Oranges and cherries will help you from a hundred ailments

Oranges and cherries will help you from a hundred ailments

Oranges and cherries will help you from a hundred ailments

Nature has endowed orange and cherry with so many health-promoting substances that in some cases, their use can replace the intake of various medications aimed at eliminating many diseases, including cancer.

Cherries, for example, contain special substances – anthocyanins, which are capable of turning off a gene in cancer cells. In addition, the use of cherries can reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. And, as shown by the latest experiment, to slow down or stop the growth of prostate adenoma cancer cells and gastrointestinal cancer cells.

Doctors talk about oranges as a panacea for health. About 60 different flavonoids, and in addition, hesperetins and naringins, which are rich in the beloved fruit of all, have the ability to reverse the aging process, prevent kidney stones and improve eye health. And also to eliminate breakdowns of DNA cells and protect the immune system, reduce the risk of the onset and development of macular degeneration, have a laxative effect on the body and bind chemicals in the colon, due to which cancer can develop. To achieve a similar effect on the body, it is not necessary to eat orange in large quantities – it is enough to include it in the menu three times in 7 days. And many health problems will be resolved.

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