onion juice

The fact that the best medicines grow in the garden has long been known to mankind. With the help of affordable, easy-to-prepare and safe “home remedies” based on vegetables, fruits and herbs, our ancestors have long struggled with a wide variety of diseases.

One of the most popular remedies in folk medicine is onion juice. Humanity learned about its beneficial properties more than six thousand years ago. In ancient Egypt, this plant was endowed with magical properties, and the juice from it was considered the elixir of life. In the Middle Ages, onion juice was recommended by healers to be consumed by soldiers during campaigns. In addition, even then it was known that it increases the chances of surviving during deadly epidemics.

Today, onion juice is an ideal assistant in solving a huge number of various problems, not only medical, but also cosmetic.

Chemical composition

Onion juice is a product whose biological activity literally “goes off scale”. This explains the fact that this product is traditionally used in a huge number of traditional medicine recipes as an effective tool to combat many ailments.

The main “feature” of this product is the presence of phytoncides in it – substances that provide immune protection for the plant. They have the ability to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, fungi and viruses. This explains the effectiveness of onion juice in ARVI and influenza. Moreover, phytoncides are capable of destroying dysentery, tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli.

In addition, the juice contains sugars, which are higher in it than in pears and apples, including the polysaccharide inulin. This is a prebiotic – in other words, a substance that is not absorbed in the upper digestive system, but exclusively in the intestines, thereby contributing to the development of beneficial microflora. Inulin is also indicated for diabetes – this substance helps control blood sugar levels. Also, this polysaccharide helps to strengthen the body’s resistance and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver.

In addition, the product is rich in vitamins C, groups B, E, PP, K. It also contains a wide range of micro and macro elements: calcium, fluorine, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, etc.

Onion juice also contains essential oils, alkaloids, acids of organic origin, enzymes and mineral salts.


Vitamin A2,0 ME
Vitamin C7,4 mg
Vitamin PP0,1 mg
folate19,0 μg
Pantothenic acid0,1 mg
Mixed6,1 mg
Betaine0,1 mg

Micro- and macro elements

Calcium23,0 mg
Hardware0,2 mg
Magnesium10,0 mg
Phosphorus29,0 mg
potassium146 mg
Sodium4,0 mg
Zinc0,2 mg
Manganese0,1 mg
Selenium0,5 μg

Benefit for health

Onion juice is a remedy that is used to treat and prevent a huge number of diseases due to a wide range of its beneficial properties.

So, this product:

  1. Contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract. Recommended for use with reduced appetite, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and accelerates the digestion of food, effectively preventing congestion.
  2. It helps to remove toxic substances and toxins from the body, to avoid intoxication.
  3. It has a positive effect on the nervous system. For a long time, healers have used it as a medicine for the treatment of insomnia and nervous disorders.
  4. Helps with urolithiasis. Due to the light diuretic effect, it allows the most delicate removal of sand and small stones from the kidneys and bladder.
  5. Inulin, which is part of onion juice, helps regulate blood glucose levels.
  6. Helps to clear the respiratory tract of mucus in case of colds due to its bactericidal action. The ability of onion juice to stimulate expectoration makes it an indispensable remedy for the treatment of bronchitis.
  7. Useful for atherosclerosis, improves the condition of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, helps dissolve cholesterol plaques.
  8. It has a general strengthening effect, helping to survive the off-season, traditionally considered the season of colds, without loss.

Method of preparation and storage

Making onion juice is easy. In the event that you need a significant amount of a miracle cure, it is best to use a juicer.

There is another option – to use a conventional meat grinder. Due to the fact that the onion is a very juicy product, during its grinding, it is the liquid that first appears, and then the slurry, which, by the way, can also be used for treatment.

This product is a remedy that is able to retain all its healing properties for a long time. You can store it in the refrigerator, in a glass container, carefully sealed.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Most of us know that onion juice treatment is effective for respiratory diseases – sore throat, bronchitis, SARS – and also for influenza. However, there are many more traditional medicine recipes, of which it is the main component.

For toothache

Try massaging the problem area with a brush dipped in onion juice.

