Some men are unhappy with the size of their penis. To eliminate psychological complexes and increase self-esteem, operations are performed aimed at increasing the size of the penis. Most often, we are talking about thickening the penis by introducing Vaseline or special gels under the skin, less often – plastic or metal balls. The advantages of such an operation are that the sexual organ becomes noticeably thicker and erectile function does not suffer.
But there is a fairly high likelihood of complications. The most common adverse reaction from penis enlargement surgery is oleogranuloma. We are talking about a benign neoplasm on the body of the penis, which develops as a result of the introduction of foreign bodies under the skin. A benign tumor should be removed in a timely manner, otherwise there is a risk of its rapid spread to neighboring organs. But the biggest risk is that without timely therapy, the oleogranuloma may degenerate into a malignant tumor.
There are three stages of the tumor: 1 – neoplasm cells begin to grow around the injection site of petroleum jelly or gel, the total area of the lesion is no more than 1/3 of the entire area of u2bu3bthe penis. XNUMX – the tumor has spread throughout almost the entire organ. XNUMX – the infection has spread not only throughout the penis, but also affected neighboring organs – the scrotum, pubic area, perineum.
Symptoms of the development of oleogranuloma
The first symptoms of subcutaneous infection may occur as early as 10 days after the injection. If a truly sterile substance was introduced to a man in compliance with all sanitary standards, then the first alarming signs may appear in 5-7 years. If the onset of infection is not detected in a timely manner, serious consequences can occur – the death of penile skin cells, the appearance of ulcers and fistulas, a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, and even gangrene.
The danger lies in the fact that at the first stage of oleogranuloma, a man practically does not experience pain, there are also no external signs of the disease. At the last stage of the disease, complete impotence occurs. In this case, radical therapy is required, the removal of the penis is not excluded.
Diagnostic features
Examination by an andrologist or urologist allows you to identify a benign tumor already at the first visit. First, the specialist interviews the patient, records all his complaints and establishes the fact of introducing a certain chemical substance under the skin. This is followed by an external examination of the penis and palpation, during which all thickenings, deformities, the presence of scars and other pathologies can be detected.
To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to assess the condition of the cavernous tissues of the penis – for their study, the patient is given a referral for ultrasound.
In addition, it is imperative to check the man for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. With the visible presence of a tumor and the patient’s denial of the fact of introducing foreign bodies under the skin, a biopsy is prescribed.
Features of therapy
When a patient complains of pain in the groin area and a diagnosis of oleogranuloma is made, drug treatment is first carried out, aimed at relieving the acute stage of inflammation. This is followed by surgical intervention – removal of a foreign body and affected areas of the skin of the penis. If the disease is diagnosed at the first stage, the operation takes place in one stage. This is followed by a fairly short recovery period, and the patient returns to the normal rhythm of life. In most cases, erectile function is preserved.
If the infection has affected almost the entire area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe penis, Reich’s operation is required – a multi-stage surgical intervention performed by a specialist in the field of genital surgery, a urologist or an andrologist.
Preparing a man for surgery of the genital organ practically does not differ from the activities carried out when preparing a patient for other types of surgical intervention under general anesthesia. The patient must pass a general urine and blood test, a detailed blood test for infections, and undergo an ultrasound scan. In the presence of chronic ailments, additional examinations may be needed – ECG, ultrasound of internal organs, and the like.
Before the operation, sanitization of the inguinal zone with mandatory hair removal is indicated. If a patient is admitted to a medical institution in a serious condition with signs of tissue necrosis or gangrene development, preparatory measures are reduced to the established minimum.
In this case, there is a direct threat to life and emergency surgery is required. Immediately before being transferred to the operating room, the man is dressed in sterile clothes, leaving the lower part of the body completely naked.
Technique of Reich operations
At the time of the Reich operation, the patient is under general anesthesia. At the first stage, the specialist performs several incisions in the skin of the penis and removes granulomatous infiltrates. The complexity of the procedure lies in the need to leave intact the blood vessels and nerve branches. After removing all areas of the skin susceptible to infection, the genital organ is immersed in a tunnel artificially created by the surgeon in the scrotum.
The first stage of surgical treatment is over. This is followed by a fairly long rehabilitation – recovery requires at least 6 weeks. The purpose of the second stage of the Reich operation is to separate the penis from the scrotum and restore the integrity of the skin. When carrying out plastics, the skin of the scrotum is mainly used, but if it is not enough, then skin flaps are removed from other parts of the patient’s body – the back, forearms, buttocks.
In the case when the infection has affected not only the skin, but also the cavernous bodies, it is possible to restore erectile function only by installing an implant. Gangrene of the penis is a direct indication for its complete removal. In this case, after the necessary rehabilitation period, prosthetics are performed.
Features of the postoperative period
During the recovery period, the patient will experience pain and discomfort. There is a risk of poor engraftment of transplanted tissues and the development of a wound infection. In addition, such an operation is almost always a complex psychological trauma for a man, and without proper psychotherapy, a severe stage of depression may develop.
Despite all the difficulties of the postoperative period, most patients still manage to achieve a complete restoration of the morphological functions of the penis. Due to the fact that a cosmetic suture is used during skin grafting, scars remain almost invisible.
Every man who wants to increase the size of the penis should be aware of the serious consequences of the introduction of foreign bodies under the skin. Modern medicine offers many ways to solve this problem, so you should always contact only graduates.