Strigunovsky onions have been grown in Our Country for several centuries. And he still withstands the “competition” from the new selections. The variety has many advantages, gardeners appreciate it for its unpretentious care, suitability for planting in the vast majority of regions, and high yields. Significant shortcomings for the entire time of cultivation could not be identified.

Origin of the variety

Strigunovsky onion (now known as Strigunovsky local or Strigunok) is an old variety grown since the middle of the XNUMXth century. It was bred in the village of Striguny (now it is the Belgorod region), hence the name.

The variety of “folk selection” turned out to be very successful. It was also appreciated by foreign experts (Gold medal of the world exhibition in Paris, Big gold medal of the spring fair in Leipzig). Since 1943, he was listed in the Soviet State Register of Breeding Achievements under the name “Strigunovsky Local”. The variety was actively grown on an industrial scale in the Volga region, the Black Sea region, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.

He was also not excluded from the State Register. Strigunovsky onion is officially recommended for cultivation in all regions of Our Country where gardening is possible in principle.

Onion sets Strigunovsky: description of the variety, planting in the spring, can it be planted before winter

Since the applicant is not listed in the State Register, there are now several agricultural companies that produce Strigunovsky onion seeds

Important! With the participation of the Strigunovsky onion, breeders have bred other popular varieties. The most successful of them are Chalcedony, Eldorado, Voronezh-86, Chernigov.

Description and characteristics of onions of the Strygunovsky variety

Externally, Strigunovsky is a classic onion. A non-specialist is unlikely to be able to “recognize” it among bulbs of similar varieties.


Strigunovsky onion is a fairly compact plant with medium-sized, semi-erect leaves. Sometimes closer to the top of the “feathers” are slightly bent.

The bulbs are of different sizes, the mass varies between 45-80 g. The shape is round, slightly tapering at the bottom and top. The outer integumentary scales are light – yellowish-beige with a pinkish-gray undertone.

Onion sets Strigunovsky: description of the variety, planting in the spring, can it be planted before winter

On the cut, the bulbs of Strigunovsky are snow-white

Important! Onions are very juicy. The taste is pronouncedly spicy, even burning, with a slight spicy aftertaste. The typical “onion” flavor is also present.
Onion sets Strigunovsky: description of the variety, planting in the spring, can it be planted before winter

The color of the “feathers” of Strigunovsky is typical for onion greens, there is a light bluish-gray “wax” coating

Ripening time and yield

Onion Strigunovsky refers to varieties of early ripening. Harvesting is started 77-98 days after the sowing sprouts. The percentage of ripe bulbs at this point is 49-97%. Such a large “scatter” is explained by the climatic features of different regions. The weather during the growing season also matters.

An amateur gardener, practically not caring for plantings, can count on 1,18-3,27 kg / m². Competent agricultural technology, combined with a warm and sunny summer, increases the yield to 4,8-6 kg / m².

Onion sets Strigunovsky: description of the variety, planting in the spring, can it be planted before winter

Strigunovsky onion has a very good keeping quality – without losing consumer properties, it is stored for 9-12 months

Disease and pest resistance

Luk Strigunovsky has an “innate” immunity to many diseases typical of the culture. The gardener does not have to worry about protecting plantings from Fusarium, rust, mosaic virus.

For most pests, spicy onions are “inedible” in principle. For those who nevertheless show interest in him, Strigunovsky is also not too “demanded”. Aphids, spider mites, root nematodes, onion fly in most cases bypass it.

Composition and Properties

Luk Strigunovsky contains:

  • phytoncides, “natural” antibiotics that destroy pathogenic microflora;
  • chlorophyll, useful for strengthening and maintaining the elasticity of the walls of large blood vessels and capillaries;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, C, E, almost the entire group B.
Important! Useful substances are concentrated not only in the juicy inner scales, but also in the dry surface ones. Teas and infusions are prepared from the husk.

This composition causes benefits for the body:

  1. Beneficial effect on immunity, prevention of seasonal colds, spring beriberi.
  2. Improvement of blood quality, normalization of sugar content, cholesterol levels.
  3. Prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, blood clots, limb cramps.
  4. Help in cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, even in the removal of salts of heavy metals.
  5. Improving the condition of hair and nails, both when included in the menu, and with “external” use, for example, decoctions for rinsing hair, gruel as a mask for the scalp.
Important! In the presence of any chronic diseases of the digestive and urinary systems, onions (not fresh, but only after heat treatment) are included in the menu a little or they are abandoned altogether.

Where to use

Onion Strigunovsky is a food, not an ornamental plant. The purpose is universal. It can be used not only fresh. In cooking, this variety is widely used in boiled, fried, stewed form. It is added to salads, stuffing for savory pies, homemade preparations. This applies to the bulbs themselves, and the pen.

After heat treatment, the Strigunovsky onion loses its sharpness a little. Light sweetish notes appear on the palate.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of the Strigunovsky variety onion is due to a number of its undoubted advantages:

  • precocity;
  • consistently good yields, even if spring and summer are not very successful in terms of weather;
  • transportability, keeping quality while maintaining consumer properties;
  • a good percentage of ripe bulbs at the time of harvest;
  • general unpretentiousness in care;
  • suitability for landing in Our Country almost everywhere;
  • resistance to heat, drought, cold, temperature extremes;
  • good immunity, resistance against pests;
  • versatility of the appointment of bulbs;
  • the possibility of propagation by seeds and sevkom.
Onion sets Strigunovsky: description of the variety, planting in the spring, can it be planted before winter

Strigunovsky onion is a very successful combination of ease of cultivation with “stress resistance” and taste

The disadvantages of the Strigunovsky variety are exclusively subjective. Not all gardeners like the relatively small size of the bulbs and the distinctly pungent taste.

