Optegra Ophthalmology Clinic
Start Laser vision correction Laser correction of presbyopia
Optegra Partner presentation

The Optegra Ophthalmology Clinic has been on the market for 21 years, our clinics are located in 9 Polish cities.

What makes us stand out?

  1. We employ highly qualified specialists. The team of doctors working at the Optegra Clinic has gained many years of experience during international internships, trainings and scientific symposia. Many of our staff are authors of many outstanding articles and scientific publications. Our specialists are people full of passion, commitment and an individual approach to each patient. 
  2. We have the richest offer of vision correction methods. Innovative solutions used by our specialists allow our patients to successfully restore their sharp, natural vision. The choice of the method depends, among other things, on the vision defect and the medical conditions of the eye cornea.
  3. We use the latest generation equipment for laser vision correction and laser correction of presbyopia: 

VisuMax® firmy Carl Zeiss

Third-generation equipment that is characterized by excellent repeatability and predictability even with a high level of correction. Thanks to unparalleled precision, exceptional speed and gentleness, it is an ideal platform for laser vision correction treatments.

Lentivu® is a method of laser vision correction, available only in Optegra Clinics. It covers the full diagnostic and therapeutic process, from the qualification process, through the Smile procedure, to comprehensive postoperative care.

Vision correction using the Lentivu® method is the most modern method available on the market, using the discoveries of Nobel Prize winners and available only in the network of Optegra ophthalmology clinics. The greatest advantage of Lentiv® is the extremely low invasiveness of the procedure – the patient can return to their daily duties the next day after the procedure.

The greatest advantage of Lentiv® is its extremely low invasiveness – during the procedure, we minimally interfere with the structure of the cornea of ​​the eye, which significantly shortens the recovery period after the procedure.

Clearvu® is the latest service in the Optegra offer, available thanks to the use of the latest technological solutions in the field of ophthalmology. For patients over 40, we offer a well-known laser vision correction, intended for the correction of presbyopia, which is a revolution in Poland!

Clearvu® is a method of laser correction of presbyopia, available only at Optegra Clinics. It covers the full diagnostic and therapeutic process, from the qualification process, through the Presbyond® procedure, to comprehensive postoperative care.

In just a few minutes you can effectively and painlessly get rid of your sight defect and free yourself from glasses forever (regardless of age). Laser treatment of presbyopia is a minimally invasive procedure, for which we use the latest Zeiss equipment. Laser vision correction after 40 will make you feel young in spirit and body.

Partner presentation

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