In this publication, we will consider what an ordinary (simple) fraction is, how it is written, pronounced, what parts it consists of (numerator and denominator). There are also examples of ordinary fractions with visualization for better understanding.
Common fraction
The concept, writing and reading of fractions
Fraction – this is a number that consists of one or more equal parts (parts) of a unit / whole.
Ordinary (simple) fraction is a fraction written as follows:
m и n are natural numbers, and n≠ 0.
horizontal line between m и n called fraction bar.
Other spellings of a simple fraction
A slash can be used instead of a horizontal bar:
- 2/5 ;
- 2/5.
Reading a fraction
First the number is called m, then – n. For example, fraction 2/5 should be pronounced like “two fifths”, 6/13 as “six thirteenths”.
Numerator from the denominator of a fraction
- Denominator (n) – makes it clear how many parts (shares) the unit / whole is divided into.
- Numerator (m) – shows how many parts (shares) are taken.
Common Fraction Examples
Example 1
Fraction 3/8 means that one whole (for example, a circle) is divided into 8 parts/sectors, and from them taken 3.
Example 2
Fraction 4/9 means that one whole (for example, a square) was divided into 9 parts, and from them taken 4.