Cupido onion is a high-yielding hybrid that can be grown in different regions of Our Country (from the middle lane to the Far East). Differs in large bulbs, pleasant, not so sharp taste and an attractive trade dress. Suitable for personal farms and for commercial cultivation.

Description and characteristics of the Cupido onion variety

Bow Cupido (sometimes called Cupid) refers to hybrids of the first generation (designation F1). This is a high-yielding variety, bred in Holland. Refers to heterotic hybrids, i.e. crops with high viability and fast growth rates. Included in the register of breeding achievements of the Federation in 2015. Recommended for cultivation in different areas of the Central region, as well as in the Far East.


The feathers of the Cupido onion are of a rich green color, reach a height of 30 cm, practically do not form arrows. The bulbs are large (weight 110–130 g), oval or rounded, slightly elongated along a thin neck. The skin is thin, strong, tightly fitting, thanks to which the keeping quality and transportability of Cupido are quite good. Straw-colored husk, attractive appearance.

Ripening time and yield

Onion Cupido belongs to mid-early varieties – from germination to final ripening, it takes from 75 to 85 days. The yield is very high and reaches 3,5–4 kg per 1 m2. Accordingly, from each weave, you can get 350-400 kg.

Onion sets Kupido F1: variety description, photos, reviews, when to plant

Cupido bulbs are quite large, average weight 110–130 g

Disease and pest resistance

Onions of this variety are characterized by resistance to most pests and diseases. But he can suffer from an onion fly. Therefore, plants should be periodically examined and, when insects appear, two treatments with special preparations should be carried out: Imidacloprid, Dimethoate, Ripcord, Baytikol, Stomaksin.

Between the rows, you can plant plants that repel the onion fly and other pests. Repellent crops include calendula, marigolds, dill, fennel, fragrant tobacco and others.

Important! After processing, greens can be harvested only after 3-5 days. The waiting period depends on the characteristics of the drug.

Composition and Properties

The chemical composition of the pulp and greens of the Cupido onion includes the following substances:

  • vitamins C, PP, group B;
  • proteins;
  • Sahara;
  • essential oil;
  • trace elements (potassium, iron, phosphorus and others);
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids.

In terms of taste properties, Cupido onions are not as spicy as many familiar varieties. Its pulp is juicy, with a characteristic onion smell, the taste is mild, rather pleasant.

Where to use

Due to its semi-sharp taste, Cupido onions are used in various dishes. It is added to salads, soups, stews and fried dishes. It goes especially well with vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, carrots, and beets. Suitable for pickling, it is used for preparations, winter salads.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cupido onion has a pleasant taste and very good yield. It is undemanding to care, so the culture can be grown by both experienced and novice gardeners.

Onion sets Kupido F1: variety description, photos, reviews, when to plant

Cupido onion has a high yield


  • early ripening;
  • pleasant, medium-sharp taste;
  • universal purpose;
  • undemanding to care;
  • almost does not give arrows;
  • good transportability and keeping quality;
  • can be planted in spring and autumn;
  • resistance to diseases and pests.


  • does not tolerate cold well;
  • may be affected by onion flies;
  • seed is more expensive than many other varieties.

When to plant cupido onions

Planting Cupido’s onions can be scheduled for spring or autumn. Specific dates depend on the climatic conditions of the region and the method of cultivation:

  1. Seeds for seedlings are planted 1,5–2 months before being transferred to open ground, i.e. at the end of February – beginning of March.
  2. Seedlings are transplanted to the garden in mid-May.
  3. Sevok can be planted in open ground after the May holidays.
  4. When grown in autumn, the seedlings are planted in the second half of October or early November.
Attention! Bow Cupido will not withstand frosts below -10 degrees. Therefore, in winter it can only be grown in heated greenhouses or other premises.

Methods for planting Cupido onions

Cupido onions can be grown from both sets and seeds. To do this, they must be sown in advance on seedlings, in open ground or in a greenhouse. Cupido is a biennial crop. First, sevok grows from seeds, from which full-fledged bulbs appear for the next season.

Cultivation from seeds

Seeds before planting must be selected and prepared:

  1. Immerse in a weak salt solution and discard those seeds that float to the top.
  2. Hold for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Put for several hours in a solution of “Kornevin” or another growth stimulator.
  4. Prepare the soil for planting Cupido onion seeds – universal soil or a mixture of the surface layer with peat, sand and humus (2: 1: 1: 1).

