Orange liqueur: 9 recipes at home

In addition to making Curacao, oranges can be used to create homemade analogies to other equally, if not more, venerable liqueurs.

They also make from orange: wine, liqueur, tincture, syrups

Tips before starting

  1. The main thing is that fruits should be ripe, fragrant and without traces of spoilage on the peel.

  2. Before removing the zest, the fruits must first be scalded with boiling water, then rinsed under running water, and then wiped dry. This is necessary to remove wax or similar external preservatives.

  3. When removing the zest, in no case should you touch the white subcortex, otherwise the drink you have prepared will be excessively bitter.

  4. Glycerin, in the recipes below, has one very important and skillfully used feature by alcohol manufacturers – it contributes to the thickening of the liquid, especially when cooled. In addition, it gives alcohol a pleasant taste and aroma. The use of this supplement is optional.

  5. In the vast majority of cases, good vodka or food alcohol diluted to a strength of 45-50 degrees is suitable for preparing the drink we are interested in.

The simplest basic recipe

This option is suitable for lovers of oranges in their pure manifestation; i.e., without spices and other herbal additives. If desired, the ratio of alcohol, water and sugar can be adjusted.

List of ingredients

  1. Oranges – 8 pieces

  2. Neutral alcohol – 1 l

  3. Water – 1 L

  4. Sugar – 1 kg

Method of preparation

  1. Remove the zest from the fruit, put it in a jar and pour alcohol over it (the fruit itself can be used for other purposes).

  2. Keep a tightly closed container for two weeks in a dark room at room temperature, shaking it vigorously every couple of days.

  3. After the mentioned period, boil a simple syrup.

  4. Cool the solution to room temperature and mix it with the infusion without throwing away the zest.

  5. Return the jar to a dark, warm place for a week, remembering to shake the jar every two days.

  6. Strain the finished drink through a thick gauze, squeeze the zest into it and filter again.

  7. Pour the liquor into bottles, seal them tightly and send them to storage in a cellar or refrigerator.

PS Instead of the kilogram of sugar indicated in the recipe, you can use 600 g of liquid honey. At the same time, the prepared honey syrup should not be brought to a temperature exceeding 45-50 degrees.

Homemade Arancello Recipe

Arancello (or orancello) is a liqueur of Italian origin, a close relative of the famous limoncello.

List of ingredients

  1. Oranges – 4 pieces

  2. Neutral alcohol (vodka/alcohol 45-50 degrees) – 500 ml

  3. Sugar – 100-250 g

Method of preparation

  1. Remove the zest from the fruit, place it in a jar, pour in alcohol, close tightly and shake the vessel well.

  2. Put the peeled fruits in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator.

  3. Place the container with the infusion for a week in a dark, warm place, shaking it vigorously every day.

  4. After the specified period, take the oranges out of the refrigerator and squeeze the juice out of them (as a rule, if there is 500 ml of alcohol, 300-500 ml of fresh juice is used).

  5. Boil syrup from sugar and juice, without bringing it to a boil.

  6. Cool the syrup to room temperature and pass it through the filter.

  7. Drain the alcohol infusion, squeeze the zest into it and filter it well.

  8. Mix the resulting substance with syrup, bottle and send for a week in the refrigerator.

  9. Store ready Arancello in a cool, dark place.

Liquor a la Cointreau in a simple way

As a rule, Triple Sec liqueurs, of which Cointreau belongs, necessarily undergo one or more additional distillations. But, in principle, you can try to bypass this time-consuming and, moreover, requiring special professional training process.

List of ingredients

  1. Oranges – 3 pieces

  2. Neutral alcohol (vodka / alcohol 45-50 degrees) – 1 l

  3. Grapefruit or lemon – 1 piece

  4. Water – 100-200 ml

  5. Sugars – 200 g

  6. Red pepper – 1 g

  7. Black pepper – 5 peas

  8. Bay leaf – 1 piece

Method of preparation

  1. Remove the zest from citrus fruits, put it in a jar, add spices, pour in alcohol, close tightly and shake (fruit pulp, in this case, is not needed).

  2. After 5 hours, remove the bay leaf, close the container again and put it for a week in a warm, dark place.

  3. When the contents of the jar are infused, boil a simple syrup from the amount of sugar and water indicated in the recipe.

  4. Leave the solution to cool to room temperature, and meanwhile strain the orange infusion.

  5. Mix both liquids, bottle the result and seal tightly.

  6. Give the liquor a couple of weeks to finish by placing it in the basement or refrigerator (where you later store the finished drink).

