Onion sets Olina: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews

Onion Olina is a variety of Czech origin, known in Our Country. It has a pleasant taste and an attractive presentation. Resistant to adverse weather conditions, most diseases and pests. Planted both in spring and autumn.

History of origin

Olina is an onion variety bred in the Czech Republic (AGROFIRMA MORAVOSEED, author HORAL JIRI, KLAPSTE PETR). Passed tests in Our Country, included in the register of breeding achievements in 1997 (application for admission: March 1995). The originator is IP Aleksashova M.V. (Moscow city).

Description and characteristics of the Olina onion variety

Olin’s onion is an unpretentious variety that can withstand frost, short-term drought, and does not give an arrow. It is resistant to a number of diseases and pests. Thanks to this, it is possible to grow a crop both in the middle lane and in the south, as well as in other regions of Our Country.


Onion sets Olina: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews

Olin’s onion gives rounded, regular-shaped roots with an average weight of 50-100 g

The surface is smooth, the husk is golden in color. Greens of typical color, reaches a height of 30–35 cm. Onions are two- and three-germ. The first two scales are dry, the rest are juicy, snow-white.

Ripening time and yield

Olina’s onion belongs to the early ripening varieties. The ripening period averages 2,5–3 months from the moment of planting. Specific terms depend on the method of cultivation:

  • from seeds: 65–95 days;
  • from sevka: 60–85 days.

The yield of Olin’s onion is low, reaching 1,5–3,1 kg per 1 m2. In industrial cultivation, the indicator reaches 270–310 centners/ha, which is 50–100 centners higher compared to the Bessonovsky local variety standard.

The integumentary scales of Olin’s onions are dense, so the keeping quality index is 90–95%. Under standard storage conditions (temperature 2–5 degrees Celsius, humidity up to 70%, dark place), the fruits lie for up to six months. They are transportable – can be transported over long distances.

Advice! Yields can be increased by growing Olin’s onion sets. In this case, the indicator will be up to 5 kg per square meter.

Disease and pest resistance

Olin’s onion has good resistance to a number of diseases:

  • neck rot;
  • fusariosis;
  • powdery mildew.

The variety has resistance to the following pests:

  • onion moth;
  • potato scoop (caterpillars);
  • secretive proboscis.

When growing, it is necessary to observe the norm of watering and other rules of care, periodically inspect the plantings and carry out treatments with folk remedies or special preparations.

Composition and Properties

The flesh of the onion Olina is white, juicy, dense. The taste is semi-sharp, pleasant. The composition of the pulp includes water (88%) and dry matter (12%), including:

  • vitamins: C (7 mg per 100 g), group B (B2, B6), E, ​​PP;
  • sugar (in a total share of 6,1%);
  • essential oils;
  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins;
  • organic acids;
  • mineral compounds (phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, iron and others).


Universal application: for all kinds of dishes and preparations. Olin’s onions are grown for turnips and greens. Can be used for personal consumption or for sale, as well as sent for recycling.

Growing regions

According to the register of breeding achievements, the Olina onion variety is approved for cultivation in the Central and Middle Volga regions. It is recommended to cultivate as an annual (from seed) and biennial (from seedlings) culture.

Advantages and disadvantages

Olin’s onion is one of the earliest varieties. It gives moderately large bulbs of an attractive trade dress and good taste.

Onion sets Olina: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews

Olin’s onion is valued for its pleasant taste and attractive presentation.


  • early ripening;
  • not too spicy taste;
  • good keeping quality;
  • transportability;
  • resistance to drought and frost;
  • maturity up to 100%;
  • not prone to shooting;
  • immunity to a number of diseases and pests.


  • average yield;
  • no resistance to onion fly;
  • may suffer from powdery mildew, root rot.

Terms of planting

The timing of planting this crop depends on the method of cultivation and on the region. If you plant seeds for seedlings, the optimal time is from the end of March to the first decade of April, since Olina’s onion is early ripe. At the same time, seedlings are transferred to the ground in early May, i.e. about two months after emergence. Also, seeds can be planted in open ground – it is desirable to do this at the end of April. Around the same time, sevok is planted.

Autumn planting is also allowed. To do this, use sevok, which is planted:

  • from the end of October to the first ten days of November in Central Our Country;
  • from the last days of September to mid-October in the Urals, in Siberia, in the Far East.

To harvest a large crop, Olin’s onions are recommended to be planted just before winter. Otherwise, the performance will be low.

Methods for planting Olin’s onions

Olina onions can be grown in the following ways:

  • sowing seeds for seedlings or in the ground (annual crop);
  • sevkom to the garden (for two-year-old specimens).

The easiest way is to plant sevok and get a harvest in July. The seedling method of growing Olin’s onions is also allowed. It is more labor intensive, but more economical in terms of costs.

Growing seedlings from seeds

At the first stage, Olin’s onion seeds need to be prepared for planting. They are etched in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Placed in warm water, then allowed to dry and kept in “Heteroauxin” or other growth stimulant. After that, it is wrapped in damp gauze, put in a saucer and kept for a week at room temperature.

