Opal basin

Many European plum varieties have successfully adapted to conditions. One of these varieties is Opal plum. It is valued for its good taste of fruits, self-fertility and earlier ripening. When planting the Opal variety, its whimsicality to weather conditions is taken into account.

History of variety breeding 

Plum Opal was the result of the work of Swedish breeders. The plum was bred in 1926 by crossing the European varieties Renkloda Ulena and Early Favorite. Due to its attractive characteristics, the Opal variety has become widespread in Our Country.

Description of the Opal plum variety

Plum Opal is a low tree, reaching 2,5–3 m. The crown is compact, dense, rounded. The leaves are elongated, dark green.

Description of Opal fruits:

  • average sizes;
  • average weight – 30 g;
  • round or oval shape;
  • thin skin, when ripe, changes color from greenish-yellow to purple;
  • covered with a bluish wax coating;
  • the pulp is juicy, dense, yellow;
  • small elongated bone, pointed at the ends.

Opal basin

The fruits have a good sweet and sour taste and aroma. Tasting qualities are estimated at 4,5 points. The sugar content in the pulp is 11,5%. The stone is located freely and leaves about 5% of the mass of the plum.

Plum Opal is recommended for cultivation in the central and southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region. The variety grows on its own roots. In regions with an unfavorable climate, it is grafted onto a winter-hardy plum.

Characteristics of a variety

Before buying a plum, its main characteristics are taken into account: resistance to drought and frost, the need to plant pollinators, yield and fruit ripening time.

Drought resistance, frost resistance 

Drought tolerance is rated as medium. In drought, the plum needs constant watering. In the absence of moisture, the ovaries fall off and the yield decreases.

The frost resistance of the Opal variety is below average. When the temperature drops to -30 ° C, the tree freezes slightly, but quickly grows its crown. Productivity is restored in 1-2 years.

Opal basin

Opal Plum Pollinators

Opal variety is self-fertile. Planting pollinators is not required for the formation of ovaries.

Opal plum can be used as a pollinator for other varieties:

  • Resin;
  • Morning;
  • Blue gift;
  • Superfood;
  • Hungarian Moscow.
Attention! The presence on the site of different varieties of plums that bloom at the same time has a positive effect on their productivity.

Plum Opal blooms from mid to late May. Harvest ripens in early August. Fruiting is not extended in time: the fruits are removed within a week.

Yield and fruiting 

When growing Opal plum on cherry plum seedlings, fruiting begins 3 years after planting, on zoned varieties – already 2 years. An adult tree older than 8 years brings 20–25 kg of fruit.

The harvest volumes of plum Opal are unstable. After abundant fruiting, there is a chance that the next year will be less fruitful.

With a large number of fruits on the branches, they become smaller and lose their taste. Harvest rationing will help correct the situation. During the flowering period, excess buds are eliminated.

Opal basin

Scope of berries

Plum Opal is used both fresh and processed. Desserts, fillings for flour products are prepared from it. Homemade preparations are obtained from plums: marmalades, jams, marmalades, compotes.

Disease and pest resistance

Resistance to diseases and pests is average. In cold and rainy weather, the Opal variety is prone to clasterosporia and other fungal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Opal plum benefits:

  • early maturation;
  • universal purpose of fruits;
  • high yield;
  • unstable fruiting;
  • self-fertility;
  • disease resistance.

Disadvantages of plum Opal:

  • with high yields, the fruits become smaller and lose their taste;
  • low winter hardiness;
  • in cold regions, grafting into more winter-hardy varieties is required.

You can verify the merits of the Opal plum by comparing it with other representatives of the species:

“To help gardeners” Grades of plums

Features of landing 

Opal plum planting is carried out in autumn or spring, judging by the weather. Its productivity depends on the right choice of a place for growing a crop.

Opal basin

Recommended dates 

In the middle lane, plums are planted in autumn, after leaf fall. The plant has time to take root before the onset of frost.

In cold climates, it is better to postpone planting until spring. Work is carried out in the spring, before bud break.

Choosing the right place 

Plum loves well-lit places, protected from the wind. So that the roots of the tree do not suffer from moisture, groundwater should be no higher than 1,5 m.

Advice! If you place the plum on the south or west side of the site, the tree will receive the necessary natural light.

