Orange Heart Tomato: reviews, photos

Increasingly, gardeners prefer yellow or orange tomato varieties and this is absolutely justified by their beneficial properties. So, a few years ago, American scientists proved that tetra-cis-lycopene contained in orange tomatoes slows down the aging process of the human body. Such vegetables also contain a large amount of carotene, minerals and vitamins, which often exceeds the content of similar trace elements in red fruits. Orange tomatoes do not cause allergies and can be consumed not only by adults, but also by children. The distinctive characteristics of yellow tomatoes have become the reason for their wide distribution. At the same time, the range of orange varieties is large, and choosing one good variety can be quite difficult.

Today we invite our readers to get acquainted with the Orange Heart tomato, a description of the variety and its characteristics.

Orange Heart Tomato: reviews, photos

Detailed description of the orange variety

Tomatoes “Orange Heart” were bred by breeders relatively recently. They quickly gained recognition among farmers due to their unpretentiousness and excellent fruit characteristics. Resistance to various climatic conditions has made it possible to grow orange tomatoes in all regions, from the south to the north of the country.

Important! The variety of tomatoes “Orange Heart” is popularly called “Liskin’s Nose”, because of the characteristic shape and color of the fruit.

Plant information

Tomatoes “Orange Heart” are indeterminate, strongly leafy. Tall bushes of this variety grow up to 2 meters or more, requiring careful shaping and a reliable garter.

It is recommended to form orange heart tomato bushes in two stems. The experience of farmers shows that it is this method that allows you to get the maximum crop yield. The process of such formation is described in detail in the video:

Formation of tall tomatoes

Leaves of orange heart tomatoes are powerful, dark green. They are formed in large numbers on the stem of the plant. The lower ones must be removed every 10-15 days (3-4 sheets at a time). This will help to correctly distribute nutrients in the body of the plant, increase the yield of tomatoes and reduce the likelihood of developing diseases.

Orange Heart Tomato: reviews, photos

The root system of tomatoes is powerful. It requires a large area for its successful development and nutrition of tomatoes, so breeders recommend planting no more than two bushes per 1 m2 of the earth.

Tomato inflorescences appear every 2-3 leaves. The first of them is formed in the 7-8 sinus. Each flower-bearing raceme contains 3-6 simple flowers. The ovaries are formed, as a rule, successfully, providing a consistently high yield of tomatoes.

Characteristics of tomatoes

Tomatoes “Orange Heart” got their name for a reason: their shape is heart-shaped, and their color is orange. The correspondence of this description to external characteristics can be assessed by viewing the following photo:

Orange Heart Tomato: reviews, photos

The heart-shaped form of tomatoes is complemented by a number of ribs at the stem and a pointed tip. The skin of these tomatoes is thin and tender. The inner pulp contains a large amount of dry matter and very few seeds. The aroma of vegetables is bright, rich. The taste of tomatoes is dominated by sweetness and there is a subtle sourness.

Important! Experts say that there are fruity notes in the taste of Orange Heart tomatoes.

Orange tomatoes in the shape of a heart are large. Their average weight is 150-200 g. The first fruits ripen weighing up to 300 g. Tomatoes grown in especially favorable conditions can reach the same record figures.

Orange Heart Tomato: reviews, photos

Tomatoes with excellent taste characteristics can be used in the preparation of fresh snacks, pasta and winter preparations. Vegetables are also suitable for baby food. The juice from Orange Heart tomatoes is very sweet.

It is worth noting that Orange Heart tomatoes can also be grown commercially. Slightly unripe tomatoes are distinguished by good keeping quality and transportability. The presentation of such fruits for a long time is preserved.

crop yield

The ripening period of tomatoes of the Orange Heart variety is 110-120 days. That is how much time is needed so that from the day the shoots appear, you can enjoy ripe tomatoes. The fruiting process of the variety is long and, under favorable conditions, can continue until the onset of frost. In the open field, it will be possible to remove ripe tomatoes of this variety for 40-60 days.

Orange Heart Tomato: reviews, photos

For the entire fruiting period, each Orange Heart tomato bush gives the farmer from 6 to 10 kg of tomatoes. At the same time, the yield indicator can change both up and down, depending on external factors, soil fertility, and compliance with growing rules. In general, it is worth noting that the Orange Heart variety is very grateful and always responds positively to the care shown by the farmer.

