Eternal disorder, noise and chaos in the house do not contribute to the intellectual development of the child – this conclusion of child psychologists Stephen Petrill (Stephen Petrill) and Robert Plomin (Robert Plomin) from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) is based on an analysis of tests performed by 8000 twins of three to four years.
Eternal disorder, noise and chaos in the house do not contribute to the intellectual development of the child – this conclusion of child psychologists Stephen Petrill (Stephen Petrill) and Robert Plomin (Robert Plomin) from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) is based on an analysis of tests performed by 8000 twins of three to four years. It turned out that in houses where order reigns, children show higher results: a calm atmosphere helps to learn new things (toys scattered during the game do not count!). Let the children see that it is pleasant for you to keep the house clean, and at the same time, helping you, learn to work.