from light.

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