From hypertension

An effective remedy for high blood pressure is prepared as follows: juice from three kilograms of onions should be combined with 500 g of honey and walnut membranes (twenty-five pieces). Vodka is added to this mixture and infused for a week and a half. Take the finished product three times a day. The dose is one tablespoon.

To strengthen the blood vessels of the brain

To make the vessels of the brain more elastic and strengthen them, a remedy made from honey and onion juice in equal doses will help. This medicine should be taken in a tablespoon, daily before morning and evening meals. The duration of the course is two months.

With urolithiasis

To remove sand and dissolve stones in the kidneys and bladder, drink two to three tablespoons of juice in the morning, afternoon and evening.

For vision problems

For those who feel that visual acuity has decreased as a result of prolonged exertion, traditional medicine advises lubricating the eyelids at night with a mixture of freshly squeezed onion juice and honey in a 1: 2 ratio.

With epilepsy

It is possible to make epileptic seizures more rare and reduce their intensity by instilling a few drops of juice into the ears once a day.

With headache

Apply a gauze compress soaked in onion juice to the forehead and temples to reduce the intensity of pain from a headache.

For insect bites

You can get rid of redness, swelling and discomfort from mosquito bites, as well as bees and wasps, by applying a compress dipped in freshly squeezed juice to the affected area.

Onion juice for colds

The off-season, traditionally considered the period of colds, and epidemics of ODS and flu, is at this time that most of us recall “grandmother’s” recipes based on onion juice. The presence of natural volatile antibiotics in it really helps the body to quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms: nasal congestion, dry cough, painful sensations in the ears.

First of all, if you feel that the infection is about to “knock you down” and you can’t get sick, try making a special cocktail. Mix 100 ml of lemon fresh, five tablespoons of onion juice, one tablespoon of honey and gruel from one minced garlic clove. Pour the mixture into 200 ml of boiled water and drink the mixture before going to bed. Please note that the taste of this remedy is very specific, therefore it should be used only as a last resort.

If the disease still knocked you down, the same onion juice will come to the rescue.

With a runny nose

With a runny nose, this product will not only help get rid of nasal congestion, but will put its mucous membrane in order.

The simplest remedy for nasal congestion is tampons with onion juice, which are put into the nostrils. Peel the onion from the husk and grate using the finest grater. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and mix with a small amount of water. Soak gauze or cotton swabs in the liquid and alternately put them first in one and then in the second nostril. The duration of the procedure is about ten minutes. Please note that, since onion juice can cause severe burning in the nose, the mucous membrane must first be lubricated with a thin layer of cream or petroleum jelly. In addition, this procedure is not carried out for children – they simply instill the mixture into their noses.

In addition, onion juice with a runny nose can be taken orally. Add honey to it in a ratio of 1: 1 and take a teaspoon, a quarter of an hour before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening.

With the dryness provoked by a runny nose and painful sensations in the mucous membrane of the nostrils, a healing ointment will come to the rescue. To prepare it, mix in equal proportions (approximately 5 g each) onion juice, honey, cyclamen root crushed into gruel and aloe pulp. Warm the mixture a little, soak cotton swabs in it and make a compress on the nasal mucosa. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

A special oil will help from chronic rhinitis. To prepare it, grate one small onion on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Pour gruel and juice with a glass of heated vegetable oil. Wrap the medicine container well and let it brew for seven hours. Use the prepared oil every day to lubricate the nostrils.

For a runny nose of viral origin, prepare nasal drops. To do this, pour five drops of onion juice into 5 g of olive oil. The mixture should be used immediately after preparation.

Please note that any onion-based remedy for a runny nose should not be used by children under six years of age, with allergic rhinitis, and also with individual intolerance. Also, you can instill any such funds into the nose for no longer than three days, so that there is no mucosal burn.

For ear diseases

Onions also come to the rescue with a frequent complication after SARS or influenza – otitis media.

Take a large onion and carefully cut off the top of it. Cut out the core too. Pour a teaspoon of cumin into the resulting hole and send the vegetable to the oven. When the onion is soft, squeeze the juice into a bowl. Twice a day, bury this liquid in a sore ear, two to three drops.

