
Openness is the willingness to let a partner into your world: social, personal and intimate.

Social openness is the willingness to let a partner into our social world, the willingness to easily communicate, get to know each other, give your coordinates and contact information. Spiritual (internal, psychological) openness is the readiness to let a person into his inner world, to express his personal attitude, his real opinions and assessments. Frankness is the willingness to open to a person his innermost world of thoughts and feelings, hidden from strangers.

What kind of world we let a person into — such is our openness. The more spaces of the life world we let other people in, the more open people we are.

Social openness is outwardly expressed as sociability, spiritual openness warms us with sincerity, frankness gives us truth and depth.

However, in the same place, something a little painful often begins to sound, since it is precisely difficult and painful things that one wants to hide, to make intimate.

As a rule, in everyday speech, openness means, first of all, spiritual openness. An open person is one who can directly share his thoughts and feelings, hopes and fantasies. Such a person can say what he does not like and what he likes, confess love and hate, fear, resentment and all other feelings, express his point of view. He does not hide (reveals) what he has inside and is open to everything new that comes from outside.

Spiritual openness requires trust in another person. The one who trusts is usually open, so «openness» and «trust» are usually used interchangeably.

Open people, in comparison with closed ones, are usually more communicative, effective in communication and influencing↑, they are disposed to support and other positive forms of interaction.

Watch a video fragment from the film «Holy One».

The film «Svyatosha»

True openness is both social and spiritual openness.

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However, not all openness is good. Openness at the wrong time is regarded as an obsession and is more characteristic of thoughtless simplicity. Not all openness is appropriate, and blurting out too much is sometimes a very expensive mistake.

Film «The Story of Us»

Sometimes excessive openness, even the most positive, sounds like thoughtless simplicity and is inappropriate.

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When is trust and openness appropriate, when not?

A mentally healthy person is rather open, but open reasonably. Trust and openness are the most important things for building close and warm relationships, but mindlessly trusting everyone and everything is stupid. People are different, our environment is not always the friendliest, and if a person has no head on his shoulders, and he is going to trust without looking at everyone around, then he will not make anything but trouble for himself. In addition to the ability to trust, you also need the ability to understand people and internal security.

Good internal protection should not be confused with closeness. Being closed is rather bad, but being protected is usually good. Many successful people are guided by the principle: «Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst», and only those who are well psychologically protected, who find it difficult to hurt, who have good mental power can truly trust. When a person is confident, strong, rich, when everything is in order with him, then it is easy for him to be open and trusting. The task of developing inner strength, power and security is a necessary and correct task, and it does not exclude, but complements the fact that trust is a wonderful, most important human value.

How to train yourself to be open

If they tell you that you are not a very open person, and you would like to change the impression about yourself, this is real, but most likely you will have to teach yourself the following things. So, be interested in other people, try to talk them on topics that are interesting to them. When expressing your opinions, indicate your attitude. Make your face expressive. When expressing your attitude, tend to be positive more often. See →

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