Oregano: benefits, medicinal properties, how to brew?

Few people know that behind the beautiful Italian word “oregano” is the beloved oregano, an incredibly fragrant herb, the aroma of which can be compared with the most delicate perfumes. It is used in cooking, medicine, added to cosmetics. We will try to reveal all the secrets of this amazing herb.

Origanum vulgaris: description of the plant

Oregano is a perennial plant with tetrahedral stems, the upper parts of which are reddish in color. A plant belonging to the mint family grows no more than 80 cm. Its oblong leaves are located opposite each other. The flowers of the plant are bright purple with a pinkish tinge, gathering in inflorescences. Oregano is an aromatic plant. Its flowering lasts from July to August.

What does oregano look like, where does it grow?

Oregano can be found in glades, open areas, stony soils. It grows in forests, on the slopes of ravines, meadows, river banks. In the city, oregano appears next to ponds, ditches. Quite often forms real thickets.

Oregano: benefits, medicinal properties, how to brew?

Before the flowers appear, oregano looks like mint. Four faces are defined on the surface of the stem. It is covered with a greenish fluff, which gradually disappears upwards. At the top of the stem in July-August, small flowers bloom, collected in panicles. The petals are pink or rose-purple. The flowering period lasts quite a long time, which allows you to make blanks for the whole year.

In early autumn, in place of the flower, 4 brown seeds are formed, similar to tiny nuts. The approximate weight of one thousand seeds is 1 milligram.

On the territory of Russia, on an industrial scale, oregano is cultivated in the Caucasus, southern Siberia. The United States and France are considered the world’s largest producers of spices.

Are thyme, oregano, and oregano the same thing?

Oregano: benefits, medicinal properties, how to brew?

If we talk about oregano and oregano, then these are representatives of the same plant – Origanum vulgare. In botany, many of its subspecies are described, of which the Mediterranean oregano is the most common. Usually, when it comes to oregano, a wild plant is meant. Oregano is understood as a cultural species that is distinguished by pronounced organoleptic properties – a pleasant, delicate aroma, spicy, slightly bitter taste.

It is impossible not to recall the Mexican oregano, which is also used in cooking. This plant belongs to a completely different group of plants and is more reminiscent of lemon verbena. Mexican oregano has a stronger flavor.

Thyme is known to housewives as thyme. It differs from upright oregano in its creeping stem. If the oregano can grow up to 90 cm, then the height of the thyme does not exceed 30-35 cm. Pale purple or pinkish thyme flowers form small brushes. After drying, thyme and oregano are almost indistinguishable. Both plants have a pronounced, sweet woody aroma. Taste features of spices can be distinguished, perhaps, only by experienced chefs. However, astringency is more pronounced in oregano, and the taste of thyme has camphor notes. It should be noted that in cooking thyme and oregano are used as interchangeable spices.

The benefits of oregano: 10 scientific facts

Oregano: benefits, medicinal properties, how to brew?

The study of the composition and properties of oregano showed that the benefits of the plant are so multifaceted that they cover almost all internal organs and systems. The researchers concluded that the therapeutic and preventive effects are realized thanks to valuable essential oils, tannins, acids, flavonoids and vitamins.

Pharmacological properties of oregano:

  1. Reduces viscosity and facilitates the removal of sputum.

  2. Stimulates the synthesis of bile.

  3. It has a diuretic effect.

  4. Increases the secretion of gastric juice.

  5. Stimulates peristalsis and increases intestinal tone.

  6. Has a sedative effect.

  7. Suppresses the growth of bacteria.

  8. Has an analgesic effect.

10 scientifically proven medicinal properties of oregano

1 Has an antibacterial effect

Oregano: benefits, medicinal properties, how to brew?

Substances with a pronounced antimicrobial effect were found in oregano. For example, one study showed that oregano essential oil completely stopped the growth of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), which are pathogens that cause a number of dangerous infections of the respiratory and urinary systems.  [1].

It is important that these microorganisms belong to bacteria that are potentially resistant to antibacterial drugs. Analysis of the effect of active substances of oregano on microbes showed its effectiveness against 23 different types of bacteria  [2].

Oregano essential oil is superior to sage essential oil. If we compare oregano with thyme, it ranks second in antibacterial activity.  [3].

The study of the composition showed that oregano contains carvacrol, which has an antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus). It is Staphylococcus aureus that causes skin infections, severe food poisoning.

During one of the experiments, observations were made of 14 laboratory mice infected with Staphylococcus aureus. A group of mice treated with oregano essential oil showed a survival rate of more than 30 days. This figure corresponded to a 50% survival rate of animals treated with antibiotics.  [4].

2 It has anti-cancer properties.

Oregano is one of the best sources of antioxidants that the body needs to neutralize free radicals. The destruction of cells by free radicals is the main cause of cancer. As it turned out, oregano antioxidants help kill cancer cells.

A test-tube experiment has shown that oregano extract is effective in the complex treatment of colon cancer. A positive result is achieved by blocking the growth of altered cells  [5].

One of the active components of oregano, carvacrol, is able to suppress the growth of tumor cells. Proven in a test-tube study using colon cancer cells  [6].

3 Reduces the course of a viral infection

Oregano: benefits, medicinal properties, how to brew?

During the study of the antibacterial properties of oregano, its antiviral activity was discovered. Scientists came to the conclusion that specific components of oregano – carvacrol and thymol – have antiviral properties.

