Optic nerve atrophy in children

Optic nerve atrophy in children

Immediately after the baby is born, he is examined by a specialist to identify various congenital diseases. The Apgar score is assessed, the reaction to various external stimuli is evaluated. The child is examined by an ophthalmologist, especially if the parents have vision problems. What is it for? It is desirable to identify the disease as early as possible in order to take all measures for its treatment.

One such disease is optic nerve atrophy. This is the name given to the death of nerve fibers as a result of various causes and its replacement with connective tissue. Often it does not develop independently, but is a consequence of other diseases. And there can be quite a few of them.

In children, a hereditary factor is often found, when some pathologies are transmitted from parents to children. This also includes various intoxications, inflammatory processes in the brain, cerebral edema, diseases of the eyeball, pathology of pregnancy, diseases of the nervous system, hydrocephalus, tumors, skull deformities, injuries.

How the disease manifests itself in children

In this disease, visual impairment is a characteristic feature. Initial symptoms can be noticed already in the first days of a baby’s life during a medical examination. The pupils of the child are examined, the reaction to light is determined, it is studied how the child follows the movement of bright objects in the hand of a doctor or mother.

Indirect signs of optic nerve atrophy are the lack of pupil response to light, pupil dilation, and the child’s lack of tracking of an object. This disease, with insufficient attention to it, can lead to a decrease in visual acuity, and even to blindness. The disease can manifest itself not only at birth, but also when the child gets older. The main symptoms will be:

  • Decreased visual acuity, which is not corrected by glasses, lenses;

  • Loss of individual areas of vision;

  • Changes in color perception – suffers from the perception of color vision;

  • Change in peripheral vision – the child sees only those objects that are directly in front of him and does not see those that are a little to the side. The so-called tunnel syndrome develops.

With complete atrophy of the optic nerve, blindness occurs, with partial damage to the nerve, vision only decreases.

Congenital visual atrophy

Optic nerve atrophy is hereditary and is often accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity almost to the point of blindness from a very early age. When examined by an ophthalmologist, a thorough examination of the baby is carried out, which includes an examination of the fundus, visual acuity, and measurement of intraocular pressure. If signs of atrophy are found, the cause of the disease is established, the level of damage to the nerve fiber is determined.

Diagnosis of congenital atrophy of the optic nerve

Diagnosis of the disease in children is not always easy. They do not always and not everyone can complain that they have poor eyesight. This shows how important it is for children to undergo preventive examinations. Pediatricians, and ophthalmologists according to indications, constantly examine children, but the mother always remains an important observer of the child. She should be the first to notice that something is wrong with the baby and contact a specialist. And the doctor will prescribe an examination, and then treatment.

Research is being carried out:

  • Examination of the fundus;

  • Checking visual acuity, visual fields are determined;

  • Intraocular pressure is measured;

  • According to indications – radiography.

Treatment of the disease

Optic nerve atrophy in children

The main principle of therapy is that the earlier treatment is started, the better prognosis it has. If not treated, then the prognosis is one – blindness. Depending on the identified causes, the underlying disease is treated. If necessary, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Of the medicines can be called:

  • Drugs to improve the blood supply to the optic nerve;

  • vasodilators;

  • Vitamins;

  • Biostimulants;

  • Enzymes

Of the physiotherapy prescribed: ultrasound, acupuncture, laser stimulation, electrical stimulation, oxygen therapy, electrophoresis. However, with the congenital nature of the disease, it is not always possible to correct the situation, especially if you do not seek medical help in time. All drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician; you should not contact your neighbors for treatment. They were prescribed treatment by a doctor, so let you have only your drugs.

Prognosis for optic nerve atrophy in children

With timely treatment, the prognosis will be favorable, given that in children, damaged tissues are better able to be restored than in adults. At the slightest vision problems in children, you should contact a specialist. Let it be a false alarm, because it is better to once again consult and ask the doctor what is not clear with the baby than to be treated for a long time and to no avail. The health of children is in the hands of their parents.

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