Orenburg dietary products from the garden

Scientists concluded that for the human body living in the middle lane, it is the fruits and vegetables that grow nearby that are much more useful. The fact is that the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract break down the usual products better. Woman’s Day has collected for you Top 5 foods that will help you lose weight without harm to your health, and Yulia Klochkova, a nutritionist at the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2, commented on our choice.

I came to my mother to pick apples, and here it is …

Everyone knows that juicy sweet apples are a wonderful fruit for health: they are free of fat, low in sodium and cholesterol, but high in vitamin C and fiber. They can be eaten fresh, added to cereals and salads, and at the same time they are low in calories. It is also believed that apples are rich in vitamin A, which is necessary for normal metabolism, and B vitamins, which ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Together with the apple, the body receives the fiber it needs, which will lower the level of bad cholesterol, prevent constipation and promote weight loss.

There is an opinion: in order to lose weight, you need to eat one apple before eating. Then the stomach will be half full and it will allow you to get satiated with less food. There is also a carbohydrate mono-diet, in which it is recommended to eat only apples for one day, but in unlimited quantities.

Nutritionist comment: Apples contain vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, PP, H) and minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, zinc). Due to the presence of a large amount of fiber and pectin substances, this fruit allows you to cleanse the intestines of harmful accumulations. The balanced composition of apples helps to cleanse the blood from toxins. This product normalizes the digestive system and puts in order metabolic processes (including fatty ones). The apple diet consists of 1,5-2 kg of raw and baked apples, as well as apple dishes. The frequency of application of the diet is 1-2 times a week. Weight loss should be no more than 1,5-2 kg per week. The diet is contraindicated for persons with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer. This diet is very popular and used very often.

No matter how her colleagues laughed at her, Yulia still chewed a watermelon at lunchtime and washed it down with water

Red, juicy, sweet watermelon – what could be more pleasant in the hot summer heat. In addition, it is simply ideal for losing weight – it cleanses the body of toxins, contains fiber, which is so necessary for digestion and lowering cholesterol levels. If you eat these large berries every day during the watermelon season, you can cleanse the kidneys in a natural way and improve your health for a whole year. Rich in vitamins A and C, watermelon is very poor in calories, fat and sodium.

The calorie content of watermelon is only 38 kcal per 100 g of pulp, this is one of the few sweets, using which you can not think about extra pounds.

In addition to its low calorie content, watermelon washes the body, removes toxins from it, and helps to lower cholesterol levels. It will benefit anyone, especially anyone with heart disease. The diuretic effect of watermelon determines its antipyretic effect, and, unlike similar medications, it has no contraindications.

Nutritionist comment: Watermelons saturate our body with potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, PP). The watermelon diet is 1,5-2 kg of watermelon pulp 5 times a day, no more than 1-2 days a week. Contraindications: gallstone disease, kidney stones, diabetes mellitus, bowel disease. You can not use early watermelons, which contain a large amount of nitrates, which can lead to severe intoxication of the body. The diet is mostly seasonal.

Girls, in how many minutes can you eat a cucumber ?!

Cucumber is a vegetable that is 98% water. This means that, being eaten, it should not leave a single extra centimeter on the waist. Despite the fact that the calorie content of cucumbers is only 15 kcal per 100 g, they perfectly satisfy hunger. In addition, the water contained in cucumbers is a natural adsorbent. Daily consumption of cucumber helps to cleanse the body and eliminate toxins. Cucumbers also contain fiber, a small amount of carbohydrates, protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements, organic acids that are necessary for normal digestion.

Cucumbers are known for their intestinal cleansing properties, which is why fasting days on these vegetables are very popular. Such fasting days are especially useful for people suffering from edema caused by cardiovascular diseases.

Nutritionist comment: Cucumbers contain vitamins B and C, a rich set of trace elements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc. Cucumbers also contain tartronic acid, which inhibits the transformation of carbohydrates into fats. Since the diet of the cucumber diet is quite tough and meager, and the cucumbers themselves are not saturated with vitamins, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes at the same time. You should refuse a cucumber diet for weight loss if you have the following problems: kidney stones, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The cucumber diet, by the way, is very popular.

Do you want to lose weight? Ask me how!

Beets are a real miracle product. It promotes weight loss and prevents weight gain. In addition to the root crop, useful substances are also contained in the beet tops. One of the most beneficial properties of the beetroot fruit is that it helps maintain a normal level of acid-base balance in the body.

Beatin, a biologically active substance that helps in the complete assimilation of protein, is considered especially valuable in beets. Beatin allows you to eat a small portion of food, if you eat it after beets.

Plus, beatin helps improve liver function. This contributes to the rapid elimination of waste and toxins from the body, which is necessary when losing weight.

Beets also lower cholesterol levels in the body – they bind it in the intestines and prevent it from entering the bloodstream. It helps a lot for dieters. After all, the cause of completeness is often a simple clogging of various organs with slags and toxins, which makes the body start to malfunction and accumulate harmful substances.

Nutritionist comment: Beets contain vitamins B, P, PP, folic acid, fiber, magnesium, potassium, iodine, manganese, iron, sulfur, rubidium, cesium, organic acids and amino acids: betaine, betanin, lysine, valine, arginine, histidine. Beets can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, or freshly squeezed beetroot juice. With a beetroot diet, it is allowed to consume no more than 2 kg of root vegetables per day and no more than 2-3 days a week. Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, bowel disease, urolithiasis.

This diet is used infrequently due to its strong laxative effect. The best option for a beetroot diet is to replace one of the main dishes of your regular diet with beet salad.

Pumpkin is not a watermelon, you won’t drink much

Pumpkin is good both fresh and cooked. Porridge, salads, stews, soups and even pancakes are made from it. Variety is very important for dieters. After all, you really want to eat right different dishes.

There is little cholesterol, fat and sugar in pumpkin, but a lot of vitamins and minerals. So, pumpkin contains a large amount of calcium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, sodium, zinc, fiber, vitamins C, K, B, A, PP, E, rare vitamin T, which preserves and prolongs youth, maintains health and beauty and also speeds up the metabolism. Pumpkin stimulates the stomach and intestines, has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails. At the same time, pumpkin is a fairly low-calorie product – only 100-25 kcal per 30 g of pulp.

Nutritionist comment: People with diabetes mellitus, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, as well as gastritis should refuse the pumpkin diet. Overall, the pumpkin diet can be considered one of the healthiest dietary options available. If you stick to it not too fanatically and take proper care of a balanced diet, you can achieve good results in weight loss without causing any harm to your health.

In general, the mono-diets described above are ordinary fasting days that have grown to large sizes. You should be aware that long-term mono-diets can cause significant harm to the body, so do not abuse them, and in case of ailments, stop immediately and consult a doctor. Eat varied and healthy and stay healthy and slim without mono diets!

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