Plum is undemanding to the composition of the soil. The exception is acidic soil, which is detrimental to wood. The maximum yield is obtained when growing a crop in fertile drained land.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby 

  • Plum does not tolerate the neighborhood of birch, poplar and hazel.
  • The tree is removed from other fruit crops at a distance of 4 m or more.

    Opal basin

  • Raspberries, currants or gooseberries are planted between rows with a plum.
  • Shade-loving herbs and primroses grow well under the tree.

Selection and preparation of planting material

For planting, one- or two-year-old seedlings of the Opal variety are chosen. They are purchased from nurseries or other horticultural centers. Seedlings are evaluated visually and specimens are selected without mold, damage and other defects.

Before planting, Opal plum roots are placed in clean water for 3 hours. If you add a few drops of the Kornerost stimulant, the tree will take root faster after planting.

Opal basin

Landing algorithm 

The order of planting plum Opal:

  1. First, a hole is prepared with a size of 60 * 60 cm and a depth of 70 cm.
  2. Fertile soil, peat and compost are mixed in equal quantities.
  3. In heavy clay soil, a drainage layer should be provided. A layer of crushed stone or expanded clay 10 cm thick is poured at the bottom of the pit.
  4. Half of the excavated soil is placed in a hole and left to shrink.
  5. After 2–3 weeks, the remaining soil is poured into a hole, a seedling is placed on top.
  6. Plum roots are covered with earth.
  7. The tree is watered abundantly. The trunk circle is mulched with peat.

Plum Aftercare

  • Plum Opal is watered 3 to 5 times during the season. Moisture is necessary for the tree during flowering and fruiting. Up to 10 buckets of water are poured under the drain.
  • The watered soil is loosened so that moisture is better absorbed.

    Opal basin

  • Top dressing plum Opal begin in early spring. 30 g of urea, superphosphate and potassium salt are dissolved in water. After flowering, top dressing is repeated, but only phosphorus and potash fertilizers are used.
  • After 3-4 years, the soil under the trees is dug up. For 1 sq. m add 10 kg of humus or compost.
    Important! Proper pruning helps shape the crown of the Opal plum and increase yields.
  • The plum crown is formed in tiers. Be sure to eliminate dry, frozen shoots. Plums are pruned in early spring or autumn.
  • In late autumn, young plantings are spudded and covered with agrofibre, burlap or spruce branches. Additionally, a snowdrift is thrown over them.
  • To prevent rodents from damaging the tree trunk, it is covered with a net or roofing material.

Opal basin

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention 

The main plum diseases are shown in the table:






Brown spots on leaves, ulcers on fruits.

Spraying the tree with a solution of copper oxychloride (30 g per 10 liters of water).

1. Pruning extra shoots.

2. Digging the soil in the trunk circle.

3. Preventive treatment with fungicides.

fruit rot

Spots with fungal spores appear on the fruits.

Plum treatment with Bordeaux liquid.

The crop pests are listed in the table:





garden aphid

The pest forms colonies on plum shoots, as a result, the leaves curl up and dry out.

Spraying plums with a solution of the drug “Karbofos”.

1. Digging up the earth under the plum.

2. Cleaning up fallen leaves.

3. Plum treatment in early spring with Nitrofen.


The caterpillar feeds on buds and leaves, leaving nests of cobwebs in the branches.

Treatment with the drug “Entobakterin”, infusion of tobacco or wormwood.

Opal basin


Plum Opal is suitable for home growing and farm business. The variety is suitable as a pollinator for plums that bloom in the early stages. Fruits have good taste and universal application. Plum Opal is a great option for planting in the south and central regions.


Egor, 57 years old, Podolsk
The Opal plum variety is one of the best in my area, it grows on a graft. Productivity and taste at the highest level. Medium sized fruits. Sometimes there are signs of clasterosporiasis, but much less than other varieties suffer from plum rot.
Julia, 35 years old, St. Petersburg
Plum Opal grows in the country for about 10 years. The seedling was purchased from a local nursery. For all the time of cultivation, it never froze. The fruits are not very large, but the taste and aroma are excellent. The variety is self-fertile, you can not worry about the presence of a pollinator. Children like plum, it makes delicious jam.
Maria, 42 years old, Ryazan
We grow several varieties of plums on the site. Opal is a productive self-fertile variety. The mass of fruits is about 30 g. If you cut off part of the ovaries, then the plum grows up to 50 g in weight. The tree is low, it is very convenient to collect fruits.

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