Order at home – order in the head: 7 rules

All things are in their places, there is no dust on the shelves, clothes are not lying around – an idyllic picture, alas, unattainable for many. In fact, maintaining order at home is not so difficult. First of all, you need to stop mindlessly buying and storing unnecessary things.

Minimalism as a lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. Its adherents believe that it is necessary to direct energy to the spiritual, and not to the material. Clearing the space helps to free the mind and not overload it with restless thoughts. Order in the head begins with putting things in order in the apartment. Seven simple rules will help maintain it.

1. Don’t hoard waste paper

Old documents, receipts, invoices, warranty cards and instructions for electrical appliances, glossy magazines and free newspapers – paper trash often accumulates in bedside tables, chests of drawers and on tables. Make it a rule to immediately disassemble the contents of the mailbox and get rid of brochures and newspapers. If you wish, you can have a cardboard box for them in the hallway and regularly take its contents to a separate waste collection point.

Keep checks, warranty cards and other documents in a specially allocated desk drawer. It must be regularly sorted out and thrown out that has lost its relevance.

2. Wash dishes after meals

Most people hate washing dishes or even putting them in the dishwasher. And now a couple of plates after breakfast turn into a pile of dishes in the sink, which spoils the mood with its very appearance. In addition, dried food residues are much worse washed.

Washing dishes right away is a very healthy habit. Consider this as the final chord of any meal. It is better to spend three times for five minutes than to wash dishes once a day for a quarter of an hour or even longer. And to make this tedious task enjoyable, turn on your favorite music.

3. Make your bed in the morning

Clutter attracts clutter, and the bedroom demonstrates this principle. The bed occupies a central place in it, and when it is left unmade, everything around begins to look sloppy. So buy a beautiful bedspread and do not be lazy to make the bed. Or find a partner who will do it for you.

4. Keep your kitchen counter clean

Most families spend the lion’s share of their time in the kitchen. Work papers, books, medicines, vitamins and other things that are not related to food or cooking accumulate on the kitchen table. For all this, you need to find another place. Then it will be more pleasant to have lunch.

5. Put things back in their place

Your parents probably taught you this: put toys in boxes, put books on the shelf, and put clothes in the closet. But for some reason, having become adults and independent, we forget these golden rules of order. It is best to return things to their place immediately or every night before going to bed.

It takes very little time, but every morning you will start in a tidy apartment and spend less precious minutes searching for the right things.

6. Don’t procrastinate

Most often, disorder starts with procrastination. We understand that some things take only a couple of minutes, but we put them off again and again, more and more littering the space around us. Take out the trash, throw things in the washing machine, collect the dishwasher, wipe the table – it’s so easy and fast. By completing one such task, you take another step towards order in the house.

7. Clear out crowded drawers and cabinets

If the cabinet door no longer closes, and there is no room for a new cream on the bathroom shelf, this is an alarm signal. As soon as things no longer fit in the space allotted for them, it’s time to revise: throw out the unnecessary, put out of sight what you rarely use. It will most likely take 10-15 minutes, but one source of clutter will be eliminated.

And, finally, the main thing: if you want order, do not buy too much.

About the Developer

Joshua Becker – creator Blog Becoming Minimalist, author of Simplify: 7 Principles to Help You Clear Your Home and Life of Unnecessary Things and How to Get Rid of Unnecessary Things if You Have Kids.

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