The orange talker is a representative of the Hygrophoropsis family. The mushroom also has other names: false chanterelle or kokoshka. The orange talker has a number of features, so it is extremely important to study its description before collecting it.

Orange talker: photo and description

Where orange talkers grow

The fungus is common in temperate forest zones in Europe and Asia. The time of its active growth falls on the beginning of August and ends in October. The main places where you can find the orange talker are coniferous and mixed forests, soil, litter, moss, rotting pine wood and anthills. The false chanterelle sprouts both alone and in large groups.

What orange talkers look like

The diameter of the mushroom cap is from 3 to 10 cm. Initially, it is convex, with folded edges. As it grows, the form becomes prostrate and depressed. In adult specimens, the cap is funnel-shaped, with thin wavy edges. Its color is orange, with a yellowish or brown tinge. It is darker in the center, towards the edges the tone becomes light yellow, and with age it becomes almost white. The surface of young talkers is dry, velvety.

Mushroom with frequent, thick, descending plates with many branches. When pressed, they turn brown.

Orange talker: photo and description

The length of the cylindrical leg is 3-6 cm. The diameter is up to 1 cm. The leg tapers towards the base. Its surface is yellow-orange, like the plates of the fungus. Often the leg is bent at the base.

The pulp of the false chanterelle is red compacted, softer towards the edges. As the fungus grows, it becomes cottony, acquiring a pale yellowish tint.

Orange talker: photo and description

Is it possible to eat orange talkers

For a long time, this species was attributed to poisonous mushrooms. Soon, the orange talker was transferred to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms. However, even now, some mycologists consider it slightly toxic, strictly forbidden for use without prior heat treatment.

You can find out more information about the variety in the video:

Talker Orange. Beginner mushroom picker

Taste qualities of mushroom govorushka orange

The variety has an unexpressed taste and aroma. Therefore, the mushroom is not common in cooking. The legs of the fruiting bodies are rather rigid, and the caps of adult specimens are rubbery. A slight woody aftertaste can sometimes be felt.

Benefits and harm to the body

Despite the mild taste, the use of orange talker has a positive effect on the body:

  • in the fight against infectious diseases;
  • when removing toxins, due to the composition of enzymes;
  • to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restore the digestive process;
  • while lowering cholesterol levels and the risk of blood clots.
Important! People with increased food sensitivity should refrain from eating false chanterelles: the fungus can provoke an exacerbation of gastroenteritis.

Orange talker: photo and description

False doubles

The talker does not have poisonous counterparts, it can only be confused with edible and conditionally edible varieties:

  1. fox real, with which the orange talker has a common fruiting time and place of growth. Distinctive features of the “original” – a fleshy and brittle texture. A real chanterelle also has a less saturated color of the plates and legs.

    Orange talker: photo and description

  2. False fox red, which can be recognized by its pronounced scales and a darker color in the central part of the cap.

    Orange talker: photo and description

Important! Some are afraid to confuse a false fox with a poisonous orange-red talker, but it is extremely difficult to do this: the fruiting body of the latter is distinguished by an orange-red scaly surface with a brown tint, as well as a sharp unpleasant odor.

Orange talker: photo and description

Collection rules

There are several main rules for picking mushrooms. Adhering to the recommendations, you can avoid undesirable consequences:

  1. Mushroom picking should not be carried out near highways, a military training ground or chemical plants.
  2. Only young specimens should be collected, since adult mushrooms are capable of accumulating dangerous toxins.
  3. It is necessary to cut off the fruiting bodies in the middle of the leg, and then cover the mycelium with needles.
  4. Before harvesting, it is important to make sure that none of the mushrooms are wormy.
  5. It is not recommended to keep the fruiting bodies in the refrigerator for longer than 24 hours.
  6. Immediately after harvesting, the mushrooms must be boiled. Otherwise, at room temperature, they can quickly deteriorate.

How to cook orange talkers

In the field of cooking, only the caps of young orange talkers are used: the legs of the mushroom are unsuitable for food due to their dense structure. The caps are pre-cleaned of dirt, washed thoroughly and boiled for 25-30 minutes. After they can be stewed, fried, used as an ingredient for soup.

There are also known recipes for marinating and pickling orange talkers. There is no need to pre-soak the mushrooms: just clean them of debris, rinse under running water and boil in salted boiling water. Prepared fruit bodies can be prepared according to the selected recipe.


The orange talker is found in coniferous and mixed forests. As a mushroom without a pronounced taste and smell, it does not have a high gastronomic popularity, but it can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of body systems. Before cooking, the product must be boiled without fail.

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