Cardiac surgery is a branch of medicine dedicated to the surgical treatment of the heart. With pathologies of the cardiovascular system, such intervention is an extreme measure. Doctors try to restore the patient’s health without surgery, but in some cases only cardiac surgery can save the patient. Today, this field of cardiology uses the latest advances in science to return the patient to health and a fulfilling life.
Indications for operations
Invasive interventions on the heart is a complex and risky job, it requires skill and experience from the surgeon, and preparation and implementation of recommendations from the patient. Since such operations are risky, they are carried out only when absolutely necessary. In most cases, the patient is trying to rehabilitate with the help of medicines and medical procedures. But in cases where such methods do not help, heart surgery is needed. Surgical intervention is carried out in a hospital and complete sterility, the operated is under anesthesia and the control of the surgical team.
Such interventions are needed for congenital heart defects or acquired. The former include pathologies in the anatomy of the organ: defects in valves, ventricles, impaired blood circulation. Most often they are discovered even during the bearing of a child. Heart disease is also diagnosed in newborns, often such pathologies need to be eliminated urgently in order to save the life of the baby. Among the acquired diseases, ischemic disease is in the lead, in this case, surgery is considered the most effective method of treatment. Also in the heart area there are: impaired blood circulation, stenosis or valve insufficiency, heart attack, pericardial pathology and others.
Heart surgery is prescribed in situations where conservative treatment does not help the patient, the disease progresses rapidly and threatens life, with pathologies that require urgent and urgent correction, and in advanced forms of diseases, a late visit to the doctor.
The decision on the appointment of the operation is made by a council of doctors or a cardiac surgeon. The patient must be examined to establish an accurate diagnosis and type of surgical intervention. They identify chronic diseases, stages of the disease, assess the risks, in which case they talk about a planned operation. If emergency assistance is needed, for example, when a blood clot is torn off or an aneurysm is exfoliated, minimal diagnostics are performed. In any case, the function of the heart is restored surgically, its departments are rehabilitated, blood flow and rhythm are normalized. In severe situations, the organ or its parts are no longer amenable to correction, then prosthetics or transplantation is prescribed.
Classification of heart operations
In the area of the heart muscle, there can be dozens of different diseases, these are: insufficiency, narrowing of the lumen, ruptures of blood vessels, stretching of the ventricles or atria, purulent formations in the pericardium, and much more. To solve each problem, surgery has several types of operations. They are distinguished by urgency, effectiveness and method of influencing the heart.
The general classification divides them into operations:
- Buried – used to treat arteries, large vessels, aorta. During such interventions, the chest of the operated person is not opened, the heart itself is also not affected by the surgeon. Therefore, they are called “closed” – the heart muscle remains intact. Instead of a strip opening, the doctor makes a small incision in the chest, most often between the ribs. Closed types include: shunting, balloon angioplasty, stenosis of blood vessels. All these manipulations are designed to restore blood circulation, sometimes they are prescribed to prepare for a future open operation.
- Open – carried out after opening the sternum, sawing the bones. The heart itself during such manipulations can also be opened to get to the problem area. As a rule, for such operations, the heart and lungs must be stopped. To do this, connect the heart-lung machine – AIC, it compensates for the work of “disabled” organs. This allows the surgeon to accurately perform the work, in addition, the procedure under the control of AIC takes longer, which is necessary when eliminating complex pathologies. During open operations, AIC may not be connected, but only the desired zone of the heart can be stopped, for example, during coronary artery bypass grafting. Opening the chest is necessary to replace valves, prosthetics, and eliminate tumors.
- X-ray surgery – similar to a closed type of operation. The essence of this method is that the doctor moves a thin catheter through the blood vessels, and gets to the very heart. The chest is not opened, the catheter is placed in the thigh or shoulder. The catheter is injected with a contrast agent that stains the vessels. The catheter is advanced under X-ray control, the video image is transmitted to the monitor. Using this method, the lumen in the vessels is restored: at the end of the catheter there is a so-called balloon and a stent. At the site of narrowing, this balloon is inflated with a stent, restoring the normal patency of the vessel.
The safest are minimally invasive methods, that is, X-ray surgery and a closed type of surgery. With such work, the risk of complications is the least, the patient recovers faster after them, but they can not always help the patient. Complex operations can be avoided with periodic examination by a cardiologist. The earlier the problem is identified, the easier it is for the doctor to solve it.
Depending on the condition of the patient, there are:
- planned operation. It is carried out after a detailed examination, within the agreed time frame. A planned intervention is prescribed when the pathology does not pose a particular danger, but it cannot be postponed.
- Urgent – these are operations that need to be done in the next few days. During this time, the patient is prepared, all the necessary studies are carried out. The date is set immediately after receiving the necessary data.
- Emergency. If the patient is already in serious condition, the situation may worsen at any time – an operation is prescribed immediately. Before her, only the most important examinations and preparations are carried out.
In addition, surgical care can be radical or auxiliary. The first implies the complete elimination of the problem, the second – the elimination of only part of the disease, improving the patient’s well-being. For example, if a patient has a pathology of the mitral valve and stenosis of a vessel, the vessel is first restored (auxiliary), and after a while valve plastic surgery (radical) is prescribed.