Methods for planting Strigunovsky onions

Strigunovsky onion can be planted both with seeds and sevkom. The experience of gardeners shows that in the second case, the bulbs ripen longer, but they turn out to be larger.

Cultivation from seeds

Before planting Strigunovsky onion seeds, they must be checked for germination. It is necessary to soak them in a solution of table salt (about 50 g / l). “Empty” seeds that do not contain an embryo immediately float to the surface.

Further, it is recommended to apply means to improve germination. The easiest option is any purchased biostimulant (Epin, Zircon, Heteroauxin). You can also carry out “hardening”, first soaking the Strigunovsky onion seeds for half an hour in hot (45-50 ° C) water, and then for 12-15 minutes in cold water.

Then the Strigunovsky onion seeds are dried to a loose state and planted on seedlings:

  1. Plant them in relatively shallow, wide containers filled with well-moistened all-purpose seedling soil. Seeds are planted one at a time, leaving 3-4 cm between them, 4-5 cm between rows. They are deepened by a maximum of 1 cm.
  2. Turn the container into a “greenhouse” by covering it with glass or tightening it with polyethylene. Clean in a dark warm (24-27 ° C) place until shoots appear.
  3. When the seeds germinate, provide good lighting, lower the temperature of the content to 20-22 ° C. Constantly monitor the humidity of the substrate, not allowing it to dry out.
Onion sets Strigunovsky: description of the variety, planting in the spring, can it be planted before winter

Shoots from seeds appear in 7-10 days

Important! Strigunovsky onion seedlings are planted in open ground in the second half of May.

If the seeds are planted directly in open ground, they require similar preparation. Between them leave 5-7 cm, between rows – 10-15 cm. After the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings will have to be thinned out. Until the seeds germinate, it is recommended to tighten the bed with plastic wrap or black covering material.

Important! Strigunovsky onion seeds are planted for seedlings in mid-March, immediately in the garden – in the last decade of April.
Onion sets Strigunovsky: description of the variety, planting in the spring, can it be planted before winter

The recommended planting pattern for the Strigunovsky variety is 5-7×20-25 cm

Planting seedlings in open ground

The Strigunovsky onion set also needs pre-planting preparation. If it was not stored at room temperature, 3-4 days before planting, the planting material is brought home for warming up. Then the seeds are soaked in a solution of any biostimulant, washed with clean water, and dried.

Onion sets Strigunovsky: description of the variety, planting in the spring, can it be planted before winter

Before planting, onion sets with mechanical damage, traces of rot, and other “suspicious symptoms” must be discarded

Strigunovsky onions are planted in a bed with an interval of 10-12 cm with a row spacing of 20-25 cm. The most important thing is to leave the top on the soil surface. The soil is well watered before and after planting. When the water is absorbed, it is advisable to mulch the bed.

Onion sets Strigunovsky: description of the variety, planting in the spring, can it be planted before winter

Bulbs are planted no earlier than the soil warms up to 10-12 ° C

This variety is also suitable for planting before winter. But then pre-planting treatment is not required for him. The bulbs are deepened by 4-5 cm, the bed is covered with a layer of peat or humus (2-3 cm).

Onion care Strigunovsky

Onion care Strigunovsky is a standard agricultural technique for culture:

  1. Irrigation. In the absence of natural precipitation from May to June, it is watered every 4-7 days, focusing on air temperature. The approximate norm is 5-7 l / m². Then watering is stopped completely, otherwise large bulbs will not work. An exception is made only if dry hot weather sets in for a long time (2,5-3 weeks).
  2. Weeding and loosening. Spend every 1,5-2 weeks, the next day after watering. An alternative to regular weeding and loosening the beds is its mulching.
  3. Top dressing. Fertilizers are applied twice per season. The first time (about a week after the second thinning or after the emergence of seedlings from the set), natural organic matter or a solution of mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers is needed. After another 2,5-3 weeks, top dressing is introduced with the content of potassium and phosphorus.

Onion Strigunovsky reacts positively to both folk remedies and specialized complex store fertilizers.

If Strigunovsky is planted with seeds in open ground, he needs thinning. It is carried out in the phase of the second and fourth leaf, leaving between adjacent specimens first 4-6 cm, then 8-10 cm.

Important! Onion Strigunovsky ripens when the leaves turn completely yellow, wither and lie on the ground. The crop is harvested exclusively in dry weather; before storing, the bulbs are dried in the open air for 7-10 days.


Onion Strigunovsky is a variety whose significant advantages and subjective disadvantages have long been well known. For several generations of gardeners, they have been choosing it, given the consistently high yield, ease of care, very good immunity, and keeping quality. It can be grown both from seeds and sets.

Reviews of gardeners about onion Strigunovsky

Veronika Alypova, Lipetsk
Strigunovsky is a real “old-timer variety”, proven and very reliable. The bulbs ripen quickly, they turn out juicy, fleshy, I really like the spicy taste. Even if the weather is unlucky in summer, bulbs weighing about 60 g are formed. The beds require minimal care.
Stanislav Arseniev, Kharkov
I like to try new varieties, but every year I plant 2-3 rows of Strigunovsky onions. Since we do not constantly live in the garden, it is not always possible to weed, loosen, water the beds on time. However, the endurance and unpretentiousness of the variety ensures the annual onion harvest, despite my flaws in care.
Natalia Mironova, Krasnoyarsk
We grow onions for sale. Strigunovsky among our customers is one of the favorites. They like both the sharp taste and the presentability of the bulbs. They ripen quite large, symmetrical in shape. The early ripeness of the onion allows you to harvest regularly, although our summers are short and cool.
Sowing Seeds of ONION STRIGUNOVSKY and BESSONOVSKY before Winter. 18.12.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX

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