Orange diet for a week

The orange diet is a great opportunity not only to get rid of annoying extra pounds, but also to cleanse the body, as well as improve health and maintain the beauty of hair, nails and skin.

Useful properties of oranges

Oranges are low-calorie fruits: 100 g contains only 60-80 kcal. But at the same time, these fruits have a high level of fructose. And oranges are also rich in vitamins of groups A, C, B, P, D and dietary fiber. So, in fruits, there is a 130% daily norm of an adult in ascorbic acid. And the dietary fiber in oranges creates a feeling of satiety: when they swell, they increase the amount of food present in the gastrointestinal tract.

Oranges are an allergic product

There is a lot of copper, iron and other trace elements, organic acids and antioxidants. At the same time, the combination of sodium and potassium is just perfect, because if there were more sodium, this would lead to the development of hypertension, and if potassium – the blood pressure indicator would fall too much.

Oranges are especially rich in folic acid. This vitamin is very important for young women who are going to give birth in the future: it prevents the development of congenital malformations in babies. Folic acid also protects against the development of cancer and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, these delicious fruits have many beneficial properties:

  • improve blood composition
  • activate the work of the brain
  • increase immunity
  • normalize blood pressure
  • burn fat

Features of losing weight on oranges

This diet is designed for a week. According to reviews, during this short period of time, you can lose weight by 4-6 kg.

Suggested menu:

The orange diet is contraindicated for persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • For breakfast, you can eat 1 orange, 1 tomato, 2-3 croutons and yogurt 3,2% fat.
  • Lunch “dishes” are the same as for breakfast.
  • During dinner, you can pamper yourself with 2 tomatoes, lettuce, 2 hard-boiled eggs and 2-3 croutons.


  • Breakfast is represented by 1 tomato, 1 orange, 3,2% fat yogurt and 2 croutons.
  • For lunch, the same “dishes” as for breakfast.
  • But for dinner, low-fat natural yogurt, low-fat boiled meat (130-150 g), orange and crackers are relied on.


  • For breakfast and lunch, the menu is the same: you can eat an orange, tomato, yogurt 3,2% fat and 1-2 croutons.
  • Dinner can be represented by steak (150-170 g), low-fat natural yogurt, croutons and orange.


  • For breakfast, fresh cucumber, 1-2 croutons and 130-150 g of low-fat cottage cheese are relied on.
  • Lunch is the same as breakfast.
  • During dinner, you are supposed to taste a green apple, 1-2 tomatoes, 1-2 croutons, an orange, 120-150 g of boiled lean meat.


  • Breakfast is presented with tomato, lettuce, 1-2 croutons, 200-250 g of low-fat boiled fish.
  • Lunch “dishes” are exactly the same as for breakfast.
  • For dinner, you can eat a hard-boiled egg, fresh tomato, lettuce.

The menu of the sixth day is the same as the first, and the seventh day is the same as the second.

To achieve the desired result, it is forbidden to increase portions or replace some products with others. In between meals, you can drink water and unsweetened tea.

In order to lose as much as 60 kilograms, you will have to use a different diet.

Read next: Fat Burners: All About Fat Burners

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