Orange peel, or cellulite. Can you get rid of it?

The so-called orange peel has 100% oranges and 85% of women worldwide. It is not known how many oranges suffer from it, but with the bordering probability it can be assumed that 85% of women hate it. They even go so far as to look up pretty girls’ skirts! For when it turns out that a slim girl sitting with her leg crossed has cellulite on her thighs, the voyeur’s mood improves rapidly.

Cellulite from cellulitis

What is this unfortunate cellulite? Dr. Patrycja Stankiewicz-Habrat from the Specialist Center for Aesthetic and General Dermatology “Twój Dermatologist” in Katowice explains:

– Cellulite is a non-inflammatory subcutaneous tissue disorder. It mainly appears on the buttocks, thighs, lower legs, arms and stomach. Initially, it does not cause any clinical symptoms, but gradually leads to fibrosis of the subcutaneous tissue. Their manifestation are aesthetic defects in the form of furrows and dimples visible on the skin. In the first stage, they are visible only when the skin fold is pinched, in the advanced stage also when the woman is standing. As the nodules formed from fibrotic collagen press against the nerve fibers and capillaries, pain may occur.

When the fat cells located under the skin grow in size, overgrow with connective tissue and begin to “crush” blood vessels, the normal metabolism of cells, in which water and toxins accumulate, not removed naturally due to disturbed blood and lymph circulation, is disturbed.


What is cellulite not? It is definitely not synonymous with cellulitis. This term means inflammation of the subcutaneous connective tissue caused by a bacterial infection, e.g. following injury or burn. It requires antibiotic treatment, can be fever and headache, and the skin is red, hot and painful.

Therefore, although cellulite is not a disease, or at least not clearly, because, as Dr. it and the search for an effective antidote are already consuming huge millions of dollars in the US, and by 2013 they are to require even larger sums.

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As it is commonly known, the world is cruel and unfair, and women always have it worse, therefore cellulite affects them almost exclusively (in 85% of men the problem is backfired, when they have to convince their partners that they are beautiful despite cellulite on their thighs). This is because oestrogens, the female sex hormones, play a huge role in making orange peel. That is why cellulite appears already at the beginning of the girl’s puberty process and is aggravated by hormonal storms, such as pregnancy, menopause or taking birth control pills.

In addition, women have more fat cells than men, moreover, the reticulated structure of male adipose tissue is much more favorable to keeping fat in check than the female system of vertical tubes that immediately transport fat straight to the skin’s surface.

Cellulite in men may appear, for example, in the course of Klinefelter’s syndrome (chromosomal aberration, causes female features in a man) or as a consequence of estrogen therapy of prostate cancer.

Can you get rid of cellulite?

Hormonal and genetic factors are significant, if not decisive, in the formation of cellulite, but never before have there been so many women complaining of cellulite as now (it is sometimes called a civilization ailment!). Therefore, it can be concluded that the modern lifestyle has a great influence on cellulite.

And indeed: lack of exercise, poor diet rich in animal fats, salt, coffee and alcohol, high-heeled shoes, too tight clothes, cigarettes, love of hot baths and stress contribute to the development of cellulite.

The sooner we change our eating habits and taste fish, fruit, vegetables and still water that supports detoxification of the body, we start a sedentary lifestyle at least a little, we will include some physical activity in the weekly schedule, e.g. dancing or even walking, replace the bathtub with a cooler shower and generally slow down a little pace, the easier it will be to eliminate the first symptoms of cellulite. Not to mention the other benefits of a healthy lifestyle, of course.

According to Dr. med., Dermatologist Patrycja Stankiewicz-Habrat, the best method of fighting cellulite is exercise and an appropriate diet, while topical treatments, such as mesotherapy, lipolysis or lymphatic drainage, are supportive and only to some extent can contribute to until the desired effect is achieved.

The sooner we start the fight against cellulite, the better for us, because with increasing body weight and age, orange peel feels more and more at home with us. Women over 40 develop the so-called a flaccid type of cellulite, which is associated with the loss of elasticity of the subcutaneous tissue.

The New York Times article on orange peel is not very optimistic. Its author claims that the anti-cellulite medicine would require no more or less just a change in the structure of the skin and subcutaneous layers.and research shows that the available treatments for cellulite are 50% effective at best. It’s like having only half an orange peel on our thighs, little consolation. But that’s not what humanity did, we sent a spaceship to Mars, we transplant faces, we operate on unborn children, sooner or later a way will be found for cellulite. For now, you have to move, eat healthy and like citrus!

You can also try firming body cosmetics – shower gel and body scrub. You can find both products on the Medonet Market.

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