Only fruit for breakfast: is it right?

Only fruit for breakfast: is it right?

You need to pay enough attention to breakfast. Good health and mood for the whole day depend on the right morning snack. I wonder if it is possible to eat only fruit for breakfast, because this is a good option.

Nutritionists insist that breakfast saves you from stress and reduced performance. After having a morning snack, it is much easier to control your appetite and concentrate on work and school.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating only fruit for breakfast. But in combination with yogurt, cottage cheese or kefir, this is an excellent solution. Such a snack will fully satisfy the body’s need for useful trace elements and vitamins.

  • Do not replace fruit with juice or fresh juice. The fact is that there is no fiber in juice and fresh juice, which is so necessary for normal digestion. Of course, they have vitamins, but this is not enough for a normal breakfast.

The opinion of nutritionists is unanimous: if in the morning you want to drink tea with a bun, then it is better to just eat the sweet fruit. It is much healthier for both figure and digestion.

Is it healthy to eat fruit for breakfast?

If you would like to have breakfast with fruit, choose from the following list:

  • apples;

  • kiwi;

  • mango;

  • grapefruit;

  • orange.

People who have an acidic stomach need to be careful about eating sour apples on an empty stomach. Better to give preference to sweet varieties. Apples lower cholesterol levels, stimulate the elimination of toxic substances and start metabolism.

Nutritionists advise starting the day with a couple of kiwis, which trigger the body’s metabolic process. Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, and they perfectly invigorate and cheer up. Mango is not such a common and popular fruit on our table. This is not at all deserved, as it contains almost all micronutrients.

Is it harmful or healthy to eat fruit for breakfast?

Fruit is best eaten an hour or two before the main breakfast. But there are fruits that should not be consumed in the morning:

  1. Banana and avocado. They are very high in calories, so they are not suitable for those who want to lose weight.

  2. Pears. They have a rough texture, so they can disrupt the intestinal function.

  3. Grape. It is very high in sugar, making it difficult for the stomach to process this fruit on an empty stomach.

It is also undesirable to eat sour fruits in the morning, as they can provoke heartburn and increase appetite. If you start to ferment in your stomach after eating fruit, then this breakfast option is not for you.

Physician, nutritionist, fitness testing specialist of the federal chain of fitness clubs X-Fit.

– Orange, like any other citrus fruit, is the only fruit that you can absolutely safely consume at night, without harming your figure, and also with vitamin benefits! These are natural accelerators of metabolism (metabolism) and sugar in them is negligible.

1 Comment

  1. gjigant me shkrim , se e kisha problem…

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