Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms

One of the tasks of a major overhaul is to make the apartment more comfortable and functional. This is achieved by changing the original layout. The article presents options for redevelopment of apartments of different sizes, different tasks are solved. 

Types of redevelopment and their coordination

All types of redevelopment can be divided into several categories. They will differ in the degree of complexity and the number of necessary coordinating documents. There are three such types:

  1. Remodeling without prior approval. Documents (a plan of the apartment “before” and after “and a completed application for redevelopment) are submitted to the MFC (multifunctional center) in a familiarization manner after the completion of work. Such works include works that do not affect load-bearing walls:
    • rearrangement of plumbing in the bathroom and toilet (without changing the boundaries), replacement with similar ones;
    • installation of an air conditioner without chasing load-bearing walls (installation of a satellite dish requires coordination);
    • dismantling of built-in wardrobes, pantries;
    • moving the sink and electric stove in the kitchen.
      Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
      An example of redevelopment without prior approval
  2. Project redevelopment. BTI ordered the plan of the apartment. They go with him to a design organization with admission to the SRO, order a redevelopment project. The received project and the application for redevelopment are submitted to the MFC, which is then transferred to the Housing Inspectorate for approval. After obtaining a permit, work is carried out strictly according to the project, at the end of which a representative of the Housing Inspectorate is invited, he checks whether load-bearing walls and common house systems have been affected, and issues an Acceptance Certificate for redevelopment. With this Act and the project, go to the BTI again, get a new registration certificate. This type of work includes dismantling, making openings in non-load-bearing walls, installing new partitions that do not create a load on the structure, and specifically:
    • unification of a bathroom (demolition of a partition);
    • expansion of the bathroom to the area previously occupied by a corridor or pantry (no one will issue a permit for a living area);
    • division of one room into two;
    • combining two rooms (demolition of a curtain wall);
    • changing the design of floors (laying a warm floor including).
      Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
      Project redevelopment example
  3. Redevelopment according to the project in coordination with the author of the house project. All interventions in the construction of load-bearing walls fall into this category. With this redevelopment option, it makes sense to order the project immediately from the organization that developed the serial project of the house, since they still need to be coordinated. Further, the registration procedure is similar: with documents at the MFC, after repair with an Act from the ZhilInspektsiya at the BTI for a new registration certificate. The most common types of redevelopment of this type:
    • openings in load-bearing walls or ceilings (transfer or installation of new ones);
    • relocation of the kitchen and bathroom;
    • the arrangement of the opening in the inter-apartment partitions – bearing or not – does not matter (when combining apartments).

For the last type of redevelopment, documentation will be required: a Work Production Log, drawing up Acts of hidden work. Also, the work is carried out under the control of the organization that compiled the project. Upon completion of the work, the procedure is the same – obtaining the Act and making changes to the BTI.

Redevelopment options for a 1-room apartment

In each case, the requirements of the apartment owners are different. Everyone has a different lifestyle, habits and ideas about comfort. So the options for reworking the same standard project can differ significantly. The most typical ones that occur in the vast majority of cases are the unification of a bathroom, sometimes with an increase in its area, the destruction of closets and built-in wardrobes. To these are usually added individual requests that match the needs of the hosts.

Select a bedroom (make a two-room from a one-room)

The most common request for remodeling a one-room apartment is to allocate a bedroom. In some cases this is possible, in others it is difficult. The variant of the redevelopment of the apartment presented in the photo is essentially remodeling a 1-room apartment into a two-room apartment. This happens due to the transfer of a large number of partitions.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Allocation of a bedroom in a one-room apartment

We begin to consider the changes from the entrance. The doors to the bathroom have been moved to another wall, the former pantry / closet has been converted into a dressing room. The area of ​​the entrance hall is increased due to the area of ​​the room, it has a space for a spacious dressing room. Previously, there were 4 doors in a small hallway, which made its use extremely inconvenient. In the proposed version of the redevelopment, the functionality of the hallway is much higher.

The partition separating the kitchen has been removed, and the enclosing bedroom has been installed. As a result, we got a kitchen-living room and a separate lounge. To make the kitchen compartment more visible, a small partition has been placed to delimit this area.