Analogue of Cointreau with distillation

The recipe is designed for seasoned alcohol makers who have a natural flair in this matter.

List of ingredients

  1. Oranges – 3 pieces

  2. Pure grain alcohol – 500 ml

  3. Purified beetroot distillate of double distillation – 500 ml

  4. Grapefruit or lemon – 1 piece

  5. Water – according to the situation

  6. Sugar to taste

  7. Red pepper – 1 g

  8. Black pepper – 5 peas

  9. Bay leaf – 1 piece

Method of preparation

  1. The first two steps follow the previous recipe.

  2. Strain the resulting infusion.

  3. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1.

  4. Overtake, selecting 20 ml heads.

  5. Distill again, again taking 20 ml of the head fraction and completing the distillation if the quality of the distillate begins to be in doubt (as a rule, for this purpose, after the appearance of a liquid with a strength below forty degrees at the outlet, the residues are distilled into a new container in portions of 50 ml, stopping process at the first appearance of an unpleasant odor).

  6. Boil simple sugar syrup so that the ethanol content in diluted alcohol is within 15-40%.

  7. Mix alcohol with syrup, cooled to room temperature.

  8. Bottle the liquor and send it to a cool dark place. Start active tasting in 2-3 weeks.

Grand Marnier liqueur: imitation No. 1

In case of imitation of the famous French liqueur, it is advisable to use authentic orange blossom citrus honey.

List of ingredients

  1. Ordinary brandy or cognac – 700 ml

  2. Liquid honey – 240 ml

  3. Orange extract – 1,5 teaspoons

  4. Cinnamon – 1 pinch

  5. Coriander – 1 pinch

  6. Glycerin (optional) – 1 teaspoon

Method of preparation

  1. Mix all components in a suitable jar.

  2. Close the container tightly and leave for 3-4 months in a cool, dark room.

  3. Drain the infusion from the sediment, filter and bottle.

Grand Marnier liqueur: imitation No. 2

An option for those who do not have the desire or ability to look for exotic citrus honey.

List of ingredients

  1. Ordinary brandy or cognac – 480 ml

  2. Orange peel – 80 g

  3. Sugars – 120 g

  4. Glycerin (optional) – 1 teaspoon

Method of preparation

  1. Grind the zest with sugar.

  2. Transfer the result to a jar, pour brandy, add (or not add) glycerin and mix everything.

  3. Keep a tightly closed container for 3 months in a cool, dark room, shaking vigorously once a month.

  4. Filter the finished drink, bottle and return to cool for another 3 months.

Orange liqueur based on rum or cognac


  1. Orange and lemon – 1 pc.

  2. Sugar – 250 g

  3. Water – 250 ml

  4. Roma or cognac – 600 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Boil a thick syrup of sugar and water, squeeze the juice from an orange and a lemon into it.

  2. Then put half of the peel from the orange and the whole peel from the lemon into the syrup, previously soaked for 30 minutes in warm water.

  3. After that, put the syrup on the fire, boil again, then remove from heat, cool and pour in rum or cognac. The liqueur is ready to drink.

Liquor “Orange-coffee”


  1. Vodka or alcohol – 500 ml

  2. Large orange – 1 pcs.

  3. Natural coffee – 40 grains

  4. Refined sugar – 30-40 pieces

Method of preparation

  1. Wash and dry a large orange. Cut shallow holes with a sharp knife – 40 pieces.

  2. Place a coffee bean in each. Place the orange in a container, cover with sugar and pour vodka.

  3. Close the dishes tightly, put in a dark place for 40 days.

  4. Strain, lightly squeeze the orange into a separate bowl, filter the liquid and mix with the main liquor. Throw away the orange.

Orange liqueur with cinnamon


  1. Vodka – 1 l

  2. Sugar – 1,5 kg

  3. Orange – 10 pcs.

  4. Cinnamon – 1-2 sticks

Method of preparation

  1. Wash the oranges, cut into pieces, squeeze the juice from the pulp. Cut orange peels into pieces.

  2. Mix orange juice with vodka and sugar.

  3. Pour into a large container, put cinnamon and orange peels tied in a gauze bag into the liquid.

  4. Leave for 6 weeks, then remove the bag, strain the liquor through filter paper and pour into bottles for storage.

Relevance: 30.09.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Recipes of liqueurs

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