For growing use different containers:

  • cassette;
  • general boxes or containers;
  • “snails” are homemade constructions from a pot with a built-in transparent plastic tape that goes in a spiral.

Since Cupido’s onion seeds are very small, planting them in separate pots or cups is impractical.

Onion sets Kupido F1: variety description, photos, reviews, when to plant

Cupido onion seedlings are best grown in common containers.

Before planting, you need to make several grooves 1-1,5 cm deep with an interval of 5 cm and evenly distribute the seeds. Sprinkle with soil and cover with a film with holes. Grow at room temperature. As soon as shoots appear, the film should be removed. Seedlings are periodically watered from a spray bottle. They are transplanted into the ground closer to the second half of May. For two weeks, you can take it out to the balcony or into the open air to harden the seedlings. Fertilizers should not be applied.

Important! Immediately after planting, the soil is not watered so as not to damage the seeds. The soil must first be moistened.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Sevoc buy in specialized stores. Planting material must meet several requirements:

  • bulbs are dense;
  • small heads – up to 1,5 cm in diameter;
  • dense to the touch;
  • golden-straw color;
  • the husk is completely dry;
  • the shape is elongated, there is a spout;
  • the smell is pleasant (no mustiness).
Onion sets Kupido F1: variety description, photos, reviews, when to plant

Cupido onion sets can be planted in the ground in mid-May

The place is chosen dry and open. The site is prepared in advance – it is cleaned, dug up and brought into the ground (by 1 m2) such fertilizers:

  • humus – 3 kg;
  • ammonium nitrate – 10 g;
  • superphosphate – 30 g;
  • potassium salt – 15 g.

The scheme for planting onion sets (as well as seedlings of seedlings) is 20 * 10 cm. a distance of 10 cm is left between the seedlings, and 20 cm between the rows. The depth of the holes is 5 cm (in the case of winter planting, 10 cm). Previously, the bottom of each well is recommended to be poured with a solution of “Kornevin” or “Epin” (if the seed was not processed the day before).

Onion sets Kupido F1: variety description, photos, reviews, when to plant

Cupido onion sets are planted in grooves 5 cm deep

Attention! Before planting, the material must be dried for two weeks at a temperature of 30-35 degrees.

Then it is disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and kept for several hours in a solution of any growth stimulant.

Cupido onion care

Bow Cupido is characterized by rapid growth and unpretentiousness. It grows well in open areas with direct access to the sun. The bulbs produce powerful roots that penetrate deep into the soil, so the plant is drought tolerant. Landing care is minimal:

  1. Watering only after the surface layer of the soil dries out. A month before harvest, they stop giving water.
  2. If the soil is fertile or fertilizers were incorporated during site preparation, additional feeding is not needed.
  3. Weeding should be done regularly. To curb the growth of weeds, it is recommended to use sawdust, mowed grass and other mulch.
  4. Loosening is carried out periodically, after heavy rains or watering.

Harvested from late July to mid-August. As soon as a third of the leaves lie down, you can dig out the bulbs (you should not wait for full lodging). Turnips are dug up with a shovel or a special bracket. But they should not be taken by hand. The bulbs are shaken off the ground, allowed to dry and dried for a week at a temperature of 30–35 degrees. Then they are sent for storage in a dry and cool place (5-7 degrees Celsius).


Onion Cupido is one of the best foreign varieties that can be planted both in spring and autumn (before winter). The hybrid is resistant to most diseases and pests, tolerates drought well. The bulbs are light and transportable, they have a pleasant taste, so they can be eaten fresh and used for cooking.

Reviews of gardeners about onion Cupido

Lyudmila Pozdnyakova, 54 years old, Ufa
Onion Cupido began to grow two years ago. They immediately bought sevkom, with seeds it is more difficult: you need both a place and time. I was pleasantly surprised by the excellent germination. Cupido comes from Holland, but not capricious, normally takes root in our conditions. It ripens in 2,5 months, so the first harvest can be taken in early August. It is better to store in stockings or lay in the cellar. Maintain low humidity and cool temperatures.
Marina Dolgikh, 45 years old, Pskov
Onion Cupido planted for the first time. Planting material purchased in the store. Harvest took almost three months. The bulbs are very dense and normally lie in the cellar. It’s nice that during storage they do not lose their shape and taste. The yield is good – more than 4 kg per square meter.
Vegetable onion Cupido F1 (allium cepa cupido f1) 🌿 review: how to plant, onion sets and garlic onion Cupido F1

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