The alteration did not touch the exit to the balcony. It can be glazed and insulated, after which it can be attached to the room. (Read more about attaching balconies to thatt).

Another way is presented in the following project. The original layout is not entirely successful: the long narrow kitchen is clearly inconvenient.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Selecting a bedroom in a one-room apartment using a radial partition and attaching a balcony

In the process of redevelopment, it is necessary to remove the partitions separating the living room and the kitchen. Changed the layout of the bathroom. The area was increased due to the kitchen, but there was a place for all plumbing and a washing machine. In the hallway, a small partition was made that encloses the built-in wardrobe.

The living area is separated from the kitchen-dining area by a small partition. The separation is supported by an extended dining area, which is a continuation of the extensive work surface. A window block was installed at the exit to the balcony from the former kitchen. It lets in enough light to illuminate the kitchen.

The bedroom is separated from the living room by a gypsum board partition, the compartment is completed by a translucent sliding radial partition. So that the bedroom is not too small, the loggia is insulated and glazed. The window unit with the window sill was dismantled, and a closet was installed in the resulting corner. A workplace is organized at the opposite wall.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Two rooms + studio

And also the layout and its alteration into a three-room apartment. Rather, there are two rooms left, but a studio is formed – a combined kitchen with a dining room. This idea is radical – the kitchen is transferred to the place of the living room. The option can be agreed upon only if an electric stove is installed, as well as the availability of technical capabilities for transferring sewerage and ventilation risers.

In this option, the bathroom is combined, the kitchen is moved to the room, in place of the kitchen – a children’s room. The former living room is divided into a bedroom, a significant part of it went to the kitchen. The dressing room was also dismantled – it is also included in the kitchen area. The corridor became larger, which made it possible to make all allocated rooms separate. An ambiguous option, but possible.

Turning into a studio (3 options)

Among young people, the idea of ​​​​turning a standard apartment into a studio apartment is very popular, in which only a bathroom remains fenced off. Partitions may also be present, partially separating one zone from another. They can be from ceiling to floor, but do not completely cover the entire passage, leaving the space unified.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Redevelopment in a studio apartment

All that is needed in the first option is to demolish the partition between the kitchen and the room. The kitchen area will be visually finished with different flooring – tiles in the kitchen, laminate in the dining-living room. Also, the separator will be a high table / bar counter, with the back to which the sofa will stand.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Options for redevelopment of apartments in the studio

The second proposed redevelopment method involves the demolition of the partition between the kitchen and the room, as well as the separating hallway from the room. The entrance hall is only slightly marked by a small partition separating the kitchen area. Instead of the demolished walls, it is planned to install a new partition, which goes at an angle. It partially encloses the bedroom area, forming a kitchen area.

And the last proposed project involves changing the shape of the bathroom. A partition is also installed separating the hallway with a built-in wardrobe. In the common space of the studio apartment, the kitchen area is separated by a bar counter, all the rest are formed only by interior solutions.

Highlighting the nursery

With this layout, there is not much choice. Just divide the room with a transparent partition that allows light to pass through.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Allocation of a children’s room in a one-room apartment

At the request of the owners, the combined bathroom is divided into a toilet and a bathroom. This was made possible by the destruction of the wall cabinet. The closet facing the room was also removed, the entrance to it was moved. Now he is from the corridor, and not from the kitchen, as it was before. Part of the room is separated from the window by a plasterboard partition with a sliding door. In the nursery there was a place for a built-in wardrobe. The passage room is both the living room and the bedroom of the parents.

Alterations of 2-room apartments

With two-room apartments, there are usually more options: after all, there is more space, so they provide more room for imagination.

Make a three-ruble note out of a kopeck piece

Having a two-room apartment, you often want to turn it into a three-room apartment. In the version proposed below, the distant long and narrow room with a built-in wardrobe is divided into two. Moreover, the partition is made non-linear, which made it possible to organize two wardrobes for storing clothes.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Turn a 2-room apartment into a 3-room apartment

Alterations also affected the bathroom area. It is enlarged by a corridor. The area became almost twice as large, which made it possible to install a washing machine. Since the entrance to the kitchen from the corridor was blocked, it was made from the living room.

