Orange vodka – 3 orange tincture recipes

Citrus fruits are a great complement to alcohol, and not just in terms of taste. Fruit slices are a great snack option, quick and healthy. Orange or lemon juice is the best base for cocktails. But more importantly, citrus fruits are an excellent ingredient for tinctures, so today we will teach you how to make one of them, namely orange tincture.

There are many recipes for orange tinctures, but we offer you only the best and proven ones. In principle, all recipes with lemon tinctures, in particular the recipe for lemon vodka, are easily adapted for oranges, tangerines and other similar fruits. Probably the most popular recipe is orange peel tincture, while it can be prepared in the same way as homemade Limoncello, and the resulting drink can be safely called Orancello.

Orange vodka – 3 orange tincture recipes

Orange peel tincture recipe, Orancello

Orange vodka – 3 orange tincture recipes

  • 500 ml alcohol 96%
  • 1 kg orange
  • 350 g sugar
  • 900 ml of water

Orange vodka – 3 orange tincture recipes

Before peeling an orange, it is recommended to wash it well with a brush to remove wax and other preservatives that are used to treat almost all fruits.

It is important to cut the zest correctly, namely not to hook on the white peel. You can do this with a vegetable peeler, but it is better to use a fine grater (there are even special tools for peeling citrus fruits).

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Remove the zest of the orange in the right amount and place it in a glass jar.
  2. Pour it with alcohol and leave for a week, periodically (2-4 times a day) stirring the infusion.
  3. After a week, we filter, cook the syrup: dissolve sugar in 0,5 l of warm water, boil a couple of times and remove the white foam; add the rest of the water.
  4. Pour the alcohol into the syrup (it is possible through a charcoal filter) and send it to the refrigerator for 3-4 days, during which time an oily film should form on the surface.
  5. Drain the “oranzhello” through a tube into the bottle (from below, so that the oily film remains on the walls of the container).
  6. Drink with pleasure chilled.

Orange vodka – 3 orange tincture recipes

The following recipe is fundamentally different from the previous one, since the orange fruit is completely used in its preparation.

Orange tincture on fruits

Orange vodka – 3 orange tincture recipes

  • 2,5 liters of moonshine / alcohol / vodka with a strength of 40-50%
  • 2 large orange
  • 150-175 fragrant honey


  1. Cut oranges into a 3-liter jar into small pieces (from a matchbox), remove the seeds if possible;
  2. Dissolve honey in a separate jar in 0,5-0,8 liters of vodka / moonshine / alcohol;
  3. Pour the dissolved honey into a jar of oranges and add the rest of the alcohol mixture;
  4. We insist a week, filter;
  5. We are waiting for another 4-5 days, decanted (drained from the sediment), filtered again and used in its pure form or as part of cocktails.

The resulting drink can be defended in a cool place until completely clarified and filtered. Then there will be a crystal clear drink of pale yellow color.

Orange vodka – 3 orange tincture recipes

It looks like a clarified orange tincture

Of the other interesting orange vodkas, I liked only one:

  • 400 g orange peels (can be dried);
  • Xnum l vodka;
  • 20-25 g of ginger root.

Put the crushed ginger root and peel in a jar and pour vodka over them. Infuse for 2 weeks, filter, stand for another 3-4 days, filter and bottle.

But the following recipe can really be called original and unusual. Now you will understand why.

The original orange tincture recipe

Orange vodka – 3 orange tincture recipes

  • 1 small orange
  • 350 ml 70% alcohol
  • 400 ml of water


  • pour alcohol into a liter jar (we dilute it to 70% using our calculator);
  • you need to buy an orange of such a size that it can easily, even with a margin, climb into the jar (it will harden over time and it will be difficult to pull it out);
  • we hang an orange with a needle, thread and wire over alcohol so that they do not touch (orange and alcohol);
  • insist 2-3 weeks in a cool place, then remove the orange and dilute the drink with water;
  • after dilution, the tincture will become cloudy (essential oils emulsify, as is the case with absinthe, if you drink it with water), so if you want a clear drink, you will have to wait another 3-4 weeks – during this time the tincture will completely lighten.

It’s easier to watch this video:

A drink prepared according to this recipe will have a pronounced orange-caramel smell and a mild citrus taste. Initially, you can add a little powdered sugar to the alcohol, somewhere around 200 g per our amount of alcohol, but this is already optional and it will turn out more like a liquor than a tincture. Where then to put this good? Can be drunk straight or used in cocktails. With juices, our orange vodka will be just right.

Experiment, share your results with us in the comments. Orange tincture is very tasty and not as harmful as many other alcoholic drinks, of course, if you drink in moderation. In the end, this is a great way to elevate moonshine, especially if it is of mediocre quality.

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