Onion sets Olina: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews

Olina onion seedlings are grown in low boxes

Next, they act like this:

  1. They take a pre-prepared soil mixture (two parts of soddy land and one part of black peat, humus and sand).
  2. Previously, the earth is put in the freezer for several days or kept in the oven (15 minutes at 130 degrees).
  3. The soil is laid in individual pots or common boxes up to 10 cm high. Cassettes can be used. At the same time, 3-4 seeds are sown in each cell.
  4. Make grooves at a distance of 5 cm.
  5. Spread the seeds of Olin’s onion with tweezers to a depth of 0,5–1 cm with an interval of 3 cm.
  6. Sprinkle with soil, spray a little with water.
  7. Cover the container with plastic wrap, periodically ventilate and water. Withstand the temperature at the level of + 22-25 degrees.
  8. When shoots appear, the film is removed. The temperature is lowered to + 15-18 degrees.
  9. Two weeks before transplanting, the containers are taken out onto the balcony or outside, hardened at a temperature of +10 ° C.
  10. Transplanted into open ground closer to the beginning of May. Planting depth 2 cm, spacing 6 cm, distance between furrows 50 cm. At the time of transplantation, each seedling should have at least three full leaves. Previously, the roots of seedlings can be held in a growth stimulator solution.
  11. During transplantation, leaves and root shoots should be shortened by a third of their length.
Attention! When growing Olin’s onions, it is advisable to illuminate the seedlings up to 14-15 hours a day. For this, phytolamps are used.

Planting sevka in the spring

Olin’s onion sets are sown in spring at the end of April (if the weather is warm and dry). The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Clean, dig and fertilize the soil in advance, for example, with compost or humus (5 kg per 1 m2).
  2. Select the sevok – it should be moderately large (diameter up to 3 cm) and without rot, damage. Two weeks before planting, warm up for six hours at a temperature of 40 degrees, then pickle in a fungicide 0,5-1 hour.
  3. Make several furrows at a distance of 25 cm.
  4. Plant the seedlings to a depth of 1,5 cm with an interval of 5 cm (for large bulbs, a distance of 10 cm).

    Onion sets Olina: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews

  5. Sprinkle with fertile soil and water abundantly.
  6. Lay sawdust, straw, needles or other mulch 3 cm high.
Advice! Small sets (up to 1 cm in diameter) are best used to produce bulbs. Large planting material is suitable for growing greens.

Olin’s onion care

When planting sevka, the first shoots appear after 10–15 days. To do this, it is necessary to ensure normal watering, top dressing and other conditions:

  1. Water the onions as the surface layer of the soil dries out. In drought, water is given at least once a week. At the same time, a month before harvesting, watering is stopped, even if the heat is established.
  2. Top dressing is applied three times per season – after the appearance of green feathers, urea is given (20 g per 1 m2), after three weeks they give superphosphate (20 g per 1 m2) and potassium salt (10 g per 1 m2), after another 21 days, the same composition is added.
  3. After watering and rains, the soil should be loosened.
  4. Weeding is done regularly to prevent weeds from sprouting. To facilitate the task, it is recommended to lay out a layer of mulch.

Fighting diseases and pests

Olin’s onion is generally resistant to various diseases and pests, but can suffer from onion flies, and with excessive watering, from root rot. Powdery mildew is also possible. The main preventive measures are:

  • moderate watering;
  • regular loosening of the soil and weeding;
  • inspection of crops and processing by various means.

If a whitish coating, spots and other signs of planting are found, they are treated with Bordeaux mixture or fungcides (HOM, Skor, Ordan, Fitosporin). To combat the onion fly, folk remedies are used:

  • dusting with tobacco dust or wood ash;
  • spraying with a solution of laundry soap or salt;

For prevention, treatment with infusion of dandelion leaves is necessary.

If these measures do not help, apply insecticides:

  • “Medvetoks”;
  • “Aktara”;
  • “Zemlin”;
  • “Muhoed”;
  • “Karate Zeon” and others.
Onion sets Olina: description and characteristics of the variety, photos, reviews

Onion fly leads to the complete destruction of the leaves

Attention! Olin’s onion processing is carried out in the late evening or early morning. It is desirable that according to the forecast there will be no rain and strong winds.


Olina onions can be grown in different regions. The crop ripens quickly, although it is not stored for too long. Due to its pleasant taste, it is suitable for fresh consumption and in all kinds of dishes. Bulbs of medium size, regular shape, have an attractive appearance, so they can be grown not only for personal purposes, but also for sale.

Reviews of gardeners about Olina’s bow

Marina Gushchina, 54 years old, Yaroslavl
Olina is a Czech variety, but seeds are inexpensive, like varieties. I liked it because it does not ripen longer than three months. I grow seedlings as an annual, in mid-July I harvest. In general, the culture is winter – you can sow in October, then the bulbs will be larger and the greenery more magnificent.
Andrey Sazonov, 46 years old, Odintsovo
Olin’s onion is winter, I plant it at the end of October and then take care of it all season. But friends also grow as an annual – from seedlings. It tastes very pleasant, not as caustic as our varieties. I usually add it to salads.
Onion Olina. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy Olin bulbs

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