Oral contraceptives: what happens to the body after they are canceled
Every woman who has sex is faced with the question of choosing a method of contraception. Modern pharmaceuticals provide a wide range of contraceptives. One of the most popular ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancies is by taking oral contraceptives (OCs). These drugs contain a certain dose of hormones, in connection with which women often have many questions related to the peculiarities of taking pills, contraindications and possible side effects.
A modern woman should know that a well-chosen drug does not have a negative effect on the state of the body. But there are situations when young women independently prescribe oral contraceptives for themselves without first consulting a specialist and drink them for years. They are satisfied with everything, since it is a fairly reliable method of contraception, at the same time allowing to control the menstrual cycle. But, unfortunately, such an uncontrolled, long-term admission ultimately sometimes leads to a complete absence of menstruation. In this case, of course, it is necessary to cancel the appointment, contact a specialist and decide on the restoration of the cycle.
Myths about OK
Among women, there is a myth that while taking medications, problems may arise in the body: weight gain, skin rashes, increased pressure. But such a reaction can appear only in the case of an incorrectly selected drug.
The choice of oral contraceptives is based on the results of tests for female and male hormones, ultrasound of the liver and kidneys, urine tests, blood biochemistry, and in case of relevant complaints – ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvic organs.
Also, the doctor must take into account the history and select the drug taking into account certain factors – age, pregnancies and existing diseases.
In the last century, contraceptives were indeed prescribed, which contained male sex hormones. This was the first generation of contraception – the only pill available at the time. The wives who took them could become overweight, increase the growth of body hair, and coarsen their voice.
Now such contraceptives are not used, and modern pills do not negatively affect the state and functioning of the body.
On the other hand, the selection of drugs is always individual and it is necessary to focus on the body’s response in each specific case. In case of complaints, the appointment can always be adjusted. With the use of the latest generation of OK, there are practically no problems with weight: in rare cases, a woman can gain 1-2 kg. But dietary recommendations must always be followed, not only when taking medications.
Eating habits also rarely change. Usually, some changes occur in the body of emotional women prone to feelings and self-hypnosis.
Another fear of women when taking OC is the risk of decreased libido. This can only happen if the drug is selected incorrectly. A well-chosen drug does not affect sexual activity in any way.
Diseases arising from taking OK
It happens that while taking contraceptives, a woman develops vaginal candidiasis – “thrush”. This is due to the fact that when women take hormones, their immunity is slightly reduced. Adequate treatment usually leads to a complete cure.
If a woman has severe varicose veins of the lower extremities, the disease can also worsen against the background of drugs and be accompanied by edema.
When taking any OC, it is necessary to take a break so that the body can recover, but it is considered optimal to take birth control pills continuously for 2 years.
If a woman is taking oral contraceptives, she should visit a gynecologist once a year for a preventive examination. The gynecologist should decide whether to continue or stop taking, whether the drug is optimally selected or not. He determines this on the basis of examination, history, a number of tests.
When canceling the use of contraceptives, it is important to follow the rule: if the packaging has been started, it must be finished to the end
If you quit taking OK without completing the packaging, you can cause a malfunction of the menstrual cycle, and it is impossible to predict how long it will last. Its recovery will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. Failure of the menstrual cycle can also occur under the condition of long-term (5-7 years) continuous medication without medical supervision and necessary breaks.
The patient needs to stop taking OC if the following diseases occur:
Oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstruation)
The appearance of polyps
Hyperplasia of the cervical canal and endometrium. This is an extremely rare occurrence while taking OK. It is based on increased reproduction and, in some cases, a change in the structure of cells, due to which the uterus increases in size.
Who should not cancel OK?
It is not recommended to quit taking OK for women who have been prescribed the drug for medical reasons for the treatment of the following diseases:
Endometriosis with heavy periods and severe pain
Hyperandrogenism (excess of male sex hormones)
Functional cysts
This method of contraception should not be abandoned for those women who have had a lot of pregnancies and do not plan another child, since abortion is a huge stress for women’s health – not only for reproductive function, but for the whole organism as a whole. When a woman becomes pregnant, all organs and systems are rebuilt and begin to function so as to bear the child. Therefore, if a woman cannot effectively protect herself in other ways, this choice is the most reliable.
How long does it take to get pregnant after stopping contraceptives?
It depends on the duration of the drug intake. If a woman has been drinking pills for 2-3 months, it is possible and even desirable to become pregnant immediately. With such a short course, the so-called rebound effect is achieved – when contraceptives are canceled, the ovaries begin to work actively in a woman, and in most cases pregnancy occurs immediately.
If a woman has been taking drugs for 2 years or more, she is recommended to use barrier methods for a month. As a rule, the body is fully restored within a month. Ovulation is restored almost immediately. Particular attention should be paid to this for women who, in the hope of a residual effect after drug withdrawal, are not protected by other methods.
If, after discontinuation of drugs, pregnancy does not occur for a long time, this has nothing to do with taking hormonal contraceptives. Most likely, this signals a health problem in one of the partners. It can be both banal fatigue, overwork, vitamin deficiency, and problems associated with reproductive function.
Today the problem of male infertility comes out on top in comparison with female.
When an infertile couple comes for examination, the doctor first prescribes tests for the husband: it is easier and faster for a man to be examined. He must pass only one analysis, a spermogram, after which it becomes clear how further examination and treatment should be built. If the partner is healthy, the examination is assigned to the woman: it is necessary to check the hormonal background, do an ultrasound scan, and possibly, if necessary, check the patency of the fallopian tubes. In addition, women must be tested on a specific day of the cycle. Of course, because of this, the time required to identify the cause of infertility increases.
How to restore the body after taking medications?
So that the drugs do not have a negative effect on the body, any woman must follow one simple rule – to choose the appropriate method of contraception, you must consult a doctor.
When no OKs are shown, other options can be selected:
Barrier method (male or female condoms)
Intrauterine device, including with a hormonal component
Vaginal ring
Intradermal implants
Skin patch
The last three of the listed contraceptives contain microdoses of hormones that enter the woman’s body, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, and, as a result, relieve her of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.
The method of contraception is chosen depending on what the indications and contraindications are, whether a woman uses contraception only to prevent pregnancy or sets herself other tasks (protection against infections, treatment, etc.)
The doctor also takes into account the woman’s level of organization – for example, some patients say that they forget to take pills, in which case this method, of course, will not work for them. They are advised to use a vaginal ring – it is inserted on its own, once every 21 days.
Contraindications to taking OK
Liver failure
Renal insufficiency
Thrombosis tendency
Oncological diseases (any localization)
Every woman should know: in order to eliminate undesirable consequences for the body, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and follow a number of simple rules. The choice of the method of contraception should always first of all depend on the individual characteristics and the state of health of the patient.