During the preparation of many dishes of cuisine, onions cannot be dispensed with. It is an indispensable assistant not only in the kitchen, but also in everyday life. The healing properties of onions as an anti-influenza agent have long been known. Onions please with an abundance of their varieties, which differ not only in taste, but also in growing conditions and care requirements. Today we will talk about Stuttgarter Riesen – a variety belonging to the German selection.
Variety description
Stuttgarter Riesen has long been particularly popular, as it is a versatile variety that gives a huge harvest. Risen is always in great demand in the market. It is best to start the description of the variety with its rather large semicircular bulbs.
The color of the Stuttgarter Riesen variety varies from brown, characteristic of ripe fruits, to pale white. Weight is most often 100-150 grams, although there are also instances of 250 grams. This variety is characterized by a semi-sharp taste. Stuttgarter Riesen is rich in vitamins and nutrients, most of which are Vitamin C.
This onion is perfectly stored in a dry and frozen state, without losing its useful qualities. It is suitable for cooking a variety of dishes and everyone’s favorite preservation. Risen is stored for a long time. This onion variety is quite unpretentious, and with proper cultivation and care, it can produce an excellent harvest. It takes 95 days from the appearance of small sprouts to full maturity.
Video “Preparing for planting onion sets Stuttgarter Riesen”
Time-tested ways to help prepare onion sets for planting.
Ways of planting
Risen onions are grown traditionally through sets or using seeds. Unfavorable predecessors of the Stuttgarter on the plot of land are legumes, cucumbers or tomatoes. It is also not recommended to plant onions in the place where potatoes were previously grown. Loamy black soil with a predominantly neutral reaction is an ideal habitat for Stuttgarter Riesen.
For this variety, acidic soils are by no means suitable. Planting Risen – spring and autumn. In autumn, small sets are suitable for planting. If you store it, it will dry out before spring. In autumn, planting sevok, be sure to mulch the ground with peat or humus.
Sevok must be sorted out, removing dry or damaged bulbs. Warming up to 40-42 degrees Celsius is favorable for him. To do this, you can use the batteries that are available in every home.
Immediately before planting, the seeds are recommended to be soaked in warm water (35-40 degrees Celsius). Aloe juice and potassium permanganate (0,1 grams per bucket of water) are added to the water. In such a solution, the sevok should stay for a day. After that, it is laid out on a film. For this, any burlap will also work.
Sets are planted in rows, the distance between which should be at least 20 cm, and between the bulbs – about 10 cm. When planting onions on a feather, a rejected set or turnip is considered the most suitable. Planting involves very dense planting of the bulbs. They should remain on the surface, they do not need to be covered with earth from above.
After watering, experienced gardeners recommend covering the onion with a film. A one-time top dressing with urea will significantly accelerate its growth. Twenty grams per bucket of water will be enough. Do not forget that such a bow needs frequent watering.
Care and growing
The description of this onion variety will be incomplete if you do not pay attention to its cold resistance. Stuttgarter Riesen tolerates extreme cold, but still grows and develops better in moderate and elevated temperatures. Weeding, timely watering and fertilization are essential components of the care of the Stuttgarter Riesen.
Onions need to be fed with complex fertilizers. Mullein and bird droppings fertilize the plant 14 days after planting the bulbs. Urea is added to the solution in a volume of 25 grams per 1 bucket. The next feeding from a solution of water (1 bucket), urea (15 grams), superphosphate (15 grams) and potassium salt (40 grams) is done 5 weeks after planting. For the third time, top dressing is carried out as soon as Risen begins to form bulbs. To do this, you will need 15 grams of potassium salt and 30 grams of superphosphate per 1 bucket of water.
Remember that fresh manure applied under onions has an extremely negative effect on ripening and can contribute to the development of various pests. Intensive fertilization of the plant is completed in July. Planting poor-quality material can lead to plant diseases and infection with pests. Therefore, buy seeds and sets of Risen onion varieties only in special stores and trusted places. For prevention, they are also recommended to be disinfected before planting.
Favorable neighbors for onions in the garden are dill and carrots, which can repel pests. It used to be that such a procedure as “felting” contributes to the early ripening of any kind of onion. But you need to be careful with this, since “felting” can provoke rotting of the feather and the entire bulb. If you want the onions to ripen faster, stop watering half a month before harvest.
Please note that you should not delay harvesting the onion, as it may grow again. Start harvesting the onion as soon as its leaves turn yellow and begin to lie down. Drying takes place right on the bed or in case of rain – under a canopy. After all this, Risen is carefully sorted and cleaned from leaves and roots.
How to store
The description of Risen onion storage is worth starting, probably, with the fact that only those bulbs that are fully ripe will be stored for a long time and will be good. Try to use unripe and defective onions first. Sprinkling bulbs with sand is a great way to improve their storage.
Onions should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. If condensation forms on the surface of the bulb, this can cause unwanted germination and even decay. In general, this species is stored perfectly, without losing its useful qualities.
Video “The subtleties of planting onion sets»
Recommendations for planting onion sets at their summer cottage. Preparing the land and beds for growing a good crop.