Opuntia cactus: photo, care
The prickly pear cactus is an exotic but unpretentious plant that is grown at home. Our tips for caring for him will help you grow your new tenant.
Opuntia cactus and its types
The homeland of prickly pears is Latin America. This plant reaches a height of 5-6 m. It has flat, rounded leaves. It is grown as an ornamental plant, although it is also used for gastronomic purposes.
The prickly pear cactus at the end of flowering gives edible fruits
On the surface of the leaves there are thorns called glochidia. They can injure human skin. The cactus blooms from spring to autumn. As you can see in the photo, the prickly pear cactus has a burgundy berry in place of the flower. She has a sweet taste.
The most common types of plants are:
- Berger’s prickly pear. Plant height 1−2 m. Castings are angular, slightly elongated. Blooms profusely. On the surface of the leaves, the thorns are yellowish.
- Opuntia gosselin. The leaves are tricolor. Spines 8-10 cm long, soft to the touch. The inflorescences are bright.
- Opuntia is fine-haired. Low grade. It has small needles with a golden sheen. Inflorescences are bright yellow. The fruit is bright scarlet.
- The prickly pear is garden. Easily tolerates cold when using a reliable shelter in winter. Flowers of a delicate yellow shade. Spines cover the entire surface of the leaves.
- Opuntia subulata. It has red inflorescences. The thorns are very hard.
- Indian prickly pear. Reaches 3-4 m in height. Flowers are red-orange in color. The fruits reach 8 cm in length.
- Opuntia monacanth variegat. It resembles coral in appearance. The shade of the cactus is pale olive. The thorns are reddish.
For home cultivation, macat, gosselin and fine-haired are ideal.
The cactus is unpretentious. It adapts easily to almost any temperature. However, in order for prickly pear to grow at home, it needs to provide the following conditions:
- sufficient space;
- regular watering during growth;
- breathable nutrient soil.
If you want the plant to bloom, provide it with enough sunlight.
The cactus propagates by cuttings. To do this, it is strengthened in the sand and watered.
The plant needs abundant watering in spring and autumn. Water it only after the top layer of the earth dries up. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the water for irrigation. It is better to pour water into a tray so as not to accidentally flood the plant. In winter, stop watering and reduce the temperature to + 6 ° C.
Give a little attention to the cactus and it will delight you with beautiful blooms.