Green onions are often used both as a seasoning and for consumption in their pure form. In any case, he is a welcome guest on our garden plots and tables. That is why many gardeners are interested in how to grow onions for greens from seeds or from seedlings, what is its cultivation and agricultural technology, and how to grow this vegetable crop in a greenhouse.
From seed
Many inexperienced gardeners believe that the onion does not require special cultivation, since it is able to give a green feather even when simply placed in water. But experts today argue that the matter of growing this crop for greenery should be taken very seriously. Since if the turnip is ready to get rid of part of the tops without any problems and will soon please with a new feather, then the nigella can die.
To properly grow onions from seeds, you must first select the appropriate variety. Since not all onion varieties can produce a normal feather with excellent taste. Today Parade is considered one of the best. This high-yielding variety comes from Holland. It is able to grow quickly, does not form a bulb. The resulting greens do not turn yellow for a long time, and also have a rather delicate pleasant taste. The crop yield can be from 6 to 8 kg per square meter. Sowing onions Parade is carried out with seeds in open ground in early spring.
The planting depth in this case is up to 1 cm. The area is covered with a non-woven fabric, which is removed after 5 to 15 days (when the first shoots hatch). The distance between vegetable crops should be 20 cm, and between the rows it should reach 5 cm. Parade onions are recommended to be grown on soils with a neutral reaction, which contain a sufficient amount of humus. Before sowing, it is advised to apply about 7-5 grams of nitrogen fertilizer per square meter.
Also one of the best varieties can be called Slizun, which has a wide flat feather, as well as a mild pleasant taste; Leek, which has broad, abundant leaves and an exquisite taste; Batun – distinguished by an even feather, it can be one-year-old or two-year-old; Shallot – has a brightly grown onion taste, and the feathers contain a lot of vitamin C, fluorine and phytoncides; Schnitt – has long thin feathers that delight with exquisite aroma and taste.
All of these varieties are early maturing. For their cultivation, the land on which vegetable crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or legumes used to grow is best suited. Planting from seeds is carried out in the spring, its terms fall somewhere not in the middle of April. You can grow onions by planting them in the fall, but in this case, be sure to make sure that the bed is covered with snow, and it is recommended to insulate the ground with spruce branches.
Before planting from onion seeds of any variety, the earth is dug up with the obligatory addition of compost to it, making beds, the depth of the furrow in which should be up to about 200 mm. The surface is harrowed, and the grooves are applied with an interval of about 10 cm, up to 2 cm deep, seeds are laid there in increments of 2 cm. You can mark the planting with chalk and then sprinkle with mulch.
Video “Growing from seeds”
from seedlings
Growing onions for greens today is also possible in seedlings. The best varieties for this are called peninsular and sweet varieties of vegetables, as well as the excellent Skvirsky variety.
Immediately before you start growing onions for greens from seedlings, the seeds should be soaked or germinated in a film greenhouse. During germination, seeds should be planted to a depth of about 1 cm approximately 60 days before planting seedlings in the ground.
In this case, a row type of sowing is used, in which the width between rows should be up to 6 cm. The sowing rate of seeds is about 25 grams per square meter of usable area. The temperature inside the greenhouse before germination should be up to +25 degrees. When they hatch, the temperature must be reduced after 4 days by 10 degrees, and later increased again to 18 – 20. The greenhouse must be ventilated and the seedlings carefully watered. 10 days before planting it in open ground, the greenhouse is opened.
Ready for planting, high-quality seedlings reach a height of 15 to 20 cm and have about 4 leaves. In order for it to better adapt to a new place and give a good feather, the leaves need to be cut by about a third on the day of planting. The root system is advised to be dipped in a solution prepared from mullein and clay. Seedlings are planted on the site in the second half of April in the grooves, which are made previously with a chopper or a marker.
Planting is done in rows, the row spacing of which should be about 20 cm, and the distance between the crops themselves should be up to 5 cm. Dry soil should be watered so that about 40 liters of water per 10 plants. Planting seedlings should be carried out to a depth of 4 cm. The earth around the planted plants should be pressed to the roots, and the aisles should be immediately loosened after planting.
With cultivation and agricultural technology
The debate about how to grow onions for greens in the open field has not stopped so far. We will try to determine the most optimal growing option. When the spring frosts are far behind, and they are replaced by warm weather and a stable positive temperature, it is recommended to feed the plantings. To do this, use an infusion of weeds. It is not difficult to prepare it – the weeds are soaked in warm water and left to infuse (they calculate like this – a glass of liquid per 10 liters of water). Well proven in this regard and top dressing with urea.
When the onion has about 5 feathers, it is advised to do a second top dressing. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of phosphorus and potassium in a bucket of water. They are thoroughly stirred, and the resulting solution is poured over the ground.
This is best done in dry weather. If the soil does not suffer from a lack of moisture, then fertilizers can be placed between rows, after which loosening is mandatory. In the case when you fertilize through watering, then do not affect the greens. In order not to harm vegetable crops, it is best to water them in the evening.
Greenhouse method
Agrotechnics when growing onions in greenhouse conditions largely depends on which variety you decide to plant. With this method, after about 3 – 4 feathers appear, the earth is fertilized with humus and ash. When growing onions in a greenhouse, it should be borne in mind that he will need regular feeding. You can make fertilizer at home – for this, an ash solution or nettle concentrate is suitable, which must first be soaked in water at room temperature. Also, modern dressings, which can be purchased in special stores, have proven themselves well.
The soil around the bulb requires careful and timely care. Do not forget to loosen the earth, as well as fight weeds mercilessly. Control the amount of moisture – both insufficient watering and excessive watering are equally harmful to the soil and the normal development of vegetable crops. Onions do not tolerate drafts, they need a stable thermal regime. Get rid of diseased plants urgently so that they do not have time to infect viable healthy crops.
Growing onions in an unheated greenhouse is best done after carrots, tomatoes, beets, eggplants. Before planting, manure and compost are added to the soil, as well as mineral supplements – about 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride per square meter. The earth is loosened, mixed and leveled. Bulbs are taken dry, intact, and also large. It is customary to plant them in the first half of October, so that the crops take root well before the onset of cold weather.
Landing is done in rows, stepping back up to 2 cm, to a depth of up to 5 cm. With the onset of cold weather, the soil should be covered using manure with straw for this purpose. At the end of March, the snow is removed, the greenhouse is covered with foil and the insulation layer is removed. During the spring, mineral fertilizers are added twice – up to 4 g per square meter, and watering is carried out. Seedlings appear together when grown in a greenhouse a month later, somewhere in early May.
If the greenhouse is equipped with a heating system, you can grow green onions in it all year round. For this, it is customary to use peat or garden soil. In a heated room, onions will also need fertilizers recommended by specialists and proper watering. During the day, he needs to provide a temperature of +18 – 20 degrees, and at night – not lower than 15. In the afternoon, additional lighting will also be required in the winter season. Since such a plant needs about 12 hours of light period. Lamps are advised to be placed vertically. The first harvest can really be obtained in a month.
Video “From seeds to onion pen”
If you do not know how to grow onion feathers from seeds, then do not miss the video below. A lot of useful and actionable information will not hurt even experienced gardeners.