Opening a bar from scratch: documents for a bar

Again, at the request of my dear readers, I continue the series of articles on how to open a bar from scratch and not screw up =). Actually, not to screw up is the main task of enterprising people when opening their own business in the field of “catering”. According to the statistics of some American uncle, this area is in 3rd place among the types of businesses prone to bankruptcy. We have already considered the main aspects of opening a bar or restaurant (cafe, club, etc.), as well as everything related to its design (not everything, of course, but in general terms it should be clear). Today we will talk about the documentation required to open a catering establishment.

Who and how controls the activities of catering enterprises

First, let’s figure out who will put a spoke in the wheel for us. Of course, first of all, this is the state, as well as all sorts of organizations for the protection of consumer rights, etc. Since the bulk of my readers live in Russia, and especially in Moscow, I will further consider everything using the example of the Mother See. So, the Russian government regulates public catering through the relevant GOST, which, it seems to me, is rather outdated. This is GOST R 50762-95, which regulates how you and I should properly conduct our long-suffering business in the field of catering. I suggest you download it and have a look:

Download GOST R 50762-95 (PDF)

For example, I will take the definition of a bar from this GOST: “Bar – a catering company with a bar counter that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods“. Despite the wretchedness and inconsistency of this document, the definition is given quite correctly and quite voluminously. Other terms can also be found there. In general, if you decided to open a bar in Moscow, then be sure to study this document. Now back to the documents that you will need to draw up yourself.

Constituent documents of a legal entity

Of course, we will act as a legal entity. Most often they draw up an LLC (limited liability company), since in this case it is easiest to communicate with the tax office. Of course, it is easier to register an individual entrepreneur, but behind the simplicity lies a catch – the tax service has “chosen” this form of ownership, so it checks it more carefully. You can also open a CJSC (closed joint-stock company) or an open joint-stock company, where you will still have to submit documents relating to shares to the relevant services. In general, do not bother and open an LLC. For this we need the following documents:

  • The decision of the founders (s) on the creation of legal entities. persons (protocol, if there are several founders);
  • Legal registration certificate faces;
  • Order for the appointment of Gen. director;
  • Charter for legal persons;
  • Certificate of receipt of TIN;
  • Letter from statistics with OKVED, OKFS, OKPO codes and other numbers;
  • Certificate of registration in the PF;
  • Certificate of registration with the MHIF;
  • Agreement for opening a current account.

If you are not familiar with the name of most of these documents, then I advise you to immediately contact the law firm involved in the registration of the LLC. Everything will be done nicely and quickly. You can also hire an employee who will do everything himself, for example, a proven and brainy accountant.

Documents for the right to use the premises, etc.

This is almost a major headache. If you decide to open a bar from scratch, then be prepared for serious problems with the premises. Confirming that it belongs to you or is rented is not difficult. Another thing is the modification of this room for the needs of a bar, cafe or restaurant. The order of approvals and the package of documents will vary depending on various factors that are very dependent on the premises:

  • what is the purpose of the building (this is indicated in the explication of the premises to the BTI plan);
  • residential or non-residential building;
  • Will the floor plan change?
  • whether the supporting structures will change;
  • whether the façade will change.

There are a lot of nuances and complexities, so, again, contact the experts right away.

Permits for a bar

Production control plan

This thing needs to be done by yourself. The plan should include a list of all the actions that the enterprise has taken to comply with sanitary standards. This document is required when contacting a terrible and terrible SES (sanitary and epidemiological service).

Notification from SES

A document that confirms that the premises comply with all sanitary standards. The Rospotrebnadzor is monitoring this whole case, which should conduct a detailed examination. This authority should issue you a passport, without which the activity of the institution is simply impossible.

Conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

This is where fire safety comes into play. To pass this test, you need to develop and hang evacuation plans, fire instructions, implement a fire corner with a fire extinguisher. You will also need to install fire alarms and take other measures to alert and prevent fires. You can go a short way – put a not too thick envelope into the pocket of the fireman (it will get through somehow =)).

Conclusion from the SES

This is the most important document that confirms the activity of the institution as a public catering enterprise (there is appropriate equipment for the bar, a kitchen, etc.). In general, this conclusion indicates that your business complies with the aforementioned GOST.

Also, for the full functioning of the bar, several service contracts will be required:

  • Garbage collection agreement (MSW)
  • Contract for the provision of services according to the norms of SES
  • Security agreement (without it you will not get a license for alcohol – someone needs to pacify the drunken public)

Licenses for alcohol and tobacco

They are only needed if you are selling alcohol or tobacco. To qualify, the following requirements must be met (alcohol only):

  • The area of ​​the premises is more than 50 square meters (in Ukraine – 20 square meters);
  • The bar has a burglar alarm or has its own security service;
  • The institution complies with all sanitary and epidemiological standards.

The license is issued by the Consumer Market Department within 30 working days. The license is valid from 1 to 5 years. Annually you will have to pay 40 thousand rubles for it (in Ukraine 8000 UAH, for beer – 780 UAH) – this is a state duty. In Russia, it is much more difficult to get a license for beer, and it costs the same as a license for all alcohol, stronger than 15%, so make sure to complete it =). As for tobacco, a license is needed in Ukraine, it costs 2000 UAH. in year. In Russia, a license is not yet required.

The procedure for obtaining documents and their approximate cost

First you need to receive notifications from the SES. At first, this piece of paper can pull on all 20 thousand rubles (this is the maximum). Then the conclusion of the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations is obtained – up to 90 thousand rubles. If you need an explication of their BTI – add up to 40 thousand more rubles. Conclusion of Rostekhnadzor – 23 thousand rubles. To obtain a license for alcohol, you must first complete all the above documents, as well as conclude a contract with the “guards”. You also need to provide information to the licensing authority – the company’s account must have at least 100 thousand rubles. In general, the pleasure is not cheap. But this is at the first stage, then it should become easier.

We still do not forget about the design of the consumer’s corner, in which there must be a registered book of complaints, as well as a set of documents with different sanitary rules and other nonsense. Of course, a health book must be issued for each of your employees. In short, your path is thorny and not easy, but I believe that everything will work out for you =). In the following articles about the working staff, bar equipment, and we will dwell on the organization of the bar counter. Don’t miss out (and don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates)!

PS Interesting video on the topic:

How do I open a bar?

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