For dry cough

Onion juice can effectively replace expensive expectorants with a painful unproductive cough.

Mix freshly squeezed juice in equal proportions with fresh, not candied honey. Take one tablespoon three times a day with meals.

Grind a small onion, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and mix it with 50 g of sugar. Let it brew for eight hours, then drink the juice in small sips. Repeat the procedure once a day until expectoration begins.

With the flu

During a flu epidemic, regularly lubricate the nasal mucosa with onion juice mixed with a few drops of water. This will greatly reduce the chance of infection.

With angina

For sore throat, drink one teaspoon of juice in the morning, afternoon and evening. It will help reduce inflammation and sore throat, as well as clear mucus from the airways.

In adenoids

Adenoid vegetations will help cure a mixture of the following ingredients: 10 ml of freshly squeezed onion juice, 10 g of honey, a teaspoon of melted propolis. Add fifteen grams of cocoa butter and 30 grams of sea buckthorn oil to it and mix thoroughly. Soak cotton swabs in the medicine and put them in the nostrils. Keep it for a quarter of an hour.


Due to the high biological activity and a very strong aroma, this product has quite a few contraindications. So, it is categorically not recommended to use it for those who suffer from gastritis in the acute stage, pancreatitis, gallbladder diseases, as well as any peptic ulcers.

With caution, it is worth approaching the use of this remedy for medicinal purposes for cores and asthmatics.

Finally, before using onion juice, make sure that you do not suffer from an individual intolerance.

Use in cosmetology

Onion juice is used not only for the prevention and treatment of a huge number of diseases, but also for cosmetic purposes.

For skin beauty

Onion juice has long been used as a skin tonic. It perfectly relieves inflammation, helps moisturize the skin, and also get rid of age spots. In addition, it will come to the aid of owners of oily skin, help to forget about unaesthetic shine, acne and the notorious “black dots”.

To get rid of acne, mix equal amounts of onion juice, milk, and yeast. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and wipe the problem areas with the resulting mixture.

To cleanse normal to dry skin, you can use a lotion based on onion juice and cream. Mix the juice of one lemon with half a tablespoon of cream, two tablespoons of vodka, one egg yolk and a tablespoon of onion juice. Wipe the skin with this mixture using a cotton swab, and after thirty minutes, wash your face first with warm and then cool water.

For skin tone, you can use a lotion of glycerin. To prepare it, you will need two teaspoons of honey and glycerin, two tablespoons of onion juice and medical alcohol, and two grams of sodium boric acid. Dissolve the glycerin and boric acid salt in a small amount of boiling water, then add the rest of the ingredients. Cool the mixture and wipe your face with it. Wash your face after half an hour.

In order to smooth out wrinkles, you can use ointment. To prepare it, mix thirty grams of onion juice with the same amount of white lily flower juice and the same volume of white wax. Heat the mixture over low heat in an earthenware pot. Apply warm to problem areas.

For hair beauty

Today, in pursuit of splendor and healthy shine of hair, fashionistas are acquiring more and more expensive products. At the same time, onion juice will help to accelerate the growth of curls, strengthen the bulbs, make the strands incredibly shiny and beautiful.

You can get rid of unaesthetic dandruff once and for all by rubbing a mixture of onion juice, cognac and decoction of burdock roots into the scalp (proportion 4:1:6). The problem is solved in just three procedures.

If your hair is dry and brittle after a perm or dye, pamper it with a resuscitating mask. Mix the juice of one large onion with 20 g of lemon juice and forty grams of cognac. Add one tablespoon each of honey and castor oil, one egg yolk and 10 drops of any essential oil. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and slightly heat the mixture in the microwave. After that, apply it on your hair and scalp. Keep the mask for sixty minutes, wearing a bathing cap and wrapping your head in a towel. Then wash your hair thoroughly with your regular shampoo. Make a mask at least twice a week – and soon your curls will regain their absolutely healthy look.

If hair begins to fall out, twice a week, rub three tablespoons of onion juice mixed with the same amount of castor oil into the roots. Keep the mask on for about forty minutes. After that, wash your hair with shampoo.

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