Onion variety Centurion: the secrets of growing and good yields

Even the ancient Egyptian pharaohs ate a lot of onions, and medieval warriors always took it for food before the battle. Green onions are very useful, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the body almost does not receive vitamins from fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. One of the popular varieties for ease of cultivation and fast germination is Centurion onion.

Variety description

Onion sets Centurion, according to the description of gardeners, is an early ripe onion of high quality Dutch selection. It is considered a reliable hybrid, gives good germination results. This variety forms elongated bulbs of medium size. Bulbs have an even shape and a dense texture. The mass of one onion is 90-100 grams. The husk has a bright straw color, and the middle is white. After the leaves of the onion sets emerge, the Centurion ripens within 90 days. Taste is medium spicy. It is used for seaming, preparing salads and eating raw.

Onion variety Centurion: the secrets of growing and good yields

This variety is resistant to bolting and various diseases. It is recommended to grow from seedlings in a two-year culture on a turnip. The hybrid is planted in fertile sandy soil.

Due to the content of solids, the Centurion onion is considered the most stable and is stored for a long time in cool, well-ventilated places. Characterized by high productivity and good bulb shape.

Features of agricultural technology

Onion variety Centurion is grown from onion seedlings or seeds. Agrotechnics for growing onion sets Centurion is not difficult. There are points to pay attention to:

  1. onion is a cold-resistant culture, and the sharper the variety, the more frost-resistant it is. It germinates at temperatures from 12 to 16 ° C, on open ground it withstands temperatures down to 24 degrees;
  2. for to improve growth, watering is required during the vegetative period, which then must be stopped during the development of the bulbs;
  3. fructifies in neutral and alkaline soil, in an acidic environment, the yield drops;
  4. good lighting is the key to a high level of seedlings of onion seedlings. If daylight is not enough, take care of artificial lighting devices.

Onions are biennial crops – the bulb is grown in the first year, and the seeds in the second. reproduction perhaps in one way or another.

Onion variety Centurion: the secrets of growing and good yields

Choose a groupnt dli landing

Before forcing the Centurion onion, it is necessary to prepare a good soil mixture. The place where you are going to arrange an onion bed should be well cleaned of weeds, they can negatively affect the quality and quantity of the crop.

Try to mark out a bed with onions near or after crops for which the soil has been fertilized with manure. Fresh manure is not recommended. You can also use soil with humus.

Mineral fertilizers and fertilizing have a positive effect on productivity. Just carefully read the description of the products included in their composition to avoid exposure to hazardous chemicals.

Places for planting onions should be chosen on the hills, in the spring they are planted in still cold ground, so the site should be warmed up by the sun’s rays. The soil must contain a large amount of nutrient masses.

The soil needs to be loosened frequently, the bed should be dug up without damaging the bulbs.

Onion variety Centurion: the secrets of growing and good yields


Planting seeds is carried out at an early date. To speed up seedlings, seeds can be planted already germinated. To do this, the seeds need to be soaked for a day in warm water, then put in a thin layer on burlap, covered with a film for 3 days. Keep the temperature constant, room temperature. Spray the seeds periodically with a spray bottle. When the first roots appear, the batch is ready for sowing.

Sowing seeds is carried out only in moist soil; before sowing, for even distribution over the site, it is recommended to dry the planting material a little. The distance between rows should be at least 20-25 cm. For 1 sq.m. about 3 grams of dry seeds are used.


Care of crops consists in constant watering, loosening and mineral dressing:

  • be sure to thin out the plants to form large bulbs. It is better to spend it after rainfall or watering.
  • once a week you need to loosen the soil
  • watering should be plentiful, the soil is always wet
  • 20-25 days before harvest, watering is stopped
  • the first top dressing with mineral fertilizers – on the 14-20th day after the appearance of the first shoots, the second – a week after the first

Onion variety Centurion: the secrets of growing and good yields

Soil fertilization

Top dressing should be applied depending on the soil in which the onion is planted. Usually nitrophoska or ash is used. Nitrogen top dressings are also suitable – they are repeated after each cut of the onion.

Harvesting and storage

Since the Centurion onion ripens unevenly, harvesting is carried out selectively. This onion variety is stored for a long time, up to 6-8 months at a cool temperature in a dark place in bulk or in nylon bags.

Pests and diseases

To a large extent, the onion of the Centurion variety is subjected to onion fly and onion moth. These pests are ubiquitous. They lay their eggs under the first dry onion scales or in the first leaves. Onion fly larvae penetrate the bulb and feed on the middle. Moth caterpillars penetrate inside the feather tube and eat the parenchyma. As a result, the leaves dry up and turn yellow. They fight these parasites with the help of insecticides, by spraying seed plantings with them during the flowering period of trees and the appearance of caterpillars and butterflies.

Video “Growing onions”

This video details how to properly plant onions on a turnip: site selection, soil characteristics, friendly crops, planting, watering, care.

How to harvest a rich onion crop.

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