Oregano plant: herbaceous plants for outdoor use

Oregano plant: herbaceous plants for outdoor use

It is better to plant garden varieties outdoors. They give a richer and better harvest than wild ones. Oregano can propagate by seeds, layering or cuttings.

The flowering period of oregano begins with the beginning of summer. Its flowers are purple, pink, yellow and collected in inflorescences. They give off a rich aroma. The height of the stem is about 60 cm. The leaves are collected in dense and voluminous rosettes.

The oregano plant grows in any climate

Oregano can grow in any climatic conditions. This herb tolerates cold, drought and scorching heat well. All types of soil are suitable for its cultivation. The soil can even be acidic or infertile. The plant does not tolerate only excessive moisture. Grows best in draining soil. For greater productivity, the grass needs sunlight. A plot on the south side is suitable for her. Oregano is grown in several ways:

  • seeds into the ground;
  • seedlings;
  • dividing the bushes.

Seeds can be sown to obtain seedlings. And you can sow seeds directly into the soil. Due to the resistance of oregano to external factors, the result will not differ.

Outdoor herbaceous plants: oregano

For sowing in open ground, you need to dig a site in the fall. In the spring, the soil needs mineral fertilizers and compost. It should be thoroughly loosened and moisturized. Sowing is carried out in rows to a depth of 1 cm. Seedlings appear after 10 days. Caring for them involves:

  • weed removal;
  • timely watering;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

When the seedlings get stronger and grow, they will no longer need careful care. This happens after a couple of months.

Due to its small seed size, oregano is recommended to be grown through seedlings. This will help small seeds grow faster. Seedlings begin to grow in early spring. For this, it is better to use wooden boxes. After a couple of months, the matured seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Oregano grows slowly in the first year. Active flowering begins only in the second year of development.

Dividing the bush will help rejuvenate and multiply the plant. For this, the bush and rhizome are divided into several parts. They are planted in a new area, deepening by 5 cm. You can rejuvenate oregano every 5 years, when the soil has depleted the reserves of nutrients.

Oregano is used in cooking and traditional medicine. This medicinal and aromatic plant is resistant. It is easy to grow and propagate.

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