How operations are done
The course and duration of the operation depends on the pathology being eliminated, the patient’s condition, and the presence of concomitant diseases. The procedure can take half an hour, and can stretch for 8 hours or more. Most often, such interventions last 3 hours, are carried out under general anesthesia and AIC control. First, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound of the chest, urine and blood tests, an ECG, and a consultation with specialists. After receiving all the data, they determine the degree and place of the pathology, decide whether there will be an operation.
As part of the preparation, a diet low in salt, fatty, spicy and fried foods is also prescribed. For 6-8 hours before the procedure, it is recommended to refuse food and drink less. In the operating room, the doctor assesses the well-being of the ward, the anesthesiologist introduces the patient into a medical sleep. With minimally invasive interventions, local anesthesia is sufficient, for example, during X-ray surgery. When anesthesia or anesthesia takes effect, the main actions begin.
Heart valve repair
There are four valves in the heart muscle, all of which serve as a passage for blood from one chamber to another. The most commonly operated valves are the mitral and tricuspid valves, which connect the ventricles to the atria. Stenosis of the passages occurs with insufficient expansion of the valves, while the blood does not flow well from one department to another. Valve insufficiency is a poor closure of the cusps of the passage, while there is an outflow of blood back.
Plastic surgery is carried out open or closed, during the operation, special rings or sutures are applied manually along the diameter of the valve, which restore the normal lumen and narrow the passage. Manipulations last an average of 3 hours; with open views, an AIC is connected. After the procedure, the patient remains under the supervision of doctors for at least a week. The result is normal blood circulation and functioning of the heart valves. In severe cases, native leaflets are replaced with artificial or biological implants.
Elimination of heart defects
In most cases, defects are congenital, the cause of this can be hereditary pathologies, bad habits of parents, infections and fever during pregnancy. At the same time, children may have various anatomical abnormalities in the region of the heart, often such anomalies are poorly compatible with life. The urgency and type of surgery depends on the condition of the child, but they are often prescribed as early as possible. For children, heart surgery is performed only under general anesthesia, and under the supervision of medical equipment.
At an older age, heart defects develop with defects in the interatrial septum. This happens with mechanical damage to the chest, infectious diseases, due to concomitant heart disease. To eliminate such a problem, an open operation is also needed, more often with artificial cardiac arrest.
During manipulations, the surgeon can “patch” the septum with a patch, or suture the defective part.
Bypass surgery
Coronary artery disease (CHD) is a very common pathology that affects mainly the generation over 50 years of age. Appears due to impaired blood flow in the coronary artery, which leads to oxygen starvation of the myocardium. There is a chronic form, in which the patient has constant attacks of angina pectoris, and an acute one is a myocardial infarction. They try to eliminate chronic pain conservatively or with the help of minimally invasive techniques. Acute requires urgent intervention.
To prevent complications or alleviate the disease, apply:
- aorto-coronary bypass;
- balloon angioplasty;
- transmyocardial laser revascularization;
- stenting of a coronary artery.
All these methods are aimed at restoring normal blood flow. As a result, enough oxygen is supplied to the myocardium with blood, the risk of a heart attack is reduced, and angina pectoris is eliminated.
If you need to restore normal patency, angioplasty or stenting is enough, in which the catheter is moved through the vessels to the heart. Before such an intervention, coronary angiography is performed to accurately determine the blocked area. Sometimes blood flow is restored bypassing the affected area, while a bio-shunt (often a section of the patient’s own vein from the arm or leg) is sutured to the artery.
Recovery after interventions
After surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for another 1-3 weeks, all this time the doctors will assess his condition. The patient is discharged after verification and approval by the cardiologist.
The first month after surgical procedures is called the early postoperative period, at this time it is very important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations: diet, calm and measured lifestyle. Nicotine, alcohol, junk food and physical activity are prohibited regardless of the type of intervention.
The doctor’s recommendations should also contain a warning about the dangers and complications. At discharge, the doctor will set the date for the next appointment, but you need to seek help and unscheduled if the following symptoms occur:
- sudden fever;
- redness and swelling at the incision site;
- discharge from the wound;
- persistent chest pain;
- frequent dizziness;
- nausea, bloating and stool disorders;
- breathing difficulties.
At scheduled examinations, the cardiologist will listen to the heartbeat, measure the pressure, and listen to complaints. To check the effectiveness of the operation, ultrasound, computed tomography, x-ray examinations are prescribed. Such visits are scheduled once a month for six months, then the doctor will see you once every 6 months.
Often, in addition to surgical care, medications are prescribed. For example, when prosthetic valves are artificially implanted, the patient drinks anticoagulants for life.
In the postoperative period, it is important not to self-medicate, since the interaction of permanent drugs and other medications can give a negative result. Even conventional painkillers need to be discussed with a therapist. To keep fit and restore health faster, it is recommended to be outdoors more often, walk on foot.
Life after heart surgery will gradually return to its previous course, a full recovery is predicted within a year.
Cardiac surgery offers many methods for the rehabilitation of the heart. Such operations are designed to restore the patient’s physical and moral strength. You should not be afraid or avoid such procedures, on the contrary, the sooner they are carried out, the greater the chances of success.