Disease resistance

One of the advantages of the Orange Heart variety is the high degree of protection of tomatoes from common diseases. And many farmers are sure that genetic immunity is able to withstand even the strongest attacks of viruses, fungi and bacteria. In fact, this is not entirely true, because the immune defense cannot independently cope with aggressive ailments, in conditions favorable for microorganisms. That is why you need to remember the following rules:

  • Loosening, timely weeding, soil mulching are the main preventive methods of combating diseases.
  • Watering tomatoes should be carried out regularly, while avoiding moisture stagnation.
  • When planting tomatoes, you need to take into account the recommendations of crop rotation.
  • The optimal conditions for the growth and fruiting of tomatoes are temperatures at + 23- + 260C and humidity about 50-700C. To maintain such a microclimate, you need to regularly ventilate the greenhouse.
  • For the prevention of diseases, you can use special biological products or folk remedies. For example, in the fight against common phytophthora, fungicides, copper-containing preparations, or iodine solution can be used.
  • In pest control, you can use herbal infusions (celandine, wormwood), ammonia solution or soap solution.

Orange Heart Tomato: reviews, photos

When growing Orange Heart tomatoes, it is worth remembering that only a set of preventive measures combined with the natural immunity of this variety will help protect plants from the most common and dangerous diseases. At the same time, regular and thorough inspection of the bushes, if necessary, will help to quickly detect the problem and eliminate it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomatoes of the proposed orange variety have a lot of significant advantages, which include:

  • Excellent taste and aroma of tomatoes, their meatiness.
  • The original appearance of tomatoes.
  • High content of vitamins, acids, minerals and fiber in the composition of the product.
  • Good yield of vegetables.
  • Transportability of tomatoes and their suitability for long-term storage.
  • genetic resistance to disease.
  • Highly sensitive varieties to top dressing, which allows you to further increase the yield of the crop.

The only drawback, or rather a feature of the variety, is the need to form indeterminate bushes, regularly removing stepchildren and powerful lower leaves from them. It is worth noting that such a feature in care is characteristic of all indeterminate varieties.

Tips for farmers

Growing orange tomatoes is not at all difficult if you know exactly how to do it correctly. And the cultivation technology for the proposed variety is as follows:

  • At the end of February or in the middle of March (for a greenhouse and open ground, respectively), sow tomato seeds for seedlings, having previously treated them with disinfectants and growth stimulants.
  • Seeds can be sown in a common container or individual pots. It is necessary to deepen the grains by 1-1,5 cm.
  • It is recommended to water the seedlings with a spray bottle so as not to wash the embedded seeds.
  • With the advent of 2 true leaves, young plants, if necessary, dive into separate containers.
  • 1-2 weeks after picking, seedlings need to be fed with organic matter or complex fertilizer with a high nitrogen content.
  • At the age of 60-65 days, tomato seedlings can be planted in the ground, but before that, you need to feed the plants with potassium and phosphorus to develop the root system.
  • Planting tomatoes in the garden should be 2-3 bushes for every 1 m2 soil.
  • 2 weeks after planting, the tomatoes need to be fed again.
  • At the stage of active growth, form plants into 2 stems.

Orange Heart Tomato: reviews, photos

The above rules for growing are quite simple. They also act when cultivating not only this variety, but also all other indeterminate tomatoes with an average fruit ripening period. At the same time, it is worth remembering that orange tomatoes actively respond to top dressing, and an excessive amount of fertilizer can harm plants. In order not to harm tomatoes, you need to monitor their condition and signals about the lack (excess) of a particular substance.


Tomatoes “Orange Heart” deserve the attention of beginners and already experienced farmers. They are very tasty, healthy and have an interesting, bright appearance. They have a lot of advantages and almost no disadvantages. They can be successfully grown in greenhouses and open beds, and the harvest will in any case be abundant. Large tomatoes can be successfully served on the table for adults and children, preserved for the winter or stored. At the same time, one thing is known for sure: delicious vegetables will not be lost, because they have many admirers.


Svetlana Khominok, 49 years old, Tambov
Everyone in our family loves Orange Heart tomatoes. They are very sweet and meaty. I fill the entire greenhouse with a variety and always get an excellent harvest. We eat tomatoes until November.
Kira Ivanova, 29 years old Kaluga
My children have competition every year: as soon as the first orange tomato in the greenhouse ripens, they will definitely pluck it and then cannot share it. Orange Heart Tomatoes are so sweet that the guys mistake them for fruit. My husband and I manage to taste tomatoes only when whole bunches of vegetables ripen on the branches.

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