Online short-term and long-term therapy
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Mental health is extremely important in order to be able to function properly in everyday life and to communicate seamlessly with your environment. Using therapy is not a shame and it is worth getting rid of any resistance. It contributes to reducing mental suffering, overworking problems, looking for solutions, as well as positive reinforcement, gives confidence in your own abilities. An excellent way to find help is to enlist the help of a specialist during online therapy – this can be long-term or short-term therapy

When to see a therapist?

Contrary to appearances, the therapy is intended not only for people who have mental problems. Anyone can encounter difficulties in coping with emotions at some point in their life. If the problem is so serious that the support of loved ones does not help, then it is worth considering therapy. Everyone copes differently with problem situations and the stress they encounter, and this can cause insomnia, depression, neurosis and others.

Unfortunately, the rush of life and overwork can contribute to difficulties in coping with stress, own emotions and interpersonal relationships. Then we become lost – we wonder what to do next?

The goals of the therapy are defined during the first meeting and adjusted to the individual needs of the patient. The therapist determines which type of therapy will help – short-term or long-term therapy. It is worth expecting positive changes if you open up to them. Sometimes a few simple solutions are enough, a conversation with a psychotherapist to use the tips adapted to your life.

Online therapy

Online therapy is a great alternative for people who:

  1. They feel safer and more confident in the comfort of their home.
  2. They don’t have enough time.
  3. They do not have access to a specialist.
  4. They have difficulty getting there.

Online psychotherapy is very popular nowadays, you can find many specialists who adapt the forms of work in this way.

In this article, we will focus on two types of therapy:

  1. Short-term therapy 
  2. Long-term therapy

What makes them so special, who are they intended for?

Short-term therapy

Short-term therapy is intended mainly for people who find themselves in a difficult situation, unable to adapt to a new situation that caused a temporary crisis, e.g. loss of a loved one, divorce, separation. The goals of such therapy, due to the shorter duration, are more general, but also give satisfactory results. Such therapy lasts several months, during the last session the psychotherapist determines whether the specified goals and tasks have been achieved. If necessary, visit the website and find a solution to the problem, and the first step is to choose the right specialist.

Long-term therapy

It also happens that the best solution is long-term therapy, it is directed primarily to people who have personality disorders, anxiety, depressive states, and addictions. Traumas or past problems are discussed in detail during long-term therapy.

Depending on the complexity of your problem, you can choose short-term or long-term therapy.

Result therapy

Short-term therapy is focused on general, long-term therapy is detail-oriented. The effects depend on the patient. Some patients willingly cooperate, are open to solutions, work on difficulties, think positively about the present.

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