Online shopping: how to save money on delivery service

Now many people try to shop as little as possible, order everything they need in online stores. Unfortunately, this is not always convenient. But you can always add a little comfort to your life.

The coronavirus pandemic divided our whole life into “before” and “after”. Previously, you could leisurely wander around the shops, feel everything with your own hands, choose the best and the cutest. Now more and more often you have to buy a pig in a poke, placing orders in online supermarkets. Something will be forgotten in the order, something will end, vegetables will be suspiciously stained, and the shelf life of yogurt will be at its limit – such situations are not uncommon. And what to do with it? We decided to find out if it is possible to save on delivery.

Complex delivery

Standard online stores have a minimum order amount, and more often than not, it is rather big. In addition, many online supermarkets have now raised it: they have to collect a basket that costs several thousand rubles. And after all, not everything that turns out to be in it is really needed.

This can be avoided by using a delivery service. You choose a product in stores – partners of the service, and it can be not only products, but also cosmetics, books, goods from children’s stores and pet markets. Within a specified time, all of this is delivered to you, the cost of delivery is usually 150-300 rubles. For example, you are at home alone and your child has unexpectedly run out of diapers – delivery in such cases helps a lot.

Discount for discount

Services that deliver goods from stores give their customers promotional codes – they are summed up with discounts that the seller has already indicated, that is, the store.

“So you can buy groceries, for example, at Vkusville, at a discount, although the chain itself rarely lowers prices,” say experts at SaveTime, a service for express delivery of goods from stores. – With a large order, the discount on the promotional code even compensates for the shipping cost, and you receive the order for the same cost as if you went to the store yourself. And sometimes even cheaper. Promotional codes are usually sent by push notifications, mail and posted on social networks.

Save on transport

It is not enough to buy, you still need to drag the packages home. If you really have a lot of kilograms, you can take a taxi. Or you can order delivery: the cost of the service and the taxi are comparable, and you do not have to waste time. Delivery price usually does not depend on the quantity purchased and the weight of the goods. Therefore, you can afford to roam around and buy everything you want. By the way, try to compare the cost of gasoline, which you will spend for a trip to the store in your own car, and delivery to your home. What if it turns out that you can even save money on your own transport?

By the way

Delivery, which is nice, can be ordered not only for yourself, but also for your parents – it is now generally better for them not to leave the house once again. The courier will bring everything you need, except for medicines: you still cannot buy them via the Internet.

Cons of delivery

  • You still have to pay for delivery, albeit a fixed amount.

  • Still, you won’t be able to touch the goods with your own hands: the same fruits can bring not the best quality.

  • Couriers do not deliver orders to all areas.

  • Carefully read the terms of delivery: you may be asked for a surcharge for the rise of purchases to the floor. Or even offer you to pick up the goods at the entrance.

How else can you save

  • Remember in time that you have discount cards of physical stores, and do not forget to use them.

  • Subscribe to newsletters from your favorite supermarkets. They often announce discounts on certain product groups or send out promotional codes. In addition, there may be partner discounts.

  • Cooperate with neighbors: it is easier to collect a basket for the amount of the minimum order if you chip in.

  • Check what is included in your bank’s loyalty program: sometimes cardholders are given discounts in some stores and services, and these discounts change every quarter.

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