Laboratory results suggest that carvacrol inactivates norovirus, which causes nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea. The effect was recorded an hour after the application of oregano extract  [7].

Another test tube study established the antiherpetic activity of thymol and carvacrol. An hour after exposure to the active substances of oregano, inactivation of the herpes simplex virus by 90% was recorded.  [8].

4 Alleviates the symptoms of inflammation

The appearance of a focus of inflammation is a natural reaction of the immune system to injury or illness. The transformation of inflammation into a chronic process is dangerous for the development of autoimmune processes, diabetes mellitus, and heart disease. Oregano contains many antioxidants. Due to their activity, oxidative stress is neutralized and, as a result, signs of inflammation are reduced.  [9].

Carvacrol has an anti-inflammatory effect. This fact was confirmed by a study involving laboratory mice. After the application of oregano extract in rodents, there was a decrease in paw edema by more than 55%  [10].

In another experiment, mice were observed with colitis and symptoms of inflammation of the large intestine. A group of animals treated with a mixture of essential oils of oregano and thyme showed a decrease in the level of inflammatory markers.  [11].

5 Reduces cholesterol

Oregano: benefits, medicinal properties, how to brew?

Several studies have shown that oregano helps regulate cholesterol levels.

Scientists conducted an experiment involving 48 people who had moderately high cholesterol levels. With all the subjects, work was carried out aimed at correcting nutrition and lifestyle. Of the total number of participants, 32 people received 25 ml of oregano distilled with water after each meal.

After 3 months, the analysis showed a decrease in “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and an increase in “good” cholesterol (HDL) in the group that received oregano. Participants who followed dietary and lifestyle recommendations showed little change in their blood lipid profile.  [12].

Carvacrol, which is part of oregano oil, lowers cholesterol levels in laboratory animals. For example, in mice that ate a diet enriched with fats. For 10 weeks, against the background of a specific diet, the animals were given carvacrol. The control analysis showed a marked reduction in cholesterol in those mice that did not receive carvacrol.  [13].

6 Has a powerful antioxidant effect

Free radicals have a destructive effect on cells, which eventually leads, for example, to heart disease. It is impossible to completely exclude the influence of these aggressive molecules – they are ubiquitous. In addition to its own metabolic products, the body absorbs and accumulates free radicals from polluted air, cigarette smoke, toxic chemicals. Antioxidants help fight damage.

Comparative analysis of the level of 39 most popular spices showed that oregano has the highest concentration of antioxidants. If we compare the performance of oregano with thyme, St. John’s wort and marjoram, then it contains dozens of times higher antioxidants.

For example, 1 gram of oregano contains 42 times more antioxidants than 1 gram of apples and 4 times more than 1 gram of blueberries. Scientists believe that the high concentration of antioxidants is due to the presence of rosmarinic acid.  [14].

7 Helps in the treatment of yeast infections

A test-tube experiment showed that oregano essential oil inhibits the growth of five types of Candida fungus (Candida), which affect the oral cavity, vaginal mucosa. The results of the study indicate that it was the essential oil of oregano that showed the highest efficiency, unlike other tested essential oils.  [15].

Experimentally, it was possible to prove that carvacrol, characteristic of oregano extract, is most effective in the treatment of candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the mouth.  [16].

The emergence and spread of yeasts may be associated with bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.  [17]. Preliminary results of a study on oregano essential oil suggest it is effective against 16 Candida yeast strains  [18].

8 It heals the intestine

Oregano: benefits, medicinal properties, how to brew?

Oregano has a positive effect on the intestines in several ways. Firstly, it relieves abdominal pain, eliminates diarrhea and bloating, which can be a manifestation of any disease or a sign of the presence of intestinal parasites.

One of the first scientific studies of oregano showed that it successfully fights parasites. 14 people with parasitic intestinal infections received 6 mg of oregano oil daily for 600 weeks. In all participants, the treatment showed a positive result – all intestinal symptoms disappeared. In 77% of the subjects, there was a complete cure for the parasitic infection.  [19].

It is known that the so-called “leaky gut” is a condition in which the integrity of the intestinal membranes is damaged, which allows toxins and pathogenic flora to enter the bloodstream. A study in pigs showed that oregano essential oil protected the intestinal walls, keeping them intact. In addition, scientists have found a decrease in the level of E. coli in the intestines of animals.  [20].

9 Has an analgesic effect

During a study on mice, it was possible to establish the pain-relieving properties of oregano. Different groups of animals received traditional painkillers and essential oils. The result showed that the essential oil of oregano has a pronounced analgesic effect and has properties characteristic of morphine and fenoprofen. Scientists explain the obtained data on the analgesic effect of oregano by the properties of carvacrol  [21].

Similar results were recorded in another study on rats. Oregano extract had an analgesic effect on all animals. Notably, the analgesic effect was directly related to the dose of the extract. The higher the dosage of the substance, the less pain the rodents experienced.  [22].

10 Stimulates the process of losing weight

In the course of studying the properties of oregano, it was found that carvacrol can help in weight loss.

For example, in one experiment, mice fed a rich, fatty diet were divided into two groups. Individuals of one of the groups were offered daily carvacrol. In this group, the animals showed weight loss, a decrease in fat volume. In the control group, similar results were not recorded.

Scientists suggest that carvacrol promotes the reverse transformation of fat cells  [23].

[Video] Dr. Berg – 14 benefits of oregano oil (oregano oil):

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