A different type of original layout and a different approach. Strictly speaking, there are only two rooms left, but two zones have appeared – a living room and a dining room. As a result, the rooms turned out to be separate and both can be used as bedrooms – one for adults, the other for children. At the same time, the family will have a spacious room where everyone can gather.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
From a two-room to a three-room

The advantage of this plan for remodeling a two-room apartment is that in both rooms it is possible to make wall cabinets.

Another layout option with far spaced rooms. The task is the same: to have three dedicated rooms. If you do not mess with the global transfer of the kitchen and bathroom, then there are two possible options.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Not the most comfortable apartment to remodel

In the first case, the partition separating the corridor is removed and the resulting space is divided by partitions (blue) or translucent partitions (green). There is a closet in the back room. The second way is more obvious – they divide a large room into two small ones, dividing the exit to the balcony.

Changing the size of the bathroom and hallway

In many cases, redevelopment concerns the bathroom and hallway. Sometimes the size of the hallway is increased by reducing the bathroom, and vice versa. Such options are shown in the photo below.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Option for redevelopment of a 2-room apartment with a change in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe bathroom or hallway

There is another good idea in these plans: two separate wall cabinets are converted into one – with an entrance from the hallway.

Resizing rooms

A few more options with a different type of initial layout. All that can be done here with a bathroom is to combine it and thereby use the space more rationally. The main idea of ​​this redevelopment is to remove the “appendicitis” sticking out in the room for no reason. 

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Dvushka in the house of the I-209A series

As you can see, there are two main options – to make the entrance hall larger and the room rectangular or to increase the area of ​​​​the room, leaving the hallway wall in its original place, but removing the built-in wardrobe and moving the partition of another room. In the second option, it will be possible to arrange a decent-sized dressing room or make two built-in wardrobes – one with an entrance from the hallway, the other – from the room.

Redevelopment of three-room

As in other 3-room apartments, the main idea is to increase or combine the bathroom, more rational use of the available space. Specific solutions depend on the wishes of the owners.

Optimization of the use of space (due to the corridor)

In the variant presented below, the partition separating the living room from the corridor has been dismantled. It turned out to be a spacious room, giving room for the implementation of various kinds of design ideas. Bathroom and toilet are combined, one door is blocked. This made it possible to slightly increase the area of ​​​​the second room.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Increase in living space due to the corridor

In another project, the size of the corridor is also reduced. This area goes to the living room, but it becomes a walk-through, which is not critical for this room. Alterations also affected the bathroom – the partition between the toilet and the bathroom was removed, and the area was also slightly carried away: due to the removal of the wall into the corridor. Due to the same corridor, the area of ​​​​the kitchen has been increased – the door block has been moved almost close to the entrance to the bathroom.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Space optimization

And the last alteration is the dismantling of the non-bearing window sill and the installation of sliding glass doors to the floor instead of the former window block.

Organization of the second bathroom

In four-room apartments, the areas are already large, and quite a lot of people can already live. Therefore, in such cases, they often want to make a second bathroom. The main difficulty is whether there are technical possibilities for supplying water supply and sewerage. Also, they will not be allowed to arrange a bathroom above the living quarters – only above the technical ones. In these redevelopment projects, the second bathroom is planned in place of the closet, which is possible.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Changing the area of ​​the corridor

All major changes relate to the use of the hall area, as well as the size of the second bathroom. The purpose of the rooms (all except the kitchen) may also change.

Separation of adjoining rooms

Not everyone likes to have walk-through rooms. The owners of such apartments agree to lose part of the living space, but to share the premises. In this case, part of the area of ​​​​room 2 is fenced off, due to which the division of the premises occurs. The remaining “appendicitis” can be used as a wall cabinet. In this case, the room becomes more regular in shape (closer to a square), which is more convenient for design development.

Options for redevelopment of apartments (20 pcs): 1,2,3,4 rooms
Separation of adjoining rooms

The second group of alterations concerns the bathroom. Almost all partitions are demolished, the door block to the kitchen is removed. The area of ​​the bathroom becomes larger due to the corridor.

The entrance to the kitchen is made from the living room (room 3). This wall is a load-bearing wall, therefore the opening requires additional reinforcement with metal structures, as well as project development (as well as the removal of the bathroom into the corridor).

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