Order in the head VS cleanliness in the apartment: how to meet the new season with pleasure?

Autumn. It’s time to get rid of summer clothes and boring household utensils, get cozy knitted scarves out of the closet, buy spices for mulled wine and set a happy “peace and quiet” mode in your head. How to do this without spending all your energy on putting things in order in the apartment, we find out together!

The beginning of a new season is always certain work and worries: put summer things on the top shelves and get autumn ones; replace the first row of tall glasses for soft drinks with a bunch of pot-bellied cozy cups; wash the window panes so that the transparent October light can easily penetrate the rooms; soothe and calm the heart beating wildly in the rhythm of August.

We decided to try to combine the pre-fall cleaning of the house with putting things in order in the soul and thoughts. As it turned out, these processes are closely interconnected: getting rid of chaos from the outside, we cope with our own nervous system.

Method number 1: throw everything unnecessary out of the apartment and out of your head

We ourselves do not notice how the mess in the apartment has a destructive effect on the way of thinking. Unconsciously, we cling to a million little things that do not please us, we mentally note all the imperfections encountered on the way from the bedroom to the bathroom. This makes it difficult to focus on something more important, so why endure? Just put things in order, the beginning of autumn is a great occasion!

  • Divide the space into zones: kitchen, bedroom, living room, nursery, bathroom and toilet, other rooms.
  • Establish a cleaning routine that is comfortable for you: start with the room that upsets you the most.
  • Do not try to cover everything at once, give yourself a week to clean the house and in your own thoughts.

The best way to start tidying up is to get rid of unnecessary things. In every room, this is something specific: in the bedroom – dust-collecting figurines that you were once presented with, or boring curtains; in the kitchen – dishes with chipped edges, expired food, old worn towels; in the bathroom – half-empty jars with cosmetic things that you no longer use, or, for example, a curtain tired of a long life.

In order not to make even more mess, getting rid of old things, use handy construction waste bags (they are larger and stronger than usual), and in order not to spoil the manicure, use rubber gloves. All the tools you need to put things in order can be found in the catalog of stores for the whole family. Fix Price, just like convenient products for subsequent cleaning. For example, there are irreplaceable wet wipes, a magical melamine sponge for all surfaces, including leather, and even a funny ladybug-shaped carpet brush that will cheer you up and give you a second wind!

Method number 2: organize your thoughts by streamlining your life

The rule “order outside, order inside” has been around for a long time, and its effectiveness has been proven by generations of women who grab the vacuum cleaner at the first sign of nervousness and irritation. Regular cleaning will help to cope with momentary stress, and general cleaning will help with all the anxieties that have accumulated over the summer.

Organizing space is almost meditation. Start organizing with simple little things. Sort out on the shelves with cosmetics – the one that remained after throwing away everything old, expired and unloved. Convenient and beautiful organizers from the same catalog will come to your aid. Fix Price, they come in different sizes, colors and shapes, you can choose the perfect one. And even eternally crumbling cotton buds can be dealt with – a stylish and beautiful organizer that will become a pleasant detail of the interior and will not take up much space.

Shoes constantly lying in disarray in the hallway also do not help to achieve harmony. Remove the already outdated sandals to the upper shelves, and distribute seasonal shoes in special lockers. So that when it starts to rain, your clean corridor without a single superfluous thing is not flooded with streams of city dirt, get a convenient shoe tray – this is also in stock Fix Price.

Feel the autumn harmony

So gradually, removing all annoying factors from the house, you will not notice how your soul becomes calm and good. And the first September rain, covering the view from a cleanly washed window with a gray veil, will bring not sadness, but peace – along with a brand new pot-bellied mug of hot cocoa and ringing silence, which happens only in autumn.

Look for even more ideas for a cozy autumn in Fix Price stores and on the website fix-price.ru!

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