What legends and legends have not overgrown the guest who arrived from South America. The prickly pear cactus not only managed to adapt to a variety of climatic conditions, but also became one of the few members of the family that can withstand ten-degree frosts. The unique properties of the plant have attracted people’s attention.
Opuntia cactus: useful fruits
Powerful cakes of this perennial “Mexican cactus”, which in the biological community is called prickly pear, can easily be mistaken for the leaves of an exotic plant. In addition to large attractive flowers, a strange creation of nature is capable of producing rather sweet and large fruits that look like funny bumps in appearance.
In modern medicine, prickly pear has become part of specific medicines
However, these are by no means all parts of the plant that have found their application.
In addition to the actual stems used for food and as a basis for the preparation of cosmetics, prickly pear shares with people its seeds and even thorns, from which they get pretty pretty amulets. Tea made from prickly pear flowers, paste, natural dyes, oil, alcohol and even soap – this is not a complete list of the spheres of application of this amazing plant.
A powerful anti-diabetes mellitus, this powerful cactus has found its way into traditional medicine. Stimulating insulin production, lowering cholesterol levels, fighting ulcers, constipation, splitting fats – all these properties make prickly pear a kind of natural regulator of all vital functions of the body.
Decoctions made from the stems were used by the native Indians, who knew that liquids are an excellent diuretic. The Indians used prickly pear flowers as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory medicine, making compresses with them and using them in ointments (the basis was often white or blue clay, which is also known for its medicinal properties).
The ancient Indians used a plant rich in micro- and macroelements for the treatment of the intestines, organs of the genitourinary system, as a powerful antiseptic and a source of vitamin C
Among other things, the drugs brewed from the green giant help against hangover, restore immunity, give vigor and energy, and even return a good mood and joy of life.
By itself, this militant flower was a recognized center of magical powers and an element of mysterious rituals, a kind of amulet that protects the house of its owner and scares away ill-wishers and all kinds of evil spirits.
Magicians believe that prickly pear spines are a powerful absorber of negative energy, bringing peace and tranquility to the family, eliminating strife and mutual hostility, protecting the honor of a woman and at the same time giving